TruTranscripts suggests a few techniques one should consider if your end product is a transcript. They strongly encourage the use of lapel or lavaliere microphones and express that you not be apprehensive about asking the participants to wear one; the positive results benefit thetranscribers ( and in the end, produce a cleaner transcript. Other external microphones can be utilized. For example, some of their customers obtained good results by using omni directional and table conference microphones that can be purchased where audio equipment and accessories are sold. Also, set the recording speed to standard or SP for a higher sound quality. Do not use voice-activated devices. Pay careful consideration to the surrounding conditions, background noises and ambient sounds. Test the voice dynamics of the participants. Some individuals speak loudly in the beginning then trail off; this is very common and almost always problematic, therefore adjustments should be made at this point. When asked about the concern over voice recognition technology, TruTranscripts says they have had clients try it but were very disappointed with the results, citing garbled phrases and unintelligible words, especially with multiple voices or the presence of ambient sound. Ultimately, they returned to traditional transcribing methods (