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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Virginia Asciolla

Virginia Asciolla

Typewithme - real-time collaboration for groups up to 15 - 6 views

    a real time, live text collaboration tool. You invite others to join you (via email) and whatever they type will show up on the document (in real time) in another color. You can import a document into Type With Me, and edit it there in the space, live. You can save your document, export it, and even play it back (as if it were a movie) using a feature on the site called "timeline". There is also a chat area, so that you can have sidebar conversations with the people sharing your workspace that you might not want to appear in the document.
Virginia Asciolla

Pagezipper - 1 views

    Ever read one of those top ten lists or photo galleries where every item is on a different page? You spend more time clicking "Next" and waiting than actually reading anything. PageZipper is a free bookmarklet which automatically merges all the "Next" pages into one, so you can skip directly to the stuff you want.
Virginia Asciolla

BuddyPress - 0 views

    A plugin (an extra bunch of programs) that can make your blog a social network site. With this plugin you can add multiple blogs, forums, activity streams, your class blog.
Virginia Asciolla

Eduism - 3D Virtual Worlds - 1 views

    The Edusim application is a slimmed down version of the core Open Cobalt Metaverse Project. Edusim is a 3D multi-user virtual world platform and authoring toolkit intended for your classroom interactive whiteboard, but equally powerful on the students laptop or desktop computers. Cobalt - Edusim has been tested and works on the Smartboard, Activeboard, Interwriter, Polyvision, Mimio, eBeam, and even the Wiimote Whiteboard. Edusim is extendable allowing multiple classrooms to connect their interactive whiteboards for collaborative learning session.
Virginia Asciolla

Open Cobalt - 1 views

    Open Cobalt Alpha is the first step in a long term project to make available to all people a free and open source platform for constructing, accessing, and sharing virtual workspaces for research and education. This 3D multimedia wiki technology makes it easy to create deeply collaborative and hyperlinked multi-user virtual workspaces, virtual exhibit spaces, and game-based learning and training environments that run on all major software operating systems. By using a peer-based messaging protocol to reduce reliance on server infrastructures for support of basic in world interactions across many participants, Open Cobalt makes it possible for people hyperlink their virtual worlds via 3D portals to form a large distributed network of interconnected collaboration spaces. It also makes it possible for schools and other organizations to freely set up their own networks of public and private 3D virtual workspaces that feature integrated web browsing, voice chat, text chat, and access to remote desktop applications and services.
Virginia Asciolla

the networked learner - 2 views

    Includes tutorials on various Web 2.0 tools. The Collaborative Projects listed are most informative. This site also provides examples of using Google Earth for collaborative biology projects, although it is applicable for other disciplines as well.
Virginia Asciolla

Scratchpads Biodiversity Online - 1 views

    Scratchpads are an easy to use, social networking application that enable communities of researchers to manage, share and publish taxonomic data online. Sites are hosted at the Natural History Museum London, and offered free to any scientist that completes an online registration form. Scratchpad users include societies, journals, scientists, students and amateurs. Any group with an interest in natural history is eligible for a site and you do not have to have an academic affiliation, or any professional qualification. All you need is a little time, some information you would like to share, and a little experience using the web. You don't need to even be a member of a group, although the best sites are usually those developed by a community who make regular contributions.
Virginia Asciolla

The Tree of Life Project - 0 views

    The Tree of Life Web Project is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history (phylogeny).
Virginia Asciolla

Sketchcast - 2 views

    Record a sketch with or without voice. Explain something, have fun, or create art. Then embed the sketch player in your blog or point people to your sketch channel.
Virginia Asciolla

Wordle - 2 views

    Wordle is a toy for generating "word clouds" from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images you create with Wordle are yours to use however you like. You can print them out, or save them to the Wordle gallery to share with your friends.
Virginia Asciolla

Genetic Science Learning Center - 0 views

    A useful site for virtual labs and interactives for biology students.
Virginia Asciolla

xtimeline - 1 views

    xtimeline is a free web-based timeline. It provides a platform to create and share timelines and easily includes pictures and videos.
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