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Nigel Robertson

Twitter? It's Better Than The Most Things (According to Sturgeon) « UK Web Focus - 0 views

    The value in Twitter
Nigel Robertson

Explaining the Risks and Opportunities Framework - 0 views

    The opportunities which can be provided by the Social Web are now widely acknowledged, ... We now need to address a range of concerns including those which have been raised at various workshops organised by UKOLN and delivered through MLA Regional Agencies and Renaissance Hubs. Such concerns include a lack of understanding (of what the Social Web is about); concerns over legal issues, technical challenges (such as interoperability, reliability issues), business challenges (such as sustainability) and related resourcing issues.
Nigel Robertson

"Using Social Media to Enhance Your Research Activities" - Workshop Session a... - 0 views

    Useful account of social media for researchers by Cetis's Brian Kelly highlighting wide variation in use.
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