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Janos Haits

The 2cloud Project - Home - 15 views

    We want to enable users to move content between their devices seamlessly. Whether you're reading a webpage, watching a video, looking at pictures, or listening to music, we want to make it possible to move that content to whatever device is most convenient for you.
Rohit Yadav

Monitor your health with - 0 views

    Azoi, a technology company today announced Wello - a iPhone case which also monitors your health. The case has sensors built in that can give you a picture of your overall health after holding it a special way for just a few seconds.
Janos Haits

Jelly - 16 views

    Using Jelly is kinda like using a conventional search engine in that you ask it stuff and it returns answers. But, that's where the similarities end. Albert Einstein famously said, "Information is not knowledge." Knowledge is the practical application of information from real human experience. Jelly changes how we find answers because it uses pictures and people in our social networks.
Janos Haits

Pimagic, free online image editor for everyone - Pikock - 15 views

    Simple free online photo editor - made for everyone. Pimagic help you to make your pictures outstanding thanks to unique filters and the smart resizing/cropping tool.
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Janos Haits

Pimagic, Free online image editor made for everyone - 10 views

    "Simple free online photo editor, made for everyone. Pimagic help you to make your pictures outstanding thanks to unique filters and the smart resizing/cropping tool."
Janos Haits

Photo Sharing for Twitter and Facebook | Plixi - 11 views

    Plixi is a service for sharing pictures around people, places and events and creating collective memories. Plixi allows users to instantly share their photos to popular social networks through mobile devices and on the web.
Janos Haits - 9 views

  • helps you create and share galleries online. Drag your pictures onto this page, and we'll do the rest.
Zulkarnain K.

AllofMe | Put yourself together - 0 views

    "Automatically create a Personal Timeline of your Life from any digital assets you have, such as pictures, videos, blogs, documents, or any internet page."
Omar Cafini

Xoopit - 0 views

    Love Your Inbox Get Xoopit for Gmail Find and share the pictures, videos, and files buried in your inbox
Helen Baxter

Hello : Welcome - 0 views

  • When you use Hello, you get to see your photographs together with your friends online. You don’t have to wait for huge email attachments to download or upload your pictures to a public website. Just point at a picture and you can tell the person who sent it exactly what you think. With just one click, you can get the original high-quality, full-sized file to print.
shravan mishra

Create amazing effects with photoshop - 0 views

    Face paint dripping effect Photoshop is a very advanced software and very handy tool to create mesmerizing effects and give your pictures a new texture and new life. In photoshop you can create text and image...

It's always better online - 1 views

    There is still a major fraction of industry that refuses to accept the full efficiency and economy of the Internet. Sure, they might be using email and Google search, but that's about it. I'd like to create a list that spans various cross-sections of industries that are still missing the big picture. Feel free to chirp in with any other examples.
leo bnu

100 Tips to Be a Smarter, Better Twitterer | Computer Colleges - 0 views

    For Beginners If you're just getting started, be sure to follow these tips. 1. Set up your profile: Give people a glimpse beyond what your tweets reveal. 2. Include a picture: Make sure you add a photo of yourself so that your tweets will be more personal. 3. Create a simple and short Twitter name: The longer your Twitter ID, the more space it takes up, and having a complicated name can make it hard for people to respond to or mention you. 4. Just do it: Don't just lurk-jump into the conversation. 5. Make your profile link something that tells more about you: Share your blog, an about me page, or any other page that offers more information about the person behind the tweets. 6. Share photos: Post your photos on Twitter to shake things up a bit and add some interest to your stream. 7. Use proper grammar: Occasional abbreviations are passable, but make sure that your tweets are readable. 8. Use your real name: Build your personal brand by choosing your real name as your Twitter ID. 9. List your location: Many people use Twitter for local networking, so they'll be more likely to follow you if they know where you are. 10. Learn the lingo: If you don't know what DM, @, RT, and other Twitter symbols and words are, look them up or ask. 11. Don't rush to build your network: Don't follow hundreds of people right away-allow your following to grow organically. 12. Reply to someone with @: Place an @ sign in front of someone's name on Twitter to write to them specifically, or simply just mention them-they will be notified that you did so. 13. Shrink your URLs: Use a URL shortener like TinyURL or to make it easier to fit into 140 characters. 14. Use your mobile device: Tweet from your phone, iPod, or other mobile device to keep your Twitter updated on the go, using the mobile web or text. 15. Find your friends: Use Twitter's search in order to find your friends, organizations, and others that you may want to follow o
awqi zar

Windows Phone 7 Series hands-on and impressions (updated with video) -- Engadget - 3 views

    Forget everything you know about Windows Mobile. Seriously, throw the whole OS concept in a garbage bin or incinerator or something. Microsoft has done what would have been unthinkable for the company just a few years ago: started from scratch. At least, that's how things look (and feel) with Windows Phone 7 Series. This really is a completely new OS -- and not just Microsoft's new OS, it's a new smartphone OS, like webOS new, like iPhone OS new. You haven't used an interface like this before (well, okay, if you've used a Zune HD then you've kind of used an interface like this). Still, 7 Series goes wider and deeper than the Zune by a longshot, and it's got some pretty intense ideas about how you're supposed to be interacting with a mobile device. We had a chance to go hands-on with the dev phone before today's announcement, and hear from some of the people behind the devices, and here's our takeaway. (And don't worry, we've got loads of pictures and video coming, so keep checking this post for the freshest updates).
Janos Haits

Hitmarks | Social Bookmarking | Popular Stories | News Sharing | Popular Bookmarks / Pu... - 4 views

  • is a Free Social Bookmarking Community which is one of its type. Hitmarks gives all the writing, posting and editing rights of their posts to the users itself. It is unique from all others by allowing the members to post Text, pictures, audio files and video files.
Janos Haits

WizDrop - 13 views

    Drop your multimedia content to to your contacts. Select your picture, audio or video file. With free test, the first minute of audio or video will be encoded.
Janos Haits

DIASPORA* - 17 views

    Diaspora is the social network that puts you in control of your information. You decide what you'd like to share, and with whom. You retain full ownership of all your information, including friend lists, messages, photos, and profile details. "Share what you want, with who you want." Full Control: built-in If you take twenty photos at a party, you can show the three least-incriminating to your coworkers, while posting the whole set to your friends. Your coworkers can't find out that they're seeing the expurgated version. Future employers can't either. You can post updates to everyone, to just your close friends, to just your family, or to any other subset of your friends. It's easy to make these groups, called "aspects," and it's straightforward to share different things with different aspects. Diaspora doesn't expose your information to advertisers, or to games you play, or to other websites you visit. It's inherently private - you tell Diaspora who gets to see those pictures of your kids, and only those people will see them. Period. Choose a home, make an account, and invite your friends to join you! Take back your network.
Janos Haits

webdoc beta - For rich expression - 14 views

    A new place for rich conversations. Where everyone can contribute by posting their own mix of pictures, videos, sounds and cool apps.
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