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Kinja- Builderfly Ecommerce Platform - How to create an amazing art store with Builderfly - 0 views

    Learn the process of creating a completely customizable art store. Insights into creating a beautiful art store with Builderfly. Builderfly is now providing a live demonstration of creating an online store of various business niches. The topic for the webinar is "How to create an amazing art store with Builderfly?" Ecommerce business owners, retailers, wholesalers, business enthusiast, art lovers, or anyone who is intrigued to learn about creating an ecommerce art store can create free store.
mikhail-miguel - AI-powered tools to create & modify art quickly & easily ( - 0 views

  • AI-powered tools to create & modify art quickly & easily (

Roll Art Die - Generate Artificial Intelligence Artworks from text on Apple Silicon Dev... - 0 views

    Roll Art Die: Generate Artificial Intelligence Artworks from text on Apple Silicon Devices, no cloud subscription needed (

55 Captivating Examples of Illustration Art - 0 views

    Some people say that, "A picture is worth a thousand words." This  is so true and we want to show you why. We have gathered some awesome art illustrations, that will totally inspire you. This collection contains many different art works, that are all beautiful. Please let us know what you think, b

20+ Of The Most Beautiful Book Sculpture Art - 0 views

    20+ Of The Most Beautiful Book Sculpture Art. With these following beautiful book sculptures, the value of books is really worthy.
Moses Aaron

2015's Top 10 Free Pixel Art Tools To Develop Sprites For Your HTML5 Games - 0 views

    So, you are searching for Free Pixel Art Tools to build finest Sprites For Your HTML5 Games? Don't worry. Here, we have collected 10 best Pixel Art tools that help you to develop sprites for HTML5 games without any hassle. Check it out and use now.

Stunning Illustration Art by David Lanham - 0 views

    David Lenham has a heck of an imagination, and loves traditional and digital arts. David studied drawing and design at the University of Central Florida, graduating in 2004. He is currently working for the Iconfactory, while keeping up with his personal work in the off time. He worked with clients
imran subhani

Rahim Daad from Pakistan - 0 views

    Pakistan, a beautiful country with a lot of art lovers, have many artists like Rahim Daad. Pakistani Professional Photographer, Faisal Saeed captured the skill and art of Rahim Daad. I love the colorful pottery by Rahim Daad. Colorful designed penny banks by Rahim Daad. Rahim Daad. Ra

Google - Performing Arts - Site of the Day January 13 2016 - 0 views

    Step on stage with the performing arts and watch the world's greatest performances come to life in 360º.

Artificial Art - Versatile image generation with user-defined styles ( - 0 views

    Artificial Art: Versatile image generation with user-defined styles (

50+ Beautiful and Imaginative Examples of Sci-Fi Digital Art - 0 views

    No matter which media, the sci-fi genre captures the imagination like no other, be it film, TV, books, gaming or art. Sci-fi doesn't trend, it is simply always popular and has been for many years, and I am sure will be for many years to come. It is a genre that frees the imagination, the artist, game creator or author can go where they will in their own minds to create amazing works that need absolutely no grounding in reality, and of course, sci-fi does not always have to be serious as a few of the works below will prove. In this round-up, we have collected more than 50 beautifully imaginative examples of digital sci-fi art for your viewing pleasure.

The Inspiration Stream | Veerle's blog 3.0 - Webdesign - XHTML CSS | Graphic Design - 0 views

    Nurture your creativity! Please sit back and soak in all the design goodness I discover as I explore print & web design, photography, art, type, and more. Updated frequently, this rich resource reflects my true nature: I'm a color-lover at heart.
    Nurture your creativity! Please sit back and soak in all the design goodness I discover as I explore print & web design, photography, art, type, and more. Updated frequently, this rich resource reflects my true nature: I'm a color-lover at heart.
high 4vision

Cheap ebooks download - 0 views

    Buy now cheap ebooks , cheap ebooks download in science, physics, medicine, biology, psychology, art, engineering, art, history, finance, management and more
Redesign Unit

Web Development Company Combines Science with Art - 0 views

    A web development company which combines Science and Art to deliver the best product is rare to find in this competitive world where each company is racing to win.
Manish Rawat

30+ Amazing Paper Artworks - 0 views

    Papercutting, originated from China is a thousand year old artwork and is first type of Papercutting design, since paper is invented. Since then this artwork has traveled various part of the world, taking different cultural shape. This art form is being practiced by very few as compared to other art

How to Use Common Sense along with Aesthetics? | Sample Words and Templates - 0 views

    Aesthetics is an important aspect of art and is mainly concerned with all the senses, i.e. vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, including emotions, and also responses to an object. The common sense and aesthetic aspects of art are actually complements of one another. An aesthetic work becomes excellent if it makes use of common sense…

Email marketing in Ecommerce is both a science & an art. - 0 views

    Ecommerce email marketing is both a science and an art. You can review your metrics and find areas to A/B test, but every test will likely call upon good copywriting and psychological triggers in order to increase performance. When using email marketing platforms and engaging with your list, there is no one method that works for every brand.

ArtHub - Artificial Intelligence art created by the community. Explore designs, images,... - 0 views

    ArtHub: Artificial Intelligence art created by the community. Explore designs, images, art & prompts (
mikhail-miguel Art Generator - Artificial Intelligence creates art from your words: 5M+ im... - 0 views

  • Art Generator: Artificial Intelligence creates art from your words: 5M+ images made (

30 Awesome and Creatively Expressive Graffiti Artworks - 0 views

    How're you all doing mates? In this post we will be featuring a little bit of Graffiti Art. Technically, Graffiti is defined as any writings or drawings that are usually sprayed, illegitimately, on public places. Although detested for its unapproved activities, graffiti artists find this kind of art as a way to show their artistic expression for their emotion, opinions, and personal messages. It is said that graffiti originated way back the ancient times and with no doubt, is still alive and sprayin' until today. To share to you some cool works, we have gathered 30 Awesome and Creatively Expressive Graffiti Artworks. Have a glimpse on some of the amazing artworks made by different graffiti artists around the world. You might want to have a pair of artistic eyes and open mindedness to appreciate these daring works of art. Come, take a peek, and your mind be sprayed. Enjoy!
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