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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Fiona Thurn


Berkeley's ePortfolio report - 4 views

    Summary of the finding of Berkeley's research into ePortfolios and their recommendations around use and implementation.

ePortfolios - an overview - 2 views

    A nice summary of the benefits and uses of ePortfolios in the context of Drexel University.

ePortfolio Pedagogy - 4 views

    Very nice guide to what ePortfolios are good for.

E-Portfolio Strategy Models for Higher Education - Profile - 4 views

    Profile view of this conference summary with accompanying documents in English and German. It includes a very nice symmary table of ePortfolio evaluations based on function and usability. Interestingly enough Pebble Pad and Mahara get equal scores.

Case studies on ePortfolio implementation - 2 views

    In July 2009 the Department for Interactive Media and Educational Technology of the Danube University for Continous Education in Krems, Austria organized an international conference on the potential of E-Portfolios for Higher Education. These were some of the cases presented

E-Portfolio Strategy Models for Higher Education - 2 views

    Conference proceedings including implementation strategies and case studies.

ACU goes through their ePortfolio selection process - 2 views

    This outlines the process ACU followed in selecting their ePortolio solution.

Everything you need to know about ePortfolios - 3 views

    From the Australian Flexible Learning Framework, this VET page has several archived webinars on using ePortfolios and training people in the use of ePortfolios. Despite it's VET focus the materials are very useful and there's a lot that can be applied to the HE contect.

ePortfolio use by university students in Australia: Informing excellence in policy and ... - 1 views

    20 February 2011This report provides a comparison of how the higher education (HE) and vocational education and training (VET) sectors are using e-portfolios. ePortfolio use by university students in Australia: Informing excellence in policy and practice (Supplementary Report) is now available and provides a valuable comparison of how the higher education (HE) and vocational education and training (VET) sectors are using e-portfolios.

Moodle Tuts - 5 views

    Five minute Moodle tutorials.

Plymouth State University's Mahara tutorial page - 1 views

    The Mahara Tutorial Theatre offers a narrated guide and overview of Mahara.

A Mahara Guide - 3 views

    "Everything you need to know to start your Mahara e-portfolio."

Online tutorial for Mahara by Rod - 1 views

    Some creative approaches to teaching about Mahara by students.

A blog discussing some aspects of a Mahara pilot - 0 views

    Blog post about student created Mahara tutorials.

Mahara Tutorials from the College of Education at the University of Illinois - 0 views

    A collection of Captivate movies to assist in the use of Mahara.

Solent University's Mahara Help Page - 0 views

    Various resources to help you use Mahara.

Slashdot review of "Mahara 1.2 ePortfolios" - 0 views

    Gives an overview of what the book contains.
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