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Janos Haits :: Unifying Your Social Presence - 12 views

    Your fan page brings together content and activity from Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and Youtube. It works just like a Facebook Fan Page, except the layout is fully customizable, and the only branding you see is your own.
Janos Haits

Infinite Storage on Your Desktop @ Bitcasa - 18 views

    Infinite Storage on Your Desktop

AIDungeon - Create AI-generated adventures with infinite possibilities (play.aidungeon.... - 0 views

    AIDungeon: Create AI-generated adventures with infinite possibilities (

Infinite Drum - Create unique beats with AI-powered tool using everyday sounds (experim... - 0 views

    Infinite Drum: Create unique beats with AI-powered tool using everyday sounds (
Janos Haits

The Infinite Jukebox - 30 views

    For when your favorite song just is not longh enough
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here
Danielle Klaus

Password Chart - 0 views

    PasswordChart is a simple little web-based tool that allows you to create complex passwords out of easy-to-remember phrases or words. Simply enter a phrase into the first space provided and PasswordChart generates a random chart, which number in the millions. Next, with the chart generated, simply enter in a password that you won't have any problems remembering, and a password is generated that is infinitely more secure than the one you entered. Use this new secure password everywhere and if you ever forget it, just go back to
Janos Haits

Spaaze - 12 views

    a new visual way to organize pieces of information in a virtual infinite space
Janos Haits - 11 views

    Zaarly is a proximity based, real-time buyer powered market. Buyers make an offer for an immediate need and sellers cash in on an infinite marketplace for items and services they never knew were for sale.
Janos Haits

Milanote: The notes app for creative work. - 5 views

    "Collect your thoughts Milanote is a place to put it all together. See your ideas, notes, inspiration and research side by side. Explore your options Milanote's fast & tactile interface makes it easy to experiment, play, generate ideas and explore possibilities. Figure it out Gradually add structure as you start to see patterns and connections. Milanote lets your work evolve naturally. Share the result When you're ready, create a professional looking document with a single click. Milanote documents can be shared online (with no signup required) or downloaded as PDF, Word, Markdown or plain text. An infinite workspace As much space and as many levels of hierarchy as you need. For individuals & teams A private place to think? Or a shared workspace for collaboration? You decide. Available on all your devices Milanote runs in any modern web browser. Native apps for iOS and Android coming soon. Safe & secure Our infrastructure is designed for security, constantly monitored & always available. We're currently trialling Milanote with people from these companies: Facebook Philips Apple Deloitte Milanote is coming soon Be the first to know when it's ready. Want to know more? Follow @milanoteapp on Twitter Read our articles on Medium Email Milanote "

PicFinder - Infinite image generation powered by Artificial Intelligence ( - 0 views

    PicFinder: Infinite image generation powered by Artificial Intelligence (

B^ EDIT - A platform for creating infinite designs ( - 0 views

    B^ EDIT: A platform for creating infinite designs (

Top 12 Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts You Should Take Care Of - 0 views

    it is important for smart contract developers to be aware of and take care of the top 12 vulnerabilities that can occur in smart contracts. These vulnerabilities include reentrancy, integer overflow/underflow, frontrunning, transaction-ordering dependence, gas exhaustion, unsafe low-level functions, timestamps, randomness, infinite loops, unauthorized contract calls, unhandled exceptions, and contract ownership.
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