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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Trevor Montileaux

Trevor Montileaux

How has technology changed politics? - Quora - 0 views

  • Radio and television changed politics perhaps more than the telephone and the internet have even to date.  Before FDR's fireside chats, it's hard for us to understand that almost nobody knew what Herbert Hoover sounded like.  You could seek out a message from him in a newspaper, but he couldn't reach you proactively.  The famous Kennedy-Nixon debate was the one where the radio audience felt that Nixon had handily won the debate.  The TV audience saw Nixon with sweat on his face and no makeup on, and thought he had collapsed miserably in comparison with the suave, telegenic Senator Kennedy - many think TV got JFK elected.  Many have observed that in an age of TV we almost certainly would not elect a man as ungainly as Abraham Lincoln or as portly as William Howard Taft.
  • Facebook and twitter have been used effectively for two election cycles so far, but I believe that 2012 will see a paradigm shift in the way Facebook is used.  Instead of each campaign having a "fan page" where voters "like" the campaign, more viral features will help the campaign message spread.
Trevor Montileaux

Watch Obama's State of the Union Address - 0 views

  • U.S. President Barack Obama will address Congress and the nation Tuesday night at 9 p.m. ET in the televised State of the Union address — it will also be available online on various platforms
  • We've rounded up a number of different ways to watch, and interact with, Obama as he delivers his fifth State of the Union Address tonight online
  • , below
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  • 1.
  • 2. YouTube
  • 3. Bing and Fox News
Trevor Montileaux

Technology & The Way We Work - 0 views

  • Has technology changed the way we work? Take a quick look around your office, shop, warehouse, even a building site. What you’ll see somewhere is a computer, maybe hundreds of them. For most of us, they rule our working lives. It might not be directly, we might not spend all day working on them, but they tell us what we need, control inventories, the speed jobs should be done, where – and if - we’ll be working tomorrow.
  • These days business is on a global level, more so than ever before, and it couldn’t exist without computers letting people communicate around the world.
  • We rely on technology for business.
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  • although it’s supposed to make work more efficient
Trevor Montileaux

The impact of Information Technology on Governments | - 0 views

  • Information technology probably impacts governments more than corporations and private individuals.
  • Governments, on the other hand, usually lag behind and are forced to catch up. And even if they do not want to be involved, they must, because current trends and business practices demand that they conform. But this leaves governments vulnerable in many ways and thus, it can be said that generally speaking, information technology has a negative impact on governments.
  • Secondly, governments hold confidential information. Both data from its individual citizens and country specific security data
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  • information becomes digital and available to anyone who cares to see it,
  • Further, governments in poorer countries can bridge the gap between the global environment, the government employees, and their citizens
  • access to information allows these governments to lay foundations for policies and make commitments to improve conditions.
Trevor Montileaux

How social media and technology have changed the election process | Techerator - 0 views

  • One of the biggest examples of the effects of social media during this election is in the presidential debates. In the past, debates were somewhat downplayed, and people thought that it ultimately could not sway the results of an election.
  • spreading the word in the age of the internet is infinitely easier than it was ten years ago
  • people can tweet, post status updates, or send friends messages instantly to say what they feel about the presidential debate.
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  • Something that I find extremely interesting, and that I think has a strong impact on the elections, is the social media that is used to discuss the candidates.
  • during the political conventions and the debates, live tweets were displayed in real-time on the screen so that viewers could get an idea what others were thinking about debate.
Trevor Montileaux

Job Application Guide: Online Job Applications - 0 views

  • There are thousands of websites where you can post your resume online and complete an online job application. Applicants either apply online via a job board, like, or apply online directly at the company's web site. In some cases, job seekers are required to register and to build an employment profile. Once you've built your profile, you can apply for jobs online and set up search agents to email you when new jobs are added to the system.
Trevor Montileaux

The Impact of Technology on Political Communication | The New York Observer - 0 views

  • Something is different about political participation in these early years of the 21st century. In part, we are seeing the impact of technology on political processes.
  • There are now four billion cell phones in use throughout the world, and many of them can capture and transmit images. When coupled with social networking websites, they make millions of people both producers and consumers of information. While the information on the web is difficult to verify and easy to manipulate, it is a fact of modern political life.
  • The impact of the web on political fundraising is the most significant change in political campaigning since JFK beat Nixon in their first TV debate back in 1960.
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  • The internet and cell phones add a new dimension to political technology; they are interactive media. In addition to the images presented on the web, the internet allows people to quickly spread ideas, information and organize political protest. Information comes to the public and from the public as well.
Trevor Montileaux

Air Force One | The White House - 0 views

  • The onboard electronics are hardened to protect against an electromagnetic pulse, and Air Force One is equipped with advanced secure communications equipment, allowing the aircraft to function as a mobile command center in the event of an attack on the United States.
Trevor Montileaux

Technology has changed how we can seek and do our jobs - Baltimore Careers | - 0 views

  • Little or no time or travel expenses are required to commute on congested, dangerous highways to job interviews or workplaces.
  • The ability to use electronic social networks to find and apply for job openings.
  • Greater work flexibility for employees who work from home.
Trevor Montileaux

How Technology will Change the Political Process - Forbes - 0 views

  • technological innovation was to support a business of that scale. Andrew Rasiej, the founder of Personal Democracy Media which is a group that tracks the integration of technology and politics, shared his thoughts with me.
Trevor Montileaux

6 Ways Technology Is Improving Healthcare - Business Insider - 0 views

  • The Internet has become a main source of medical information
  • Healthcare facilities are reaching patients using social media
  • Better treatment and less suffering
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  • 4. Improved patient care and worker efficiency
  • Doctors are easier to reach and better at their jobs
  • Online databases can accurately predict medical trends
Trevor Montileaux

Drew Hendricks: How Technology Is Changing the Medical and Health Care Field - 0 views

  • Healthcare professionals who work with medical billing and coding know the strides technology has made.
  • medical billing and coding has switched from being a paper-based system to a computerized format.
  • Doctors are benefiting immensely from the drive toward electronic medical records. With one touch of a button, doctors can access all the care a patient has ever received and can figure out possible illnesses.
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  • new technology is that it enables statistical documentation of the whole population.
  • Known as the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, the ICD-10 is the latest revision of this diagnostic tool.
  • It encompasses 14,400 different codes, as well as additional sub-classifications.
  • ICD-10 includes additional codes that amounts to a total of 76,000
Trevor Montileaux

HowStuffWorks "How Scanning Electron Microscopes Work" - 0 views

  • That's where a scanning electron microscope (SEM) came in.
  • Why was an SEM, rather than a regular light, or optical, microscope from the local high school, necessary to examine the evidence for Smithart's trial
  • SEMs can magnify objects at upward of 300,000 times the size of the object studied. Scientists refer to this number as the magnification power and denote it,
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  • providing an almost 3-D image for re
Trevor Montileaux

How Science Has Changed in the Information Age | Voice of San Diego - 0 views

  • . Advancements in computing capabilities have enabled the development of bioinformatics, wherein scientists apply computer science and statistical algorithms to process and analyze huge sets of data.
  • Furthermore, the ability to share information with the world through the internet has completely transformed how scientific findings are communicated and data are shared throughout the scientific community
  • HeLa cells were shared throughout the world, passing from one scientist to the next, the distance between the end-user and the original source, Henrietta Lacks, grew larger and larger
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  • Similarly, in today’s digital world, the wide and rapid spread of scientific information often leaves scientists responsible for generating the information without the credit and recognition warranted
  • Information made available through online journals, databases and repositories, blogs, websites, and email correspondence are re-posted on other forums and passed along innumerable times through email and social media.
  • Digital technologies enable scientists to perform experiments not previously possible to conduct.
Trevor Montileaux

5 Ways Technology Has Changed the Medical Field - 0 views

  • TestingRegular blood tests and lab work can reveal anything from a lack of iron in your blood to certain types of cancers, diabetes and possible heart conditions. These simple tests can be a life saver with early detection.
  • Early detectionWith the use of x-rays, MRI's and Cat Scans doctors are able to have an "inside" look at your body and what diseases or ailments may be hiding within. Doctors are able to detect and diagnose problems before they become life threatening.
  • SurgeryAdvances in this field have transformed surgery as a "risky art" into a scientific discipline capable of treating many diseases and conditions.
Trevor Montileaux

Technology and medicine - 0 views

  • Assistive technologies became central to medicine during the 20th century
  • Using computers was one of the most important technological changes in 20th-century medicine.
  • enabled insurers and state-run health services to track patient records on a massive scale.
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  • Advancing technology has presented physicians and patients with serious ethical dilemmas
Trevor Montileaux

Technology makes health care more convenient | - 0 views

  • Technology has changed the way we live, and the medical field is no different. From portable medical equipment, digital X-rays, remote-monitoring, employee-management and smartphone applications, technology is changing the way patients receive treatment.
  • “We’re in an age that allows us to bring a whole new level of house-call medicine out to the patient
  • medical delivery system that can come to the
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  • Today’s portable X-ray machines are about the size of a desktop printer.
  • n-home echocardiograms to look at images of blood vessels and blood clots, as well as images of hearts or internal organs.
Trevor Montileaux

How Technology Is Transforming Health Care - US News - 0 views

  • Digital innovations have now made it possible for consumers to use portable devices to access their medical information, monitor their vital signs, take tests at home and carry out a wide range of tasks
  • We can remotely and continuously monitor each heart beat, moment-to-moment blood pressure readings, the rate and depth of breathing, body temperature, oxygen concentration in the blood, glucose, brain waves, activity, mood – all the things that make us tick.
Trevor Montileaux

Top 10 Emerging Environmental Technologies | LiveScience - 0 views

  • Make Paper Obsolete
  • Remove the Sal
  • Let Plants and Microbes Clean Up After Us
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  • Make Oil from Just about Anything
  • Harness Waves and Tides
  • Bury The Bad Stuff
  • Hydrogen fuel cell usage has been touted as a pollution-free alternative to using fossil fuels.
  • t's a wonder that this concept attributed to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of Seven Wonders of the World, didn't catch on sooner in the modern world.
  • The biggest solar collector on Earth is our ocean mass
  • The sun's energy, which hits Earth in the form of photons, can be converted into electricity or heat.
Trevor Montileaux

Using Technology to Improve Health - 0 views

  • Selby credits Kaiser Permanente's electronic health record system,
  • KP has been heralded as the vanguard in health care technology for creating the largest civilian electronic health record system in the nation, which includes all of its 8.7 million members, 3.4 million of whom reside in Northern California.
  • Similarly, the ALIVE (A Lifestyle Intervention Via E-mail) program, led by Barbara Sternfeld, PhD, seeks to promote physical activity and healthy eating using e-mail and a Web-based tool.
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  • ALIVE program was offered to KPNC regional employees and included a randomized controlled study in which half of the group received 12 individually tailored e-mail messages about healthy food and lifestyle choices.
  • "The results were very positive. We saw improvements in all measures," says Sternfeld,
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