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Bryan Dumelin

Web hosting provider - - domain hosting - PHP Hosting - cheap web hosting ... - 0 views

    For this class and all my web hosting experiences, I have only used web hosting services. They make it so simple and easy to host your sites - multiple sites are really easy to host ( a folder file system). You can upload to the server using FTP or a secure web disk if using a mac. Sites are then hosted on 2 platforms - public or private. Thus allowing for secure areas for additional site functionality. What is also great about this service is that I have a file server wherever I go - no longer do I need to worry about carting a flash drive or disk with me everywhere, all I need is my computer. They are 100% reliable, was easy to transfer my domains to them and host all my pages. Definitely recommend it.
Bryan Dumelin - 0 views

    This is my rendering of the comment submit section. Everything seems to be submitting correctly, however, i just can't seem to get the database to populate. I reviewed the videos mutiple times with no answer. I thought it may be the 'localhost' issue, but does not give any of the options that we saw on 'nfs'...after about 7 hours of troubleshooting and every possible configuration... if anyone has ideas i would love to hear them....other than that, the site works flawlessly. Hope you enjoy.
    Well, "other than that" is pretty much at the core. I wouldn't have known it was a problem if you hadn't mentioned it (will have to change the assignment). But this is a really core thing to figure out. If you can't actually store the material, then you won't be able to do this sort of exchange when you want to make your own stuff. There's nothing obviously wrong with your code. My guess is that there is something up with your username/pass or table names, but without an "or die" statement, we'll never know...
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