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in title, tags, annotations or urlHow to Win at Interviews - 0 views
Jobphases help to Job Interview Preparation for Job-Seekers, Interview Grooming Classes, Quizzes for Interview Preparation and Job Advice for Career.JobPhases Chill Zone has these Lists and Collections - our recommendations - to adopt Foreign Languages,Online Certifications, Continued Adult Lifelong Learning.
interactive video. unleashed. - 0 views
Free flipped learning tool to transform video content into an active learning experience for students through time-embedded formative assessments. Monitoring system helps you answer key questions in a flipped environment such as "Did my students watch the video?" and "What learning objectives did my students struggle with?". A few examples of eduCanon lessons: English as a foreign language (from a music video): Biology (from powtoons): Elementary math (from Khan Academy):
Teaching chain stories - 0 views
Hello, I am Durga Pandeya from Nepal. I teach English as a \nsecond/foreign language to 14 to 18 age group students. I have been \nworking as a teacher for 15 years in a government school of ...
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