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Biztech Consultancy

Mr. Reminder Android Application on Google Play - 0 views

    Mr. Reminder, an Android based mobile application can help you remember each and every event, meetings, days and occasions, and can also remind others, associated with you, about their important occasions! It's that simple and useful!
Biztech Consultancy

Mr.Reminder - Get reminder for Anything,Everything,Anytime - 0 views

    Mr. Reminder, an Android based mobile application can help you remember each and every event, meetings, days and occasions, and can also remind others, associated with you, about their important occasions! It's that simple and useful!
Biztech Consultancy

Mr. Reminder - Android Reminding Occasion/Day/Date Application - 0 views

    In today's fast pacing and multitasking lifestyle, you tend to miss out various occasions, events and days that could be important for you. No need to worry now! Mr. Reminder, an Android based mobile application can help you remember each and every event, meetings, days and occasions, and can also remind others, associated with you, about their important occasions! It's that simple and useful!
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