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Andy Brudtkuhl

The local ad opportunity (and the danger of losing it) « BuzzMachine - 0 views

    We've been saying this for years... Even "local" businesses need a web strategy.. Does yours?
    In these stats lies a big - but fleeting - opportunity: serving local businesses by helping them use online well. By this, I don't mean doing what local newspapers have been doing: trying to sell them display or directory ads, just as they did in papers but in a new medium. Instead, I mean redefining what it means to help them succeed online. This might mean helping them place ads smartly on Google with good SEO (see Fred Wilson's tweet out of our New Business Models for News Summit at CUNY). It might mean finding was to help local businesses interact more meaningfully with their own communities.
Terry Leigh Britton

Social Blogger Community & Blog Directory // BlogCatalog - 0 views

    Another Blog Search tool for information and inspiration!
Andy Brudtkuhl

Using Breadcrumbing in local search and business directories to get found in Google - 0 views

    Think local. Depending upon who you listen to, somewhere between 20% and 40% of all searches have a local component-a place name, or some other inferred geographic qualifier. So, what's your catchment area, what are the towns, villages, locations, urban areas, landmarks, counties, states, and even countries that you're looking to serve? Add those to your list too
Terry Leigh Britton

Technorati - 0 views

    Still Another Blog Search tool for information and inspiration!
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