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Vernon Fowler

Juicy Studio: CSS Analyser - 0 views

    "This service has been provided to allow you to check the validity of your CSS against the W3C's validation service, along with a colour contrast test, and a test to ensure that relevant sizes are specified in relative units of measurement. If the CSS is specified by a URL, it will be loaded into the text area to offer an option to make changes for testing without having to re-upload. "
Vernon Fowler

html5-boilerplate/css/main.css at master · h5bp/html5-boilerplate · GitHub - 0 views

  • /* * Hide from both screenreaders and browsers: */.hidden {    display: none !important;    visibility: hidden;}/* * Hide only visually, but have it available for screenreaders: */.visuallyhidden {    border: 0;    clip: rect(0 0 0 0);    height: 1px;    margin: -1px;    overflow: hidden;    padding: 0;    position: absolute;    width: 1px;}/* * Extends the .visuallyhidden class to allow the element to be focusable * when navigated to via the keyboard: */.visuallyhidden.focusable:active,.visuallyhidden.focusable:focus {    clip: auto;    height: auto;    margin: 0;    overflow: visible;    position: static;    width: auto;}/* * Hide visually and from screenreaders, but maintain layout */.invisible {    visibility: hidden;}
Vernon Fowler

WebAIM: Blog - 10 Easy Accessibility Tips Anyone Can Use - 0 views

  • add the appropriate landmark role attribute (role="main", role="navigation", or role="search". If your site uses HTML5 <main> or <nav>, add the role to these elements.
  • Sighted keyboard users generally navigate through the links and form fields on a web page using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys on the keyboard. To help ensure they can visually identify which link or form field they have navigated to, you can add the following to your CSS file: a:focus { outline:1px solid red; background:yellow; } The colors may need to be customized to fit your site design, but they should be fairly distinctive. To take this tip one step further, you can search your CSS files for a:hover and in each instance change it to a:hover, a:focus. This will ensure that keyboard users get the same visual highlighting when they navigate to items as mouse users get when they hover over an item.
    "Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). To celebrate and to help promote accessibility, here are 10 simple accessibility tips that most anyone can implement today into their web site's HTML and CSS to make it more accessible."
Vernon Fowler

Creating an Accessible Infographic | Access Matters Blog - 0 views

  • Screen readers are very literal and, as such, tend to read out numbers in a list with no particle words or punctuation.
  • Using a CSS technique to position text off the screen, it’s simple to add some particle words (such as “from” or “to”) for screen reader users. In the case of a range of numbers, the dashes can be presented using graphics and not part of the text content of the page. For example, in the second data point shown in the image below, instead of a screen reader announcing “twenty-six percent fifty-five sixty-four” it would be “twenty six percent fifty-five to sixty-four.”
  • Another example is implied headings. Sighted users can understand quickly from images that a data set title should be “gender” but if the heading doesn’t appear in the design, it should be added and visually hidden using CSS.
Sandra Earl

Designing and Developing mobile web sites in the real world, part 2 - Opera Developer C... - 0 views

  • In tandem with the launch of their 3G mobile website, Siminn also launched a slightly lighter version of the same site - a 2G-optimized mobile presence to serve less powerful phones. Both sites are anchored to the same reservoir of information, but the 3G site makes less-restricted use of CSS, images, and other coding ornamentations.
  • The only distinction Siminn makes concerning the dimensionality of the user-experience is whether the device is 2G or 3G enabled. As stated before, 2G devices are sent to a slightly lighter version of the 3G site
  • This is exactly what Siminn are doing. By detecting the type of phone, they are presenting the customer with the most appropriate version of the page – either the 3G enhanced or the more basic design.
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  • e chose not to try and replicate the entire Icelandair website, but rather to cleave from it four or five of its most crucial elements.
  • This page contains the only form on the mobile site. In general, forms should be avoided because form input via a mobile device can be a tricky endeavor. However, there are certain coding practices that can simplify form input. For example, if your form field should only accept numeric input, then you should make use of the -wap-input-format property of WAP CSS. The Apple iPhone will automatically set the input to numeric if the name of the input element is set to certain values - phone or zip for example.
  • Mobile users only need to be shown news items that have some inherent urgency.
  • Much like your desktop browser recognizes a mailto: link as an email address, mobile devices recognize tel: links and phone numbers.
  • Do not assume that just because the UA string is not in your enumerated list of “Accepted strings”, it is not possible to view the site.
  • This is where you build in progressive enhancements to the website experience.
  • WURFL is an open source list of known phones and their capabilities. This can be put into a database and when a mobile device visits the your site you can sniff the UA, look-up the capabilities of that device (including screen-dimensions, default browser, etc) and serve them the best possible experience.
  • The RDF vocabulary is a standard across many mobile devices. Vendors that use this approach allow mobile sites to keep up-to-date with any new devices, without having to keep their own database of device types.
  • ou can find more details about standards support in Opera Mini/Mobile 4 here: Designing with Opera Mini 4 in mind JavaScript support in Opera Mini 4
  • There are a few basic coding items to avoid in the mobile web space. Chief among these, at least for now (now being 10/2007), is client-side scripting.
  • While it's tempting to try and port that elegant bit of AJAX from your conventional web to your mobile web, you will only create headaches for yourself.
  • ome browsers do support various levels of JavaScript, but as a developer you should not expect it to work across all devices.
  • retty heavy processor hog, so continuous scripting can drain a battery fast
  • mobile browser support for stylesheets varies greatly.
  • keep things simple.
  • most mobile devices default to their own font sizes and families regardless of styling. Thus, when working on the Siminn project we made no attempt to influence font size or family. In cases where we wanted a larger font, we simply relied on the generic XHTML heading elements.
  • he inclusion of font-size=smaller in the body tag worked as a kind of global reset for font sizes in every device we tested. With this little bit of code we were able to sufficiently reduce the default font size and thus more faithfully reproduce the design that we had been tasked with coding.
  • XHTML-MP - the mobile web subset of XHTML - is fully supported on most modern devices.
  • You can't read 2 books and several articles about mobile web development and cover everything. Much of the effort is trial and error. When starting out, emulators are a good way to get a rough idea of how the site will work. It gives you some feel for the navigation, architecture and flow of the site, but the look and feel varies from the emulator to the real device. The best thing you can do is get a few real phones to test on. I'm sure between yourself, co-workers and a few friends, you can manage to test your site on a good cross-section of the phones out there. Finally, there is some help. The W3C mobile web initiative does have a checklist to see how well your site is doing and so does - if you take heed of these two lists, your site should give a quality experience to most customers.
Vernon Fowler

WebAIM: CSS in Action - Invisible Content Just for Screen Reader Users - 0 views

  • recommended styles for visually hiding content that will be read by a screen reader
    "There are occasional instances where content should be made available to screen reader users, but hidden from sighted users. In most cases, if content (particularly content that provides functionality or interactivity) is important enough to provide to screen reader users, it should probably be made available to all users. Cases where verbose cues or instructions are provided only for screen reader users are most likely a reflection of poor design and accessibility. However, there are a few cases where information is apparent visually, but may not be apparent to screen reader users. In these cases, it may be appropriate to mark-up content in a way that it is read by a screen reader, but invisible to sighted users. "
Vernon Fowler

Don't Rely on Default Browser Error Messages - Intopia - 0 views

  • Another issue is that the messages are temporary. As soon as you put focus on the input with mouse, keyboard or touch, the message disappears. People with cognitive impairments will find it difficult to use these, and I think anyone trying to fill in the form while they’re distracted will have trouble as well. People who rely on the keyboard for navigation (which includes both sighted users and screen reader users) will also lose these messages as they move around the form.
  • If you’re confident of your error messages, you can remove the browser validation by adding the novalidate attribute to the wrapping form element, like this: <form novalidate>...</form>
  • You can style this with CSS, using the :valid and :invalid pseudo-classes
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  • Only the first error is noted with a message.
  • The rest rely on a change of border colour, which is, again, not evident to screen reader users.
    "When I found out the major browsers were beginning to include error validation into their support for forms, I was pretty excited. Form validation is always a fiddly part of accessibility, so I'm always looking out for ways to make it easier for developers to do properly. I read MDN's form data validation tutorial and a CSS Tricks article on client-side form validation and immediately made some test forms. Sadly, I was disappointed with the results. The default error validation in browsers is almost completely inaccessible. I was hoping we'd get default "you've forgotten to fill this in" messages that could be customised. I might have been a bit too optimistic! Validation at the browser level has many of the same issues we find at the website level."
Vernon Fowler

Places It's Tempting To Use Display: None; But Don't | CSS-Tricks - 0 views

  • I recently heard a heartbreaking story about a blind girl trying to apply for college and the form had missing labels so she had no idea what to put in what fields.
  • @media queries Turning on Voice Over in OS X and using Safari is a screen reader. Now imagine that Safari window was open to a very narrow width and the page had some @media queries for handling smaller viewports. And say that @media query hides some things with display: none in order to better visually accomodate the space. This could be good or bad for accessibility. Are you hiding a bunch of crap that isn't important to the page? Or are you hiding useful things that a person using a screen reader should have access to like they normally would.
Sandra Earl

Turn Firefox into a screen reader with Fire Vox | 456 Berea Street - 0 views

  • For anyone who hasn’t heard of Fire Vox, it is a free, open source screen reader extension for Firefox that works on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Among other things it has support for WAI-ARIA and the CSS3 Speech Module, and is a good alternative to VoiceOver if you’re on a Mac and need a screen reader for web browsing (or testing).
  • For developers Fire Vox makes it easy to check how their sites work in a screen reader. Sure, it’s just one of several available screen readers, but this one is free and cross-platform. In other words there is no reason for you not to have it installed, so grab a copy right now.
Sandra Earl

WebAIM: Accessibility of AJAX Applications - Accessibility Issues - 0 views

  • AJAX is
  • a smorgasbord of web technologies put together to allow dynamic client-server interactions to occur in web applications without requiring pages to reload or refresh.
  • AJAX uses the following:
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  • The XHTML and CSS elements can be dynamically modified to display new information or styling. These changes are typically done using the Document Object Model.
  • XHTML (or HTML) and CSS to create an interface and visually style information.
  • JavaScript is used to manipulate the interface elements and is also used to establish a communication with a web server through XMLHttpRequest. This allows data (typically in XML format) to be transmitted between the client and the web server without requiring page reloads or refreshes.
  • standard type of client-server interaction
  • A web page interface is presented. User information is collected (via forms, links, etc.). The user submits information (submits form, activates link, etc.). The server processes submitted information. A new web page interface is sent to the user.
  • With AJAX, all of these steps can be handled in one interface.
  • The types of web applications and interactions allowed by using AJAX has given rise to the term "Web 2.0"
  • AJAX allows feature-rich, dynamic web applications which use server-side processing without requiring the traditional "submit data — retrieve web page"
  • allows more streamlined applications that require less processing and data transmission
  • higher levels of interactivity
  • current solution to these problems is to either provide a non-AJAX alternative to your application or to allow your AJAX application to continue to function if JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest are not supported. Such a requirement may be very difficult to achieve
  • Another issue with AJAX is how the application interface is updated. When updates to the interface occur, it may not be visually apparent that a change has occurred. The problem is even more troublesome for screen reader users. Screen readers typically read in a linear fashion. When changes happen in the interface, the screen reader user may not be aware of the change and the new content will likely not be read.
  • to allow dynamic interface changes to be accessible, the application must alert the user that a change has occurred, allow direct access to the new content, and then allow continued functionality of the web application. This process, while difficult to achieve, especially for screen reader users, is possible to achieve in many AJAX applications.
Sandra Earl

The order of link pseudo-classes matters | 456 Berea Street - 0 views

  • Common knowledge to most who have been working with CSS for a few years, but perhaps not something that relative newcomers have come across yet: the order in which you define the different link states affects the end result. I prefer the following order: :link, :visited, :hover, :focus, :active.
Sandra Earl » Why browser zoom shouldn't kill flexible layouts - 0 views

  • Liquid layouts get rid of the dreaded horizontal scrollbar
  • Liquid layouts allow you to make full use of the area available in the viewport, showing more or less content, depending on what will fit at any given moment.
  • Liquid layouts essentially allow users to choose the line length, or number of text characters per line of text, that is most comfortable for them to read.
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  • If you have images that you think the user will want to get a closer look at, you can choose to scale only these images using easy CSS tricks. You can set up your images and CSS in such a way that the images will have little distortion or blurriness when scaled dynamically by the browser. The other images can all remain a constant size, so that they don’t get in the way of users with very large text and contribute to horizontal scrollbars, float drops, or other nasty things that can happen when you put huge images into web pages. And of couse, if a user does want to scale one of the non-scalable images, they can always use the browser zoom function as a backup method.
Vernon Fowler

Responsive Design is Too Responsive? - 0 views

  • When you use browser zoom in Webkit browsers (Chrome and Safari), all elements on the page increase in size and start overlapping content. This is because WebKit browsers zoom to make the content bigger but the width of the browser remains unaffected, which means it doesn’t trigger responsive style sheet elements or address layout issues.
  • This is an accessibility issue as users with vision deficiencies use browser zoom to navigate websites. If they use Google Chrome they will have a lot of issues accessing content.
Vernon Fowler

A List Apart: Articles: Now You See Me - 0 views

  • visibility: hidden; Element is hidden from view, but is not removed from the normal flow (i.e., it still takes up the space it normally would) Content is ignored by screen readers display: none; Element is removed from the normal flow and hidden; the space it occupied is collapsed Content is ignored by screen readers height: 0; width: 0; overflow: hidden; Element is collapsed and contents are hidden Content is ignored by screen readers
  • if you want to ensure users have access to content (even if it isn’t displayed visually in the current interface), the final option (positioning content offscreen) is really the way to go.
  • Screen readers have access to the content
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  • position: absolute; left: -999em;
  • but links may “focus” oddly and negative indent may not prove long enough to fully hide content
  • limited to text and inline elements
  • Content is removed from the normal flow and shifted off the left-hand edge; the space it occupied is collapsed
    • Vernon Fowler
      This is usually my desired effect.
  • If you don’t want your hidden content to be read by a screen reader, those defaults may work for you
  • how profoundly your choice of hiding mechanism can influence the accessibility of your content to assistive technologies like screen readers
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