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Laura Reed

Touch events - Web APIs | MDN - 3 views

    "The touch events interfaces are relatively low-level APIs that can be used to support application specific multi-touch interactions such as a two-finger gesture. A multi-touch interaction starts when a finger (or stylus) first touches the contact surface. Other fingers may subsequently touch the surface and optionally move across the touch surface. The interaction ends when the fingers are removed from the surface. During this interaction, an application receives touch events during the start, move and end phases."
LinkSture Technologies

Brando Responsive and Multipurpose OnePage WordPress Theme - 0 views

    Brando is a completely modern, feature-rich, professionally designed, fully responsive and multi-purpose onepage WordPress theme. You will have an impressive number of readymade onepage site demos as per your business nature like design / ad / digital media agency, architecture firm, personal resume / vcard / portfolio, freelancer, spa and beauty saloon, art and photography, wedding, restaurant / hotel, tours and travel agency, event landing page, tattoo maker but this is not the limit as you can combine multiple elements from different innovative demo to achieve the style as per your imagination. It provides multiple eye-catching portfolio and blog layouts as well as coming soon page for showcasing your projects, news and other content. The Visual Composer - a widely used, premium, drag & drop enabled, quick content editing tool is integrated and included in the theme free of cost to helps you create and manage website pages content without touching the code. It also offers theme settings panel to manage overall website layout, colors, fonts, header, footer, social sharing and much more. It provides a great import feature to import demo data for your desired onepage demo or multiple different demos also quickly. Brando is extremely polished, cutting edge implementation of high-end search engine optimization enhancement techniques from the well structured and fast executable codebase, better result in all devices and browsers, and rendering your pages spectacularly effective to achieve the top ranks for all the relevant searches at an impressive high speed and hence resulting in higher level of traffic.
Vernon Fowler

Tracking Google Analytics Events with Google Tag Manager - YouMoz - Moz - 0 views

    "Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a great tool that can really streamline the implementation of your favorite web analytics tool. Basically, you put a container tag on your site by editing your template and then you should be able manage the configuration and the data collection process of your web analytics tool without touching your template again. You should be able to do it, but the truth is you are not because of the dreadful lack of documentation about this tool."
Richard Boss

VirtualBuzzer - Speedquizzing iPhone App - 0 views

    SpeedQuizzing Virtual Buzzer for Speedquizzing is an iphone app designed to turn your iphone or ipod touch in to a SpeedQuizzing quiz remote or buzzer for use only at SpeedQuizzing events.
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