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Badda Boo

Gmail - Inbox - 1 views

shared by Badda Boo on 17 Jan 08 - Cached
zhu mumu liked it
  • notice one discrepancy with FF toolbar:  IE toolbar  (see attached)  currently we chopped off the highlights.   Click  those highlight links -- IE toolbar doesn't take me to the highlighted area  - it simply reloads the page   (FF toolbar is doing this correctly by taking me to the highlighted area) If I add line spacing,    IE toolbar is not recognizing the line break (FF toolbar is doing this correctly)  
    if you want best news like this. Or follow. Your article in here

Getting Started with Firefox extension - Diigo help - 0 views

  •  Feature Highlight: Highlights Diigo saves the day with "highlights". Highlights let you select the important snippets on a page and store them in your library with the page's bookmark. Let's try it. Just open a page, maybe one of your old-school bookmarks or one of your new cat bookmarks, and find the information on that page you actually care about. Select that important text. Got it? Okay, now put your hemet on, 'cause this might blow your mind! Click the highlight icon on the Diigo toolbar. It's the one with the "T" on a page with a yellow highlighter. You will notice that the selected text gets a yellow background. This means that the text has been saved in your library, and as long as you have the Diigo add-on the text will be highlighted on the page! How's that for easy?   Now you've highlighted the text. It will appear in your library within the bookmark for the page it is on. Go to your library and you can see how it works. If you're not sure how to get to your library, just click the second icon on the toolbar (Diigo icon to the left of the search bar) and then select "My Library »".
  • Sticky Notes on the Web What? I can put a sticky note on a web page? How? Oh, that's right! Diigo. Just right-click anywhere on the page and choose to "add a floating sticky note". Type up your note and choose "Post", then move the note anywhere on the page. You have to type a note first, before you move it where you want, otherwise there's nothing to move!
Jungle Jar

Browser Templates For The Website / Web Application Designer - 0 views

    This is a fantastic template file in the Adobe Photoshop .PSD format aimed to save anyone time who designs websites, web applications, or anything else in which the actual browser border is needed in the mockup. The templates are designed with the Internet Explorer, Firefox for Mac, and Firefox for Windows browser toolbars all included.
my mashable

StumbleUpon Enhances Web Toolbar for Personalized Web Stumbling - 0 views

    StumbleUpon is an Internet community that allows its users to discover and rate Web pages, photos, and videos. StumbleUpon allows users to web stumbling for the first time
Mohit Kuldeep

WebRank Toolbar - Google Pagerank, Alexa Rank, Compete Rank and Quantcast Rank - 0 views

    A toolbar that will give you the rank(Google Pagerank, Alexa, Compete and Quantcast) of the website currently being viewed and pages indexed in various search engines(Google, Bing and Yahoo). It is a tool for SEO and website analysis too.
awqi zar

Free Keyword Competition Research | SEO - 8 views

    Let's remember that these custom metrics and estimates are typically extrapolated off of scraped data, or data purchased from IP's, or data from custom toolbars, all of which are data samples. So it is kind of like; scraped data +/- data extrapolations + in-house data + custom metrics = final product.
Janos Haits

rinnku - 10 views

    Easy bookmarking Save bookmarks instantly using the toolbar shortcut. Organize links in ways that are meaningful to you using #tags.
David Weightman

Geared-up for web marketing - Tools that make you do the Happy Dance - 0 views

    Doing business online is definitely going to be easy when you have these tools. A must have's in your toolbar!
Matteo Spreafico

Create and Collaborate on Online Diagrams - Try it Free | Creately - 0 views

  • Create fast, professional looking diagrams with Creately's large library of objects and easy start templates. Now you can draw anything easily.
  • Collaborate with your team and clients with easy sharing, publishing and post-it style comments. Multi version support means you never lose your work.
  • A fully interactive interface that works right in your browser along with industry standard encryption and redundant backups. No downloads or installs necessary.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Advanced features like Contextual Toolbars, 1-Click Create-n-Connect button, Magic Connectors and linkable diagrams make diagramming a pleasure.
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