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Nigel Robertson

Creativity crisis? What creativity crisis? » - 0 views

    Blogpost on social web and its free-loading on people.
Nigel Robertson

elearnspace › Blackboard's identity crisis, Desire2Learn's optimism, and Inst... - 0 views

    George on the LMS - and he has to backtrack on Moodle in the comments!
Nigel Robertson

Highlights from Coursera Partners Conference 2020 - Class Central - 0 views

    Huge numbers of enrolments during covid19 crisis. And big numbers in online degrees at high volume, low cost.
Nigel Robertson

ACE Framework | The Open Learning & Teaching Collaborative - 0 views

    " the ACE Framework to guide our decision-making and professional development planning. ACE stands for Adaptability, Connection, and Equity. ACE elevates three characteristics that are clear, context-sensitive, values-driven, and mission-aligned; we can use them to plan assignment-, course-, and institution-level responses to crisis (such as COVID-19) in the areas of our university that are connected to teaching and learning."
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