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Musenet - Generate 4-minute Artificial Intelligence compositions with up to 10 instrume... - 0 views

    Musenet: Generate 4-minute Artificial Intelligence compositions with up to 10 instruments (

Rare Earth SmCo Magnets - 2 views

    Rare earth samarium cobalt magnets, shorted as SmCo rectangular magnet, are a type of powerful permanent magnet made from the basic elements samarium and cobalt and other metal rare earth materials by mixing, melting, grinding, pressing and sintering. They come in various sizes and shapes, like disc,bar, ring, arc,block, etc.,. Similar to neodymium strong magnets, they belong to the rare earth magnet category, and tcan be classified as SmCo5 and Sm2Co17 according the composition ratios of samarium and cobalt.
    Rare Earth SmCo Magnets for Sale Rare earth samarium cobalt magnets, shorted as large SmCo block magnets, are a type of powerful permanent magnet made from the basic elements samarium and cobalt and other metal rare earth materials by mixing, melting, grinding, pressing and sintering. They come in various sizes and shapes, like disc,bar, ring, arc,block, etc.,. Similar to neodymium strong magnets, they belong to the rare earth magnet category, and tcan be classified as SmCo5 and Sm2Co17 according the composition ratios of samarium and cobalt.
avivajazz  jazzaviva

A Perceptual Approach to the Description and Analysis of Acousmatic Music - 0 views

    Doctoral Thesis, Luke W. Windsor, Department of Music, City University, London, UK, 1995
Ako Z°om

Pipes: Rewire the web - 0 views

  • Pipes is a powerful composition tool to aggregate, manipulate, and mashup content from around the web. Like Unix pipes, simple commands can be combined together to create output that meets your needs: combine many feeds into one, then sort, filter and translate it. geocode your favorite feeds and browse the items on an interactive map. power widgets/badges on your web site. grab the output of any Pipes as RSS, JSON, KML, and other formats. Sounds good? Learn more....
    • Ako Z°om
      a bit dev tool but to try coz it's graphical...
Helen Baxter

GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program - 0 views

shared by Helen Baxter on 22 Mar 07 - Cached
  • GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
awqi zar

Home | eStore Developer Program - 7 views

    This site holds promise for a muic-composition collection we ae working on.
Learning McDonald

eLearn: Best Practices - eLearning Tools for English Composition - 0 views

    "In an online learning environment, it is more important than ever to provide multimedia presentations. Students cannot simply read lecture notes. It's up to the instructors to provide the necessary resources and information that support student success. The following tools will help create engaging and interesting presentations, whether used to teach the rules of citation, grammar, or any other writing topic."

ferrite channel magnet - 0 views

    Different from a normal cup(pot) magnet, the U-channel holding magnet, also called the ferrite channel magnet, is not round-shaped, and it is rectangular bar shape. The composition structure blocks bar magnets housed in a u-shaped steel shell. The magnetic adhesive force of the block bar magnets is significantly enlarged by the steel shell, meantime the block bar magnets are protected by the steel shell and avoid being damaged.
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