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yc c

Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast - with Thomas Fuchs - 0 views

    Hi, I'm Thomas Fuchs. I'm the author of the user interface JavaScript library, a member of the Prototype core team and a Ruby on Rails core alumnus.
yc c

Panic - Coda - One-Window Web Development for Mac OS X - 0 views

    So, we code web sites by hand. And one day, it hit us: our web workflow was wonky. We'd have our text editor open, with Transmit open to save files to the server. We'd be previewing in Safari, adjusting SQL in a Terminal, using a CSS editor and reading references on the web. "This could be easier," we declared. "And much cooler."
yc c

Fullsize : A New IMG Tag Attribute - 0 views

    Even though Fullsize is not currently in the next HTML spec (yet :), you can still get Fullsize for FREE! I created a jQuery Plug-In that does just what is described above and what you see in the video below. Since there is no fullsize attribute for the tag yet, I am using the longdesc attribute instead. longdesc is a completely valid image attribute and is meant to contain a URL to a description of the image. The Fullsize jQuery plug-in is super easy to use, and provides a kick start to standardizing the way image pop-ups look and work.
yc c

Mocklinkr - 0 views

    Before building a web application it's useful to sketch the pages and talk them through with the client. We call these sketches mockups. Instead of emailing the pictures to our clients, we upload them to In just a few minutes (really), we turn the pictures into a prototype our clients can play with. Our clients love using a "working" system and we get better feedback because they're hands-on instead of imagining how it would work. Also, with prospective clients we can quickly and concretely demonstrate our understanding of their needs.
Philippe Bodart

website designer - 0 views

    Our company is dedicated to the website design and implementation of user-centered websites that give organizations a serious competitive edge through consistent and clear communication to customers in a powerful medium. Our websites are designed and developed around a world-class content management system (CMS) that allows your organization to manage and update web content without the use of code and use them for internet marketing to reach to the end users.
cafe software

My Profitable Business Career - 1 views

Managing a cafe is a tedious task because I need to have a close supervision with my business sales and transactions. So I decided to purchase a cafe POS software that will help me have an easier m...

Online system

started by cafe software on 23 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
yc c

Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group Demos - 0 views

    Current HTML5 Demos Our most recent demo is a sample company home page written using HTML5's features. We also have some examples from a Google tech talk showing some HTML5 demos written on the fly. Some of the demos, as well as the video from the talk, are available online. Older demos These demos were created to show some of the features of Web Forms 2. Not all these features were kept, but the demos remain for those looking at the history of HTML5. Repetition model A simple demonstration of the repetition model of Web Forms 2.0 Prefilling the repetition model A simple demonstration of the form prefilling features of the repetition model of Web Forms 2.0 The "datetime" type A simple demonstration of the datetime input type of Web Forms 2.0 Controls belonging to multiple forms A simple demonstration of the form attribute in Web Forms 2.0
Omar Paulo

60 Excellent Examples of Illustration in Web Design | Inspiration - 0 views

    The great thing about web design is that we have an enormous range of styles, techniques and ideas to implement when designing a website. You can go from Super Clean and Minimal Layouts to Colorful Layouts, and you can use Huge Typography or Hand Drawn elements, as long as you keep your style and give your website your own personality. As illustration is somewhere in between those options and is something that can give your website a very unique touch, we decided to gather a selection of illustrated websites to inspire you.
yc c

True Font Family - Use TrueType web fonts on any type of website without Flash using PH... - 0 views

    Script that renders your TTF's in any browser
yc c

Tinrocket, LLC | HyperDither 1bit B&W dithering for mac - 0 views

    HyperDither is an OS X image processing utility that converts color or grayscale images to 1 bit black & white using a sophisticated dithering routine. Way back in the early days of Macintosh, Bill Atkinson (of HyperCard, QuickDraw, MacPaint & nature photography fame) developed a very elegant dithering filter to convert greyscale image data to the 1 bit black & white Mac video display. The dithering produced by this routine was much higher quality than the now-a-days ubiquitous Floyd-Steinberg or "Error-diffusion" filter (used by QuickTime, PhotoShop).

    The dither matrix was implemented an option in Apple's HyperScan software (A HyperCard stack with some XCMDs/XFCNs) that would connect to a flatbed scanner. HyperScan, and hence the most-excellent Atkinson dithering routine, has been unavailable for many, many years-but not forgotten! I was able to email Bill Atkinson in January, 2003 and inquire about the details of the algorithm; he was kind enough to respond with a brief write up of the routine-15 minutes later I had it up and running.
    It's taken a few spare afternoons since 2003 to pack everything into a nice little application with documentation and an icon-better late than never!
yc c

Zoomify Express - 0 views

shared by yc c on 11 Mar 07 - Cached
    Zoomifyer EZ makes high-quality images fast and easy to view! It's simple to use, just drag any image onto the Zoomify Converter, then copy the folder it creates to your web site - no special setup is needed. Your site visitors use a tiny Flash movie as the 'viewer' - so there's nothing to download or install. And it's completely free - no strings!
yc c - ZVON - 0 views

    good ref. to use combined with w3c's
yc c

Mozilla/Firefox Tabs - 0 views

    Here you'll find a collection of Mozilla and Firefox Sidebar Tabs. Note: Some sidebars use archive copies of Netscape devedge ref.
yc c

Safari Reference Library - 0 views

    Explore a comprehensive collection of guides, reference, and other resources for developing web applications and content for Safari. The Safari Reference Library provides detailed information for web developers on iPhone, iPod touch, Mac, and PC. These resources include guides and articles, API reference documents, sample code, release notes, and technical notes. Use these resources to learn about Safari's developer tools, visual effects, HTML and CSS support, JavaScript and DOM support, and other features and technologies. The library is organized by Topics and Resource Types.
Philippe Bodart

content management system and ecommerce shopping cart - 0 views

    Content Management System (CMS) is a robust, easy-to-use web content manager built upon a flexible application framework.The application is particularity well suited for small and medium sized e-commerce applications and for companies who want to set-up an e-commerce application for a fixed budget.
Philippe Bodart

content management system - 0 views

    Content Management System (CMS) is a robust, easy-to-use web content manager built upon a flexible application framework. The application is particularity well suited for small and medium sized e-commerce applications and for companies who want to set-up an e-commerce application for a fixed budget.
yc c

Truly W3C Community building at WWW2010 (Part 2) - W3C Blog - 0 views

    The very recent announcements from Microsoft ("The Future of the Web is HTML5"), Apple ("We are betting big on HTML5") and Google ("New open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win on mobile devices (and PCs too)") prove that, while HTML5 is still a work in progress, W3C is increasing implementation experience and building community support. W3C organized an HTML5 camp in the W3C track @ WWW2010. We started with a contextual presentation about HTML5 and a whole range of other W3C technologies which contribute to the ever-expanding Web platform (including CSS3, SVG, and Canvas). Cool slides demonstrated what can already be achieved in most browsers these days. In particular, do not miss the "Rough View of the Future", the funny "Memory Game", the "XHTML5/SVG Video Player", and "Beyond HTML5". To reinforce how simple and easy it is to use Web standards, Philippe Le Hégaret did a live coding session of a SVG/HTML5 video player. Philippe pointed out that, while a lot of work remains on the HTML5 specification inside the HTML Working Group, things are moving forward. Doug Schepers also drew "wow!" and "ahhh!" with his presentation on The Graphical Web, where he demonstrated the features and differences of SVG and Canvas. These graphics technologies complement each other well, and both technologies are enjoying broad support across browsers. HTML5 is getting a lot of coverage nowadays and it's certainly an exciting time to work in Web standards. We look forward to providing even cooler demos in the months and years ahead!
shalani mujer

Gain Computer Help Fast Today - 2 views

I usually depend on wireless internet access. Everywhere I go my laptop is always with me so I can use the internet everywhere and anytime. However, there was a time when my laptop got infected by ...

computer help

started by shalani mujer on 06 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
yc c

CU3ER - flash 3D image slider! - 0 views

    CU3ER is flash 3D image slider, it's free, easy to set-up, customizable via XML, tailored to provide a unique look & feel, inspiring and fun to use! You can Flip, rotate, cut, shade...
yc c

Compass - 0 views

    Compass is a stylesheet authoring framework that makes your stylesheets and markup easier to build and maintain. With compass, you write your stylesheets in Sass instead of CSS. Using the power of Sass Mixins and the Compass community, you can apply battle-tested styles from frameworks like Blueprint to your stylesheets instead of your markup.
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