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shalani mujer

Reliable and Fast Online Computer Tech Support - 1 views

I love watching movies and I usually get them online. There was this one time that my computer automatically shut down while downloading a movie. Good thing I was able to sign up with an online ...

online computer tech support

started by shalani mujer on 10 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
seth kutcher

Certified Expert Remote PC Tech Support Provider! - 1 views

I used to have a slow computer. It would take 10 minutes to boot up and then another 10 minutes to load. It was really a big headache. Good thing I called Remote PC Repair Now . Their remote PC...

remote PC repair

started by seth kutcher on 02 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
Vernon Fowler

Examples of 'skip links' on some bank sites | The Paciello Group Blog - 0 views

  • Currently browsers do not support keyboard navigation via landmark roles, so for keyboard users who do not also use assistive tech, a visible skip link is needed.
Sandra Earl

Tim Anderson's ITWriting - Tech writing blog » Adobe AIR: 10 reasons to love ... - 0 views

  • 3. Easy conversion of existing Flex or HTML applications. It’s the same basic runtime. In the case of HTML, AIR apps rely on WebKit, the core component in Apple’s Safari web browser.
  • 7. Rich design and multimedia. This is Flash, so ideal for highly customized UIs, animation, sound and video. Adobe is proving the point by creating a media player built with AIR. Existing Flash developers can easily use their skills to build AIR applications.
  • 4. Proprietary technology. AIR applications depend on Adobe’s runtime.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 6. No model for commercial components. It is not clear to me how a component vendor could sell an AIR component while protecting it from unlicensed deployment. This may limit the availability of 3rd party components, with a corresponding impact on productivity.
  • 7. Schizophrenic development model. AIR supports either Flex development, or HTML applications which run in WebKit. The ugly side of this flexibility is that there are two SDKs, even two JavaScript virtual machines with different capabilities and characteristics. While it is nice to have a way to render HTML, I am not convinced that the web application model is worth it, given the complications it causes. After all, web applications run perfectly well in the browser.
  • Lack of UI standards may lead to annoying inconsistencies between AIR applications. We are used to this on the Web; now it is coming to the desktop as well.
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