Design for Learning-lms-framework - 1 views
Take This LMS and Shove It « Living In Learning - 2 views
The core competency of the LMS is to manage the minutia related to formal learning [training] – registration, launching e-learning, and tracking completions.
Schoology - Your Digital Classroom - 1 views
Where are you on the LMS adoption curve? - 1 views
Moodle: e-learning's Frankenstein - 2 views
Moodle’s pedagogic pretensions A lot of rot is spoken about Moodle supporting a ‘constructivist’ approach to learning
That was always a utopian dream. This Vygotsky-inspired babble is only really spouted by academics with too much time on their hands. It’s really just a standard collection of learning management tools with no real pedagogic innovation or intent. There’s nothing in Moodle that wasn’t, or isn’t, in other LMSs or VLEs if you will.
Educationalists love to talk about learner-centric, constructivist models of learning but usually default back into a didactic, lecture-driven, ‘I teach-you learn’, behaviour. Stray too far from the current model and any LMS will collapse into a soup of collaborative connectivity
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