The promoters of the company had a company selling multimedia solutions for 5 years and were distributors of Macromedia selling Flash and Authorware the 2 prime authoring toolkits for creating CDROMs and presentations. In one of the workshops we found that worldwide there was a latent demand for CDROM content and the idea of Reality was born. Reality was incorporated to provide Indian based CD content for national and international markets - probably among the first few in India. In the next 5 years we produced over 30+ titles which included titles on Temples of India, Taj Mahal, Goa, Yoga, Ayurveda, Rajasthan and Ragamala. We also did a initiative with Vigyan Ashram - Dr Kalbag renowned for his dedication to rural education for three CD's to teach assembling of computers to rural children in Hindi , Marathi and Gujarati.