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Usage d'internet dans un collège et ressources - 5 views

    Usage d'internet dans un collège et ressources

Ressources jeunesse | Jeunes, Internet, réseaux sociaux : Accès, usages, repr... - 3 views

    Ressources jeunesse | Jeunes, Internet, réseaux sociaux : Accès, usages, représentations, outils
Ako Z°om

Le Web2.0 illustré en une seule image - 0 views

  • Si tu essayes de définir le web2 tu vas t’arracher les cheveux… Le principe du schéma est très très bon, car il permet d’exprimer l’inexprimable ! Pour ma part, je pense que le web2 ne se définit pas, tout simplement car on ne définit pas une époque ! Le web2 c’est une époque, une période qui correspond à une mutation des usages grâce à des évolutions techniques. On peut lister les usages, lister les évolutions techniques, essayer de comprendre pourquoi il y a eu une évolution, mais définir un terme à la base “marketing” je ne vois pas l’intérêt. On peut le schématiser, on peut donner des exemples, imaginer ce que sera la suite, mais le définir… impossible, voir absurde ! Ex : wikipedia c’est totalement web2 non ? Pourtant ca existait bien au moment du web1 non ? Alors le web1 était aussi web2 ou c’est l’inverse ? Bref, du débat à perte de vue en perspective… peu constructif… et qui aura comme conséquence l’effet inverser recherché : semer le trouble. Ton schéma est très très bon. Il ne présente pas tous les concepts (et c’est pour ça qu’il est bon). Autant multiplier les schémas autant de fois qu’il y a un concept fondateur du web2. Un exemple de schéma qui serait intéressant, serait de mettre en regard les évolutions technologiques avec les mutations des usages sur une ligne temporelle. Ex : généralisation du haut débit (technique) ->augmentation du tps passé par les internautes sur le net + augmentation de la consommation de médias lourds (photos, vidéos)->Youtube. etc !
    for a def of web 2 ... in french !
    une definition des possibilités du web2 ... voir l'illustration
John Onwuegbu

Browser Wars: Desktop Browser Usage Trend for First Quarter 2014 | Questechie - 3 views

    Whilst, Internet Explorer 10 directly trails the path of IE9, using Windows features devoid of abstractions, layers and libraries that slow down web experience, ensuring most enhanced performance.
John Onwuegbu

Review: WhatsApp Messenger Application Success in Nigeria - 5 views

    Instant Messaging is perhaps one of the most engaged activities in modern internet usage in Nigeria, especially by the young internet users, who are always seeking for new ways to connect with friends and business associates.
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Janos Haits

LeFeed | Learns & Organizes News Feed, Recommends New Content - 10 views

    Simply LeFeed analyzes your interests and usage on facebook, and uses this statistics to organize your news feed and recommend new stuff. LeFeed provides + / - buttons, so you can vote up / down posts. You may choose to let LeFeed automatically like on facebook too when you vote up a post. LeFeed Recommends new content and subjects by analyzing your and your friends interests. LeFeed immediately starts learning about you when you logged in, so you will see your custom recommendations when you signed up.

Cinq applications pour tout organiser - Yahoo! Actualités France - 2 views

    Cinq applications pour tout organiser - Yahoo! Actualités France
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Ako Z°om

walk2web - Walk. Explore. Have Fun ;) - 0 views

    more designed than soem other around web explorer.. may be a good usage to find inside links of preferred sites ...
Helen Baxter

Enterprise Web 2.0 :: Web 2.0 Re-examined: Part 2 - What is Web 2.0? - 1 views

  • What Is Web 2.0? Web 2.0 is the next evolution of the web that has a new usage paradigm as well as a new technology paradigm. The former is characterized by “architecture of participation” and the latter is characterized by “architecture of partition”. The “Consumer-centric” View Causes Confusion There is no doubt that the “web 2.0” phenomenon is ignited by the success of consumer websites like MySpace, YouTube and Flickr.  From these consumer website, analysts established “social networking” via the network effect as a key feature of web 2.0. Though it is possible that enterprise oriented social computing applications may emerge to address specific enterprise concerns, it is not clear how social networking can change enterprise IT on a more fundamental level. Analysts further characterized “Architecture of Participation” as another key element of web 2.0, as evident from YouTube and Flickr. Similarly it is unclear whether/how “architecture of participation” would impact enterprise IT mission. Enterprise IT’s mission is simple: to enable and facilitate the interaction and integration of IT systems and people. There is no doubt that web 2.0 applications like blogs and wikis based on “architecture of participation” can be useful to enterprises, but is there anything beyond blogs and wikis? The key technology behind most consumer web 2.0 websites, Ajax, is not new. The popular “mashup” concept sounds new but in reality is based on what has been built into the browser for many years. The “consumer-centric” perspective limits how we look at the technology aspect of web 2.0 and leads to the conclusion that web 2.0 involves no technology advancement. Further, “architecture of participation”, “social networking” and “harness the collective intelligence” are all usage patterns. They do not relate to technology. In fact, they can be supported well on web 1.0 technologies; reinforcing the common belief that web 2.0 has no technology foundation but rather a buzzword created by marketers.  The Differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 Tim O’Reilly observed the differences between web 1.0 and web 2.0 from a consumer perspective in his original essay: Web 1.0   Web 2.0 DoubleClick --> Google AdSense Ofoto --> Flickr Akamai --> BitTorrent --> Napster Britannica Online --> Wikipedia personal websites --> blogging evite --> and EVDB domain name speculation --> search engine optimization page views --> cost per click screen scraping --> web services publishing --> participation content management systems --> wikis directories (taxonomy) --> tagging ("folksonomy") stickiness --> syndicationFrom Consumer Web 1.0 to Consumer Web 2.0    From an enterprise perspective, web 2.0 introduces a very different set of changes:  Web 1.0   Web 2.0 Browser --> Application Client Container HTML --> Declarative application markup HTTP(pull, unreliable) --> Push, pub/sub, reliable Application Server --> Mashup Server Appilcation Integration --> Enterprise Mashup/SOA Press release --> Corporate blogs Packaged software --> On demand/Saas Close source --> Open source Top down (dictatorship) --> Bottom up (democracy) Superbowl Ad/TV --> Google AdFrom Enterprise Web 1.0 to Enterprise Web 2.0 The Two Pillars: Consumer Web 2.0 and Enterprise Web 2.0 Web 2.0 has two pillars: consumer web 2.0 and enterprise web 2.0. These two do overlap, in particular, in the area of social computing. Consumer web 2.0 and enterprise web 2.0 have different characteristics, as shown below: Consumer Web 1.0   Enterprise Web 2.0 Architecture of Participation Architecture of Partition Social networking On Demand computing/SaaS Harness collective intelligence Enterprise social computing HTML Mashup Enterprise mashup Rich User Experience Rich User Experience The Web As Platform The Web As PlatformKey Characteristics of Consumer Web 2.0 and Enterprise Web 2.0 The technology paradigm shifts with web 2.0 brings tremendous, tangible and measurable ROI to corporate IT. Further, the new possibilities enabled by web 2.0 such as social computing are bringing corporate IT to new horizons.
awqi zar

The State of the Internet - 7 views

    Here we take a look at exactly who is using the Internet the most, how they are using it and how much the amount of usage is increasing. At a glance, we can see that there are the same number of men and women who use the Internet. However, their age, educational background and level of income may influence how much time they spend online.
awqi zar

Brazilian social project integrates Moodle with Live@Edu - Port 25: The Open Source Com... - 11 views

    As you may know, Microsoft announced last July the Live Services Plug-in for Moodle, a free download released under the General Public License v2 that integrates Microsoft's Live@Edu services such as email, calendar, instant messaging and search directly into the Moodle experience. The move was very important for Microsoft in the educational space in Latin America, as adoption and usage are surging in the region for Live@Edu, Microsoft's free communication and collaboration solution that educational institutions can offer their students.
Ehsan Ullah

How Many Twitter Accounts Do I Need? - 0 views

    This is the question which is asked from many webmasters and other peoples on online forums but the answer of this question depends on the goal that you have for your Twitter usage.
Cara Whitehead

Contractions - 0 views

    Free games to reinforce the usage and spelling of contractions.
Shahzad Khan

In search of wisdom...: 100 Online Apps and Tools to make your life easy! - 0 views

    The top 100 Online apps and tools which I have collated according to my own experience and usage. If you think I've missed on any of the tools that you've been using, then kindly mention it in the comments along with a link.
Allison Burrell

Slife Web | Time Management Software - 14 views

    This plan allows you to track your usage of applications, documents and web sites. It comes with real-time activity tracking, privacy controls and visual analytics. Your activity data will be stored in our system for only 3 months and we will offer limited technical support.

TTSMaker - Free text-to-speech tool that offers over 100+ different Artificial Intellig... - 0 views

    TTSMaker: Free online text-to-speech tool that supports unlimited usage ( TTSMaker: Free text-to-speech tool that offers over 100+ different Artificial Intelligence voice synthesis services (
Scott Kinkoph

JeopardyLabs - Online Jeopardy Template - 16 views

    I have this on my group diigo page also. It is great and the usages are endless. Many templates are already made you just have to serch for a topic and it might be a jeopardy game you can use without recreating one yourself. A really great way to reinforce a lesson. To get students to buy in to the method, try using one with celebrities or something not as academic first. They will love it and then try it with the lesson you want to reinforce. Great for special needs students and reluctant learners.
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
John Onwuegbu

Net Applications: Microsoft Edge & IE decline by 2.3 per cent | Questechie - 2 views

    The report pegged the combined user share of Internet Explorer (IE) and Edge at 28.4% for October, while IE has shed 20.2 percentage points in 2016 alone.
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