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Unlimited Web Solutions in Pakistan - 0 views

    Server4Sale Solutions specializes in providing the best web solutions to all clients all over the world. Web solutions in Pakistan are provided by well trained and experienced professionals. This web site offers all the opportunities to make your online presence on the internet very strong. Server4Sale solutions are nothing but the best web design company in Pakistan that offers the best services to clients worldwide. Website designing is not just all about placing some nice graphics and you proceed with a simple HTML editor to be done with it. Your website represents your representation and nature of your organization so web solutions have a great place in any organization s, especially in Pakistan. Unlimited benefits of web hosting in Pakistan can offer you to get your organization's online presence. In this article, I am going to discuss the unlimited hosting plans offered by these web hosting companies. Unlimited packages offered by web hosting companies in Pakistan are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, 3 Months, 6 Months, 12 Month, One Year, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Linux Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting, Virtual Private Servers (VPS), Clustered Servers (CVS), Self Configuring Browsing Engine (SCM) and a lot more. You should choose web hosting companies that offer unlimited packages and make sure to get the package that suits your requirement. The most important thing is the amount of space provided on a shared web server. It means that you need to check out the disk space limit offered by the company. If you are using the website for personal purposes then don't go for the huge packages, just select the one that fits your requirement.
awqi zar

Aaronontheweb | The Myth of the Single-Person Startup - 9 views

    My objective was to take a month off work, shut myself away in my apartment, spend a month coding up all of the basic plumbing I needed to get the first core part of my service in working order, and profit. Needless to say, I failed to reach my goals,  but not for any of the typical reasons like poor project planning, lack-of-focus, and so forth. No, I failed because I took the experiences of other entrepreneurs too literally and tried to "be my own boss," without appreciating what that really means.
Cara Whitehead

February: Black History Month - 5 views

    February is Black History Month. Here's a word list to add to your lesson plans! This list can be used to play all of the games and activities on our site.
Danielle Klaus

Best of Technology Bites 2007 - 0 views

  • I will list here my best posts of 2007. I didn’t took time to list popular posts by month, so i am just posting a list of popular posts of the year 2007.
    I will list here my best posts of 2007. I didn't took time to list popular posts by month, so i am just posting a list of popular posts of the year 2007.
mbarek Akaddar

Google TV to be Unveiled Next Month - 18 views

    Google TV to be Unveiled Next Month
freattz zine

Social Media : StumbleUpon Hits 1 Billion Stumbles Per Month, Cheers Your `Thumbs Up` t... - 0 views

    Social Media : StumbleUpon Hits 1 Billion Stumbles Per Month, Cheers Your `Thumbs Up` to StumbleUpon : World Wired Society
Cara Whitehead

March: Women's History Month - 4 views

    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Janos Haits

Tinderizer - Sending articles to your Kindle device, one click at a time! - 16 views

    Sending articles to your Kindle device, one click at a time! Sent 1517 articles this month!
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Ehsan Ullah

The Most Common Affiliate Marketing Mistakes That Should Be Avoided - 0 views

    There are thousands of affiliate marketing out there earning thousands of dollars monthly but the majority of beginners struggling to earn at least $100 a month.
Ehsan Ullah

Most Popular Posts Of Online News and Web Tips In 2012 - 0 views

    Here you'll find the most popular posts of my blog (Online News and Web Tips) which I wrote in the first and second month of 2012.
Janos Haits

Diaspora Poduptime - Find your new social home - 9 views

    Hosting your own Diaspora* pod? Click here to add. Need Hosting? VPS from $6 a month for your own pod!
Janos Haits

Bilbary - 18 views

    Content: We aim to offer all the ebooks in the world. In the next few months we will add 750,000 titles.
Janos Haits

Social Couponing for Electronics, Apparel, DVDs and more - - 5 views

    Social couponing. Over the next several months you'll see Faves transform from a pure bookmarking site to an engine which, based on the products you Fave, will suggest you the latest and greatest deals available - ensuring you are saving time and money.
Rohit Yadav

Microsoft Surface Power Cover Available For Pre-Order - 0 views

    Microsoft Surface Power Cover is available for pre-order in Microsoft store. Deliveries of the product is set to begin on 19 of this month. Work with the speed and functionality of a classic laptop keyboard while extending the battery life of your Surface up to 70% with the Power Cover. It also recharges your Surface's battery while you work.
awqi zar

Social media - the latest recruitment tool - 12 views

    SOCIAL media - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Who would have thought that these social media sites would become one of the latest recruitment tools? With a staggering number of 346 million people who read blogs globally, 700 million photos added to Facebook monthly, and 273.1 minutes on average spent watching online videos each month, they provide companies with a readily available pool of talent.
awqi zar

Rescuing Nokia? A former exec has a radical plan * The Register - 5 views

    A couple of months ago, a book appeared in Finland which has become a minor sensation. In the book, a former senior Nokia executive gives his diagnosis of the company, and prescribes some radical and surprising solutions. Up until now, the book has not been covered at all in the English language. This is the first review of the proposals outlined in Uusi Nokia (New Nokia - the manuscript) and draws on three hours of interviews with its author, Juhani Risku.
awqi zar

Tracking the flu by tracking the tweets | Health Tech - CNET News - 3 views

    "A microblogging service such as Twitter is a promising new data source for Internet-based surveillance because of the volume of messages, [and] their frequency and public availability," according to Aron Culotta, assistant professor of computer science at Southeastern Louisiana University, who, in recent months analyzed 500 million tweets to track the flu.
awqi zar

Guest post: Symbian OS - one of the most successful failures in tech history - 6 views

    Symbian is the biggest smartphone operating system by market share, the oldest smartphone platform still in use, used by almost every major OEM at one time or another. Yet one could be forgiven for thinking Symbian is dead and buried, with news of layoffs at Nokia, management departures at the Symbian Foundation and rough reviews of the latest flagship N8 device. How does a platform powering 9 million new devices every month have almost no credibility with developers, analysts and press alike? This is the story of one of the most successful failures in tech history.
my serendipities

MemeTracker: tracking news phrases over the web - 0 views

    most mentioned phrses over lst three months
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