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leo bnu

100 Tips to Be a Smarter, Better Twitterer | Computer Colleges - 0 views

    For Beginners If you're just getting started, be sure to follow these tips. 1. Set up your profile: Give people a glimpse beyond what your tweets reveal. 2. Include a picture: Make sure you add a photo of yourself so that your tweets will be more personal. 3. Create a simple and short Twitter name: The longer your Twitter ID, the more space it takes up, and having a complicated name can make it hard for people to respond to or mention you. 4. Just do it: Don't just lurk-jump into the conversation. 5. Make your profile link something that tells more about you: Share your blog, an about me page, or any other page that offers more information about the person behind the tweets. 6. Share photos: Post your photos on Twitter to shake things up a bit and add some interest to your stream. 7. Use proper grammar: Occasional abbreviations are passable, but make sure that your tweets are readable. 8. Use your real name: Build your personal brand by choosing your real name as your Twitter ID. 9. List your location: Many people use Twitter for local networking, so they'll be more likely to follow you if they know where you are. 10. Learn the lingo: If you don't know what DM, @, RT, and other Twitter symbols and words are, look them up or ask. 11. Don't rush to build your network: Don't follow hundreds of people right away-allow your following to grow organically. 12. Reply to someone with @: Place an @ sign in front of someone's name on Twitter to write to them specifically, or simply just mention them-they will be notified that you did so. 13. Shrink your URLs: Use a URL shortener like TinyURL or to make it easier to fit into 140 characters. 14. Use your mobile device: Tweet from your phone, iPod, or other mobile device to keep your Twitter updated on the go, using the mobile web or text. 15. Find your friends: Use Twitter's search in order to find your friends, organizations, and others that you may want to follow o
John Onwuegbu

Exclusive Report: VMware vSphere 6.0 is a Game Changer | Questechie - 3 views

    VMware vSphere 6.0 is packed full of more than 650 technological breakthroughs, making it more powerful, more flexible, more secure, and more easily managed than previous versions.

Older Gambling - Why Older persons Love Gambling More In comparison with Anything Else! - 1 views

In this US gambling has turn into a widespread task. Research have been displaying a regular increase in the number of individuals who are becoming hooked on to gambling each year. There are usual...

started by ruhul122 on 16 Nov 19 no follow-up yet

49 Best Youtube Tips,Tricks and Resources - 3 views

  • Youtube is the second largest search engine. As a blogger, I drive more traffic to my blog from my Youtube screencasting videos.
  • To check Youtube speed Have you noticed this? Videos take more time to load. At that time, you can check the speed of your Youtube videos with bar chart in the specification of world, country, State, city, Your ISP.
  • Comment search in Youtube Before creating and uploading any videos on Youtube, just type the keyword of your niche or video content in comment search and find out what’s being said about your keyword and your niche. For example, I searched for SEO.
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • While submitting your videos as video response to other video or even in your video, Do remember, you can submit a video only once as video response. If you submit the same video into many places Youtube will take it as a video response to only the last video to which you submitted as video response.
  • Are you creating video episodes or video in series? If yes, then the new Youtube design helps to you. Submit your next part video as video response. For eg: If you are creating video series as part 2, 3, 4, etc…  Then submit the Part 3 video as video response in part 2. The new Youtube will show your own video in video response as separately and other Youtube user submitted video responses as together.
  • Keyword search only in title In Youtube, type any word and hit search button. It will show the results based on the keyword used in title, description, and tag. Sometimes when it shows the unrelated results, it will be annoying to user. If you want the results only from title then, You have to type as “allintitle:keyword” Eg: allintitle: wordpress. It will show videos only the keyword wordpress presents in title.
  • To Exclude some of the term While searching in Youtube to exclude some of the keywords type – and followed by your unwanted keyword. For eg: wordpress –tutorial. You will get wordpress videos but not the videos have keyword ‘tutorial’.
  • Automatically fill in the blanks Put asterisk in middle of the keyword sentence. For eg: “thesis * theme”. Youtube understands that the user needs content related to the keyword thesis theme and for all the keywords filled something between them. Click here To know more about Youtube search
  • Tag Give all the relevant tags to your videos. Don’t try to give duplicate tags. For example don’t give all these as tags: video blogging, video blogging tips, video blogging guide, and video blogging benefits. Youtube automatically removes some of your duplicate tags.
  • Create playlist Do you have the series videos like Part 1, Part 2, etc. If yes, then collect all your videos and create a playlist for your videos. It will be very helpful for viewers to see the series of Youtube videos.
  • Title Add the words “Exclusive” or “Leaked videos” in video title. (Don’t spam).
  • Left Most Title Give the important keywords in the left most of your title. It will increase your views as Youtube search gives more importance to left most part of title.
  • Submit in video sharing sites Distribute videos on popular video sharing sites and drive more traffic to your website/blog. See our Google profiles to view which video sharing websites Fourblogger is using.
  • Brand your videos Whenever you upload a video, add your own logo in videos. It builds brand value.
  • Email signature Add your channel link in the email signature and send your videos to friends and relatives.
  • Share videos on twitter share your videos in Social media like Twitter. It helps to drive more traffic to your site. Use the following links to use social media for videos. 10 ways to share videos on twitter
  • How to embed your channel with subscribe button using gadgets? You can embed your Youtube channel with subscribe button in your blog sidebar or Footer. Get the Youtube channel widget.
  • How to embed Youtube Playlists in your blog?   If you like any Youtube playlist, you can embed the playlist into your blog as you embed the videos. Use this video to see how to embed playlists in your blog.
  • Know RSS feed of your Youtube channel The below link is the RSS feed for your channel USERNAME/videos.rss
  • Ping your Youtube channel By visiting the you can ping your channel Visit or  watch this video about ping to your channel.
  • Direct subscriber link to your channel Instead sending your blog readers to your channel link to subscribe, you can use this Direct link It asks confirmation alone. There are more conversions than sending readers to your channel.
  • Use Annotations Differently – Think Out-of-the-Box You can use YouTube annotations efficiently with your creative idea. You can use “Don’t Click here” text as annotation text. When people watch your videos, they often wants to click on it as it is human nature.  You can link the “Don’t click here” annotation to your channel or any of your particular videos. When more people clicks on annotations, that videos automatically get selected as “Related videos”.  But remember don’t use your think-out-of-the-box ideas for spamming purpose. User may dislike or flag your video.
  • If you are a person who wants to drive traffic to your blogs or websites through videos, then you may want to check my Five Video Traffic Techniques video which I have submitted recently for Darren Rowse’s Problogger Blogger Group Project.
Janos Haits

Electronic Signature, e-Sign, and Digital Signatures from DocuSign - 1 views

    DocuSign is the market leader and global standard for electronic signature. DocuSign provides the world's largest and fastest growing electronic signature platform that empowers businesses to complete transactions quickly and securely online while improving compliance and dramatically reducing processing costs. With more than 5 million unique signers processing millions of transactions per year, DocuSign is trusted by more people, more companies, more times than any other electronic signature vendor in the world.
Ehsan Ullah

Video games make kids fat - 0 views

    Spending a lot of time playing video games makes kids eat more over the rest of the day. If a boy played video game more than an hour a day then he'll eat more, study suggested.

GAMINGS - 0 views

Agame’s site is additionally packed loaded with on-line board games like Mahjong as well as free Solitaire games if you delight in comparing cards. Players of every ages will certainly apprec...


started by ruhul122 on 08 Dec 19 no follow-up yet
Janos Haits

The Startup Pitch | Come pitch your startup to the world - 7 views

    The Startup Pitch is a site that was born out of an experiment in user generated news called D.I.Y. Startup News. With D.I.Y. Startup News we wanted to create a site where people could go and post startup related stories without having to have a blog or get more coverage for their up and coming blog or startup. D.I.Y Startup news was a success but it became clear that more was needed so we evolved the website into The Startup Pitch. The Startup Pitch gives Startups the ability to answer some questions about their product and have it turned into a Pitch.
    The Startup Pitch is a site that was born out of an experiment in user generated news called D.I.Y. Startup News. With D.I.Y. Startup News we wanted to create a site where people could go and post startup related stories without having to have a blog or get more coverage for their up and coming blog or startup. D.I.Y Startup news was a success but it became clear that more was needed so we evolved the website into The Startup Pitch. The Startup Pitch gives Startups the ability to answer some questions about their product and have it turned into a Pitch.
Janos Haits

Blinkist: Serving curious minds. - 9 views

    A smarter you in 15 minutes Learn more, do more, be more-and still spend less time reading. We read 1,000 books a year for you and distill their key insights into powerful, actionable, 15-minute marvels.
Ehsan Ullah

The World Needs More Bloggers - 0 views

    I got an inspiration to write this post from a blog post titled, "The Amazing Bloggers". Yeah! World needs more amazing bloggers. If you can do something great, something awesome that inspires people then world needs you, world is waiting for you.
Ehsan Ullah

How To Explode Your Facebook Followers - 0 views

    Everyone who have a business page on Facebook wants more followers on their pages. Here I'm going to share with you some ways to get more followers on Facebook which I've used in my own page.
awqi zar

Top 7 tips I used to make $41,438.42 in 2009 with Amazon Associates | Make Money on the... - 12 views

    The Amazon Associates program was my top earner last year and while I'm in the process of looking forward to achieving new goals in 2010 after getting fired from my job in 2009, I wanted to take some time to share my absolute best tips on how to make more money with's affiliate program as we move into the new year. This list will be different than any other list you've read because to compose this list I used over 40 different tracking codes across the wide range of blogs, websites and forums I run to conclusively test what tactics worked best. So not only will these tips help you earn more money, I can also share specific figures as to how well each tip helped contribute to my $41,438.42 earned in 2009.
awqi zar

More employers use social media | The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, PA - 4 views

    Social media Web sites offer more than just a way to seek out friends or old classmates. More businesses are using Facebook and Twitter to gather information on potential employees or to attract customers.
Janos Haits

Want Youtube and MORE - Download Videos Easy and Free [Download YouTube Videos, Dailymo... - 10 views

    We support more than 360 websites, mainly including: 5min, Break, Current, Dailymotion, Facebook, Google Video, ku6, Megavideo, Metacafe, Myspace, Photobucket, Sina, Spike, Tudou, Veoh, Vimeo, Yahoo Videos, Yam, Youku, Youtube (MP3, 3GP, FLV, MP4, WebM format), Xuite and MORE.
awqi zar

8 More Free Tools for Data Visualization and Analysis | PCWorld - 15 views

    Posting a roundup of useful data visualization tools invariably means leaving out more than you can include. JavaScript libraries alone number considerably more than the 22 free tools for data visualization and analysis I reviewed last week. I knew I'd hear from Computerworld readers -- in comments, by email and via social media -- and I expected you'd have some great additions to my initial list. You didn't disappoint.

GPT-Me - It's Artificial Intelligence that gets smarter the more you talk to it and it ... - 0 views

    GPT-Me: Artificial Intelligence that gets smarter the more you talk to it and it gives you insights about yourself ( GPT-Me: It's Artificial Intelligence that gets smarter the more you talk to it and it gives you insights about yourself (
George Bradford

80 Amazing jQuery Slider and Carousel Plugins - 8 views

    80 Amazing jQuery Slider and Carousel Plugins by SONNY on DECEMBER 14, 2012 This is one of the largest and most up to date collections of jQuery slider plugins. I'm sure you will find some of them useful for adding cool slider effects to your web pages. It is more and more common to see jQuery slider plugins used for image slideshows, carousels and for creating html slider effects on websites. It is a really great solution for showcasing sequential images or featured articles without taking up too much space. To have a jQuery banner, content slider, carousel, gallery or any image presentation system on your web page, you certainly have the option to code it from scratch. However, if you want to save yourself serious time and effort, you can just grab a ready to use jQuery slider plugin and integrate it into your website. In most cases, it is done with just a few lines of code. If you are using WordPress as CMS for your website, it gets even better. With a few mouse clicks you can install a jQuery slider by using a WordPress slider plugin and beside offering code-less install, WordPress slider plugins often have great admin pages making it simple to set up the slides and slider properties.
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Portofolio with my 101 edtools . Discover why curation is Social Media King - 17 views

    Dear teachers, researchers and social media curators if you like my online research with more than 100 edtools, ipad and windows phone apps to mLearning please share: tweet, Like, G+ my #startup #curation page If I achieve more than 200 shares I will add other 100 killer #ipad apps to #mlearning on the page and if you know a killer app please suggest it on the page topic and if you like my page leave a comment or mail me .þff
Ehsan Ullah

How To Make Your Blog Posts Popular - 0 views

    I have written more than one hundred articles on Blogging topic on my blog just to help my readers to be a better Blogger and stop making more silly Blogging mistakes.
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