K12 Online Conference 2008 | K12Online08 Call for Proposals: Amplifying Possibilities - 0 views
Peggy George on 07 May 08Just announced by Wes Fryer. This is always an awesome conference and your presentations live on forever. Take a look at the information and submit a proposal. :-) Always lots of great presentations for teachers.
Peggy George on 07 May 08Time to start submitting proposals for the K12online conference 2008. Details here. Deadline: June 23, 2008. This year's conference is scheduled for October 20-24 and October 27-31 of 2008, and will include a pre-conference keynote during the week of October 13. The conference theme for 2008 is "Amplifying Possibilities." Participation in the conference (as in the past) is entirely free.