Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group Demos - 0 views
yc c on 27 May 10Current HTML5 Demos Our most recent demo is a sample company home page written using HTML5's features. We also have some examples from a Google tech talk showing some HTML5 demos written on the fly. Some of the demos, as well as the video from the talk, are available online. Older demos These demos were created to show some of the features of Web Forms 2. Not all these features were kept, but the demos remain for those looking at the history of HTML5. Repetition model A simple demonstration of the repetition model of Web Forms 2.0 Prefilling the repetition model A simple demonstration of the form prefilling features of the repetition model of Web Forms 2.0 The "datetime" type A simple demonstration of the datetime input type of Web Forms 2.0 Controls belonging to multiple forms A simple demonstration of the form attribute in Web Forms 2.0