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Nigel Robertson

Warner Bros. Admits Sending HotFile False Takedown Requests | TorrentFreak - 1 views

    Warners take down films from site that are there legally and have nothing to do with Warners.
Nigel Robertson

Lawrence Lessig Strikes Back Against Bogus Copyright Takedown | Electronic Frontier Fou... - 0 views

    "The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) today filed suit against an Australian record company for misusing copyright law to remove a lecture by Harvard Law School professor Lawrence Lessig from YouTube. With co-counsel Jones Day, EFF is asking a federal judge in Massachusetts to rule that the video is lawful fair use, to stop Liberation Music from making further legal threats, and to award damages."
Nigel Robertson

Google Transparency Report - 0 views

    Who is requesting takedown, for what and when. Google is transparent about requests made regarding copyright infringement notices.
Nigel Robertson

Go To Hellman: The DMCA Takedown of a Feynman Lectures eBook Converter - 0 views

    You can read it for free - but only if you read it where we say. The nitty gritty of copyright stoush's.
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