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Suzanne Palmer

Westerville City Schools Office of Gifted Education - 5 views

    After reviewing the Identification brochure (accessible on the right-hand side of this site) and ODE's "Who is Gifted in Ohio by Law and Rule?", what questions do you have about the gifted identification process in Ohio or Westerville? What do you see as the biggest challenge in the gifted identification process in Westerville?
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    So. . .do you know that if you are writing a comment about link, and click back on the link to look something up, when you return to our wcsgifted page, everything you have typed up to that point is gone ARGHHHH!!!!! Tip of the day: Always click Post before navigating away from this page!
    And I was just about finished with this assignment - kinda like the dog ate my homework! It appears as if the Westerville identification process follows the criteria outlined by the Ohio Department of Education. I would say that the broad range of gifted identification would be the greatest challenge. I also wonder about the 4 year age gap between the two grade levels when screening instruments are administered. The developmental differences between a student in Grade 2 and a student in Grade 6 are vast. I am aware that students can be identified by other means as well; however I would venture to believe that a majority of students are identified by these group screening tools. I am curious why students are not rescreened earlier than Grade 6?
    My final comment has to do with the technology piece of this course. I am still trying to differentiate between the advantages of using the Wiki and the advantages of using Diigo. I was thinking that Diigo was a tool to organize Online Resources and the Wiki was a forum for discussion and uploading other resources. If that is the case, would this assignment not be better off posted on the Wiki - perhaps creating a new page in the Ashland folder entitled "Identifying the Gifted - What are the Challenges?" where we could post comments and respond to each other? I'm struggling a little with the organization of the two sites and how they work together - any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks:-) Hope everyone is enjoying our winter wonderland!
    Thanks for sharing the interesting tidbit of information about posting. Sorry for the frustration. I guess I should address your final comment as this seems like the appropriate place to comment. It is my understanding that the Wiki is not suited to the discussion but the Diigo is. Eric, can you comment as well on this?
    Laura, You raise some valid questions in the time between whole group testing. We started testing in 2nd grade because years ago our gifted programming did begin in 3rd grade so 2nd grade testing information was used for that purpose. About 6 years ago when we went through all of the cuts, we lost our 3rd grade programming but by that time we were a BFK district and needed that 2nd grade data point so whole group testing has remained there. Also, up until a few years ago, the next whole group testing opportunity did take place at 5th grade. When 5th grade began testing 4 areas for the OAT, it was my understanding that the decision was made to move it to 6th grade because of the overwhelming amount of testing at that grade level. 6th grade only had the reading amd math OATs. You raise the same question that many people ask. Another important factor to consider is that testing is expensive.I don't know if we will be able to get that changed or not. We are in compliance with the state and our identification. And you are correct that we do offer individual testing based on referrals but this is a small majority of our students who are identified in this way.
    On the "Wiki vs. Diigo" question, my opinion is that Diigo has better features for facilitating discussions. (However, discussion is possible in the wiki as well to a certain extent using the "comment" feature at the bottom of most pages.) Diigo, though, lets you comment on specific sections of most web resources and can "thread" discussions, which the comment feature of PBWorks does not support. While Diigo and PBWorks do have some overlapping features, I mainly use PBWorks to collaboratively CREATE new content or share already-made resources that are not elsewhere online (e.g. policy documents, curriculum maps, or unit/lesson plans that would otherwise be locked in a physical file cabinet or on one teacher's local hard drive.) I mainly use Diigo to bookmark, annotate, and share resources that are already online. (For example, interesting online articles, lesson plans from online curriculum repositories etc.) Occasionally, though, I will use the two tools in tandem -- for example, creating a page using PBWorks which I then bookmark into Diigo. (Remember that the pages you make in the wiki are really web pages, so you can use Diigo's tools on top of them, and share and discuss them with anyone who also has access to the wiki.) For example, on other projects, my collaborators and I have started "draft" documents as wiki pages and then used Diigo to comment on the draft and suggest changes and additions.) Long story short, though, think of the wiki as a place to collaborative make new things, and think of Diigo as a place to store, share, find and talk about things that are already out on the web. Hope this helps clarify things a bit. If not, though, please let me know.
    Thanks for the clarification - this does help. So. . . when asked to view and comment on a Power Point or a PDF document. . . what is the best way to do this? I know these can these these be uploaded into the Wiki, but then are they actually part of the webpage or a separate entity. From what you are saying, if they are part of the webpage, we should be able to use the Diigo tools??? Just clarifying again. Thanks for taking the time to help me understand this better.
    No problem -- glad to hear that made some sesne. Technically, when a web page links to a PowerPoint file, the file isn't really "part of" the webpage in the sense that the actual content of the PowerPoint presentation gets added to the HTML that makes up the webpage. The PowerPoint file is still a separate entity, but the link tells your web browser where on the Internet to find it. ("Uploading" a file to the wiki actually makes a copy of your original document on a remote web server, where it also gets assigned a unique web address. When you create a link to an uploaded file, then, you're not really embedding the actual file in the wiki page, but a quick-and-easy way to access that file.) Unfortunately, the only way to make comments within PowerPoint files (on a "slide by slide" basis) is to use the commenting features in the PowerPoint program itself, then re-save and re-upload your commented version, so this gets tedious pretty quickly if you're trying to have an ongoing online conversation.) It's a similar story with PDF files. It's really a matter of personal preference whether to comment on a PPT or PDF file you link to from a wiki page using diigo or the wiki itself. Personally, I'd probably opt to do it in Diigo just because I like its commenting features better than the ones in PBWorks and because doing it in Diigo would make it part of my Diigo library, which means I could quickly find it again in the future if I needed it without having to remember where it is. I'm in a bunch of different wikis that overlap topics, so sometimes if I read something that I want to find again in six months or a year I have trouble remembering if it was in Wiki A, Wiki B, or Wiki C. Therefore, having a central index like my Diigo library in helps keep me from losing stuff and saves me time searching for things I've read in the past and want to access again. Hope you have a good weekend.
Suzanne Palmer

Grouping the gifted and talented: Questions and answers - 7 views

  • September 1993
    • Laura Hance
      I am concerned with the date of this article. Are her points still relevant?
    • Suzanne Palmer
      I absolutely believe they are. I have read many more recent articles and journals that continue to support Rogers findings. I think that the organization of the article is reader-friendly addressing the different types of groupings as well as the social and emotional impact on students.
    • Eric Calvert
      In 2002, Rogers published a book (Re-Forming Gifted Education) covering similar territory but incorporating data from students between 1993 and 2002. Her conclusions in the more recent work were pretty consistent with the article from 93. The College of William and Mary also did an independent survey of the literature just a few years ago for the State of Ohio comparing pros and cons of different gifted service delivery models. In a nutshell, their summary was that models that include grouping elements, provide access to advanced content at a faster than typical pace, and are focused on a specific content area (vs., say, a general purpose pull-out "enrichment" program) tend to produce the biggest learning gains and are among the least costly models to implement. (Thus, I would wager that the reconfiguration of the middle school programs you all started this year will ultimately pay big dividends for kids down the road if you keep working together on differentiating curriculum and gradually articulating the program down to lower grade levels.)
  • have used one of the latter two approaches to research.
    • Laura Hance
      I was pleased to see they used the approaches that can be quantified.
  • Gifted educators are now confronted with shoring up the erosion of years of effort:
    • Laura Hance
      This statement seems to show some bias on the part of the author.
    • Suzanne Palmer
      I think that we all know how hard it is to get something back that has been cut from budget. Gifted programming of any kind is often one of the first things cut from a budget when there needs to be cuts. Gifted can be an easy target in Ohio because gifted programming is currently not mandated and often times the test scores of our identified students show they are doing "OK".
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • from the minority who have been chronically underserved
    • Laura Hance
      I might argue that the "middle" would be the most chronically underserved group.
    • Suzanne Palmer
      I would be interested in more detail on this.
  • in which the top 5-8 gifted learners at a grade level
    • Laura Hance
      Is she saying here that only the top 5-8 students per grade level would be served using this model? If not, it would seem that each building would need almost all teachers to be a trained teacher of the gifted in order to be able to service all students with a gifted ID.
    • Suzanne Palmer
      Yes, I believe that is what she is saying. In most of the research I have done in clustering, it is recommended to have 5-7 in an identified area together. We began clustering in reading and math in our 4th and 5th grade classes this year throughout the district. We found that the majority of the buildings had enough students to support a cluster either in reading and/or math and the training of that teacher. In 2 of our larger buildings, they actually had enough where they could have a couple of math and reading classes with a cluster of math or reading identified students.
  • substantial academic gains for elementary learners at all ability levels in mathematics,
  • substantial academic gains in reading and some evidence of similar gains in mathematics for students of all ability levels.
    • Laura Hance
      I find it interesting that cross grade grouping seems to be most affective for reading and the within-class grouping seems to be most affective in mathematics. I do not see this as reflective as what is currently happening in Westerville.
    • Suzanne Palmer
      Please expand.
  • a small decline in self-esteem for subject acceleration,
    • Laura Hance
      Teachers of 6th grade Pre Algebra have been concerned with some of the stress-levels exhibited by students - such as pulling out eyelashes and the inability to cope with not understanding a specific concept.
    • Suzanne Palmer
      Interesting, there are a couple of things to consider with the behaviors exhibited by these gifted students. For some of our brightest students, it can be difficult for them when they are faced with something that is a challenge for them for the first time. Many of our gifted learners exhibit characteristics of perfectionism as well. I hope that these teachers are working with our middle school coordinators to address some of these social and emotional concerns. If not, that is something that I would strongly recommend.
  • She found greater numbers of ethnic minorities and the economically disadvantaged in the lower track classes.
    • Laura Hance
      This would be my concern with ability grouping at all levels. While it may be appropriate for gifted learners, I do think the lower track can give students all the opportunities that should be afforded them.
    • Suzanne Palmer
      I agree. That is a nice benefit of clustering. I recently read The Cluster Grouping Handbook which talks about the appropriate way to cluster students and I think the way Susan Winebrenner has done it really makes sense to help raise the bar for all students.
  • It is important that we change this situation, seek to understand its causes, while at the same time we continue to provide appropriate ability grouping options to our identified gifted and talented.
    • Laura Hance
      I agree!
  • appreciate the diversity in their society
    • Laura Hance
      I will say that my daughters who attended WNHS greatly benefited from both the diversity of the school and the diversity of their classes. When they left for college and entered the world of work, they had a nice glimpse into the "real world" and I think are better adjusted for it.
  • It is important to note that the coverage vs. mastery dilemma exists in all whole-class group-paced instruction
    • Laura Hance
      I think the points made in the Differentiation article would dispute this.
  • This in turn may lead to an even more precipitous decline in national test scores than we have already been witnessing since the 1960s.
    • Laura Hance
      Is this the case? What has happened in the 17 years since this article was written?
  • Just as we readily acknowledge the complexity of the learning process, we must acknowledge that no simple solution
    • Laura Hance
      The other article we were asked to read is a PDF, which does not support Diigo. However, I fully agree with the points made regarding differentiation. Done appropriately, I think this is the best model to benefit ALL students.
Suzanne Palmer

Top Ten Things that Teachers Need to Know about Gifted Students. - 6 views

    After watching this video, comment on which of the Top 10 things presented you think a classroom teacher most often overlooks or misunderstands when working with gifted students.
  • ...2 more comments...
    I think the classroom teacher has difficulty understanding the traits that reflect the greatest paradox. Under the Possible Classroom Behavior category, she mentions that while students may appear off task, they may simply be processing differently or that the questions the student asks may be out in left field. Under the category labeled Abstract & Complex, she mentions that while these students can think at a high level, they may still need to be taught study skills and test taking skills. Additionally, the category labeled Asynchronous Development points out that while students can have very adult-like conversations, they can still react at their chronological age. Many times a regular classroom teacher is not able to make sense out of the paradox and may have a difficult time honoring the GT label. It is important that classroom teachers understand the "other" traits that make up the Gifted and Talented student and help students to work through these other hurdles that may keep them from reaching their full potential.
    There are many "other" traits of the gifted student that many educators do not understand, and thus may impact their success in their classroom. Many have the misconception that our gifted learners have all the tools they need to be successful, but in fact, they do need additional support. Some students will struggle once they hit high school or even college because they have never had to learn study skills or time management skills. For some of these students this can cause them to underachieve once they are challenged because they do not have the tools to meet the challenge. This was something that we would often see with our students who came into our self-contained gifted program in 3rd grade. Parents would often question whether the student should be in the program because they were seeing their student "struggling" a little bit with the higher-level and more abstract assignments and tasks expected of them. This was something new for them as they had been accustomed to 3 or 4 years of no homework or more knowledge or comprehension level tasks. We assured them that yes, indeed, they were in the right place. I would often have students return to see me saying that the years in our program really prepared them for their higher level courses in high school. The asynchronous development is also an interesting trait of our students. In the years I taught in our self-contained program, there were definitely those students who were so bright, that even in a classroom with other gifted 5th graders, they often would prefer the conversation and interaction of the teachers throughout the day. Many times you would forget that you were only talking to a 10 or 11 year old child, but then would be reminded once you saw them interacting with their peers at recess time.
    Hmmmm. . . the comment about beginning to struggle in high school because they never learned the study skills they need. . . I just finished reading Pam's e-mail. . .
    You are exactly right! I can't help but think about the lengthy lesson plans that we had to write (and dreaded) in our undergrad teaching methods courses. Most educators do not provide this much detail in their daily plans, but that process and all of those components are instilled in us and we have the "tools" to explain rationale for the lessons we implement in the classroom. We had the foundation laid for us.
Eric Calvert

Personal Learning Networks Are Virtual Lockers for Schoolkids | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Constructing a PLN is the essential skill that moves my students into the driver's seat of their own learning. It helps them sort through and manage the proliferation of online materials that jam the information superhighway.
  • Tony Wagner, from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, lists assessing and analyzing information as one of the seven survival skills in the new world of work.
  • An RSS reader is a Web site that puts together all this information in an easy-to-read format. Google Reader, netvibes, Pageflakes, Bloglines, and my preferred reader, iGoogle, are all examples of sites providing RSS readers. The RSS reader is the raw material for building a PLN.
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  • How Does a PLN Work? RSS technology enables the students to create a PLN. The RSS button, often called a chicklet because of its resemblance to a piece of Chiclets chewing gum, contains all the programming required to add customized sources of news and information to a PLN with just a click. These buttons are on just about every blog, wiki, and mainstream media Web site.
  • I think the ability to create a PLN is a fundamental information-management skill that will help my students succeed in the future.
  • Like an empty locker, the RSS reader starts off as a blank Web page, and students must learn how to seek out sources of information to fill the page that will make up their research. The PLN is never complete, but it evolves to meet the changing needs of each individual project.
    Personal Learning Networks are Virtual Lockers for Schoolkids
Laura Hance

ODE - Identification: Who is Gifted in Ohio by Law and Rule? - 4 views

  • Score two standard
  • Perform at or above the 95th percentile
  • approved score on an above grade-level standardized, nationally normed test.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • Perform at or above the 95th percentile at the national level
  • Score one standard deviation above
  • Demonstrate to a trained individual
  • regular opportunities
    • Laura Hance
      However the group screening process only occurs in Grades 2 & 6. Why?
Laura Hance

Resource: Learning Math: Patterns, Functions, and Algebra - 2 views

    While this is a web-based course, it features the Annenberg videos that can help teachers to develop a deeper understanding of basic algebraic principals. The videos can be viewed without enrolling in the course.
Laura Hance

Figure This! Math Challenges for Families - Challenge Index - 2 views

  • Graphical represenations of data
    • Laura Hance
      I was hoping the Challenge entitled "Census" could be linked to the upcoming National Census, however it is about zip codes - still good, but not nearly as relevant.
    These challenges are listed by topic and would be an excellent extension for students in advanced math. They are nicely categorized, so easy to reference
Eric Calvert

Diigolet | Diigo - 1 views

  • Diigo Toolbar Diigolet Post to Diigo Enhanced Linkrolls Tagrolls Send to Blog Auto Blog Post Import Bookmarks Import Google Notebook Export Bookmarks "Add to Diigo" Widget Save Elsewhere Install Facebook App Diigo API Diigolet Diigolet is not as feature-rich as the Diigo toolbar, but it can be set-up by simple drag-and-drop - no download or installation needed, and it works for all major browsers. Much more powerful than bookmarklets offered by other social bookmarking sites, Diigolet is a "super bookmarklet" that allows you to highlight and add
  • Right click this button: Diigolet and click "Add to Favorites..."
  • Make sure your "Favorites Bar" is visible
    • Eric Calvert
      Don't forget this. Important!
    This is the intro page for Diigo.
Eric Calvert

wcsgifted / An Introduction to Social Bookmarking with Diigo - 2 views

  • Diigolet
    • Eric Calvert
      Works with any browser
  • Toolbar
    • Eric Calvert
      Update: a version for Explorer has also been released
    • Eric Calvert
      Part of the Diigo add-on for the Firefox and Safari Web browsers.
  • social bookmarking?
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Through Others
    • Eric Calvert
      Try searching for some groups in Diigo about gifted education, middle school, or your content area.
  • Check this out.
    THis is the wiki we used in the workshop on January 14, 2010.
chad bell

TeacherTube Videos - 6th grade Fraction Rap - 0 views

    6th Grade Students rapping about fractions....
Robert Edwards

Illuminations: Too Big or Too Small? - 1 views

  • Activity 1: Exploring The Size of a Million Dollars
    • Robert Edwards
      Good for beginning of year--chapter 1 about reading and understanding magnitude of large numbers
melynda amrine

Interactivate: Translations, Reflections, and Rotations - 0 views

    • melynda amrine
      This is pretty cool but not as great as Hance's mimio activity.
Ned Kerstetter

Ohio Resource Center > Ohio Standards > Mathematics > by Grade > Grade 6 - 1 views

    Resource list by indicator
LaVanya Watkins Activity - Design Your Own Rube Goldberg Machine - 1 views

    Simple Machines
jamie yeater

Ohio Resource Center > for Mathematics Educators > Browse Results - 0 views

shared by jamie yeater on 14 Jan 10 - Cached
    Fractions activites
Robert Edwards

Cynthia Lanius' Lessons: Who Wants Pizza? Fractions Table of Contents - 0 views

    Good introduction to the concept of fractions as a part of a whole, and fraction problem solving
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