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Neural frames - Transform words into motion with Neural Frames, the Artificial Intellig... - 0 views

    Neural frames: Transform words into motion with Neural Frames, the Artificial Intelligence text-to-video tool (
mikhail-miguel Art Generator - Artificial Intelligence creates art from your words: 5M+ im... - 0 views

  • Art Generator: Artificial Intelligence creates art from your words: 5M+ images made (

Topaz Video Artificial Intelligence - Unlimited access to production-grade neural netwo... - 0 views

    Topaz Video Artificial Intelligence: Unlimited access to production-grade neural networks for video optimization (
John Onwuegbu

Google Assistant: How Google's new digital Assistant will help voice-driven AI? | Quest... - 5 views

    Google Assistant is built on the deep neural networks of Google Search, with the knowledge base of Google Now, and the advanced natural language recognition that's been evolving with Android.
John Onwuegbu

Google Translate switches to Neural Machine Translation framework | Questechie - 1 views

    While Google Translate already boasts of great accuracy in language translations thanks to the built-in engine that can translate between any two languages, now the new improved system is even more dexterous in translation, able to render one language to another even if those two weren't paired previously.

Now, MIT's superhuman tech can see through thick walls - 0 views

    After beating humans in playing games and detecting diseases, AI-backed machines are doing things that are way beyond human control. A new report has revealed that the folks at MIT have developed a machine vision tech that has the superhuman ability to see what's going behind walls or a dark room.

2 apb - 1 views

shared by glpbio on 26 Sep 24 - No Cached
    2-APB is a nonspecific antagonist of calcium channels, commonly used in studies of calcium signaling, such as in apoptosis, muscle contraction, and neural transmission. It is a membrane-permeable inhibitor of the inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) sensitive Ca2+ channels, with an IC50 value of 42μM when the concentration of InsP3 is 100nm[1]. Additionally, 2-APB has been found to affect the activity of TRP channels at certain concentrations [2].
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