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Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

Kaizena Mini, the first major update to our Google Docs addon - 0 views

    WOW... Much easier to use than the KAIZENA website. Why? It is integrated into google docs.
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

The 5 Recent Google Drive Updates Teachers Should Know About ~ Educational Technology a... - 0 views

    Keep up to speed with all the changes in GOOGLE DRIVE
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

Google Apps - 0 views

    Tools: Chrome Apps and Extensions Topics: Audio, Bookmarking, Photography, Collaboration, Diagramming, Google, Keyboarding, Presentations, Polls, QR, Screenshots, Social Media, Content: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

ISTE14 Flipped With Chromebooks - 2 views

    Ideas for how to use Google and Chromebooks for blended/flipped learning.
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

KAIZENA - Receive Notifications for Audio Comments on Google Docs and Presentations ~ E... - 0 views

    Providing students with AUDIO feedback.
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

Cloud Computing -- Google Docs Way: yogi_Merge Data From Several Sheets And Use QUERY F... - 0 views

  • This is for tracking individuals and I'd like for each employee to update their own (I've already addressed permissions) and the boss would be able to view the 'Master' Sheet which would allow him to get his statistics and view employee progress.  There is the potential for hundreds of names but likely less than 100 per Sheet during typical work.
  • urrently 4 Sheets and one Master)
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

WeVIDEO - 0 views

    COLLABORATIVE video creation! Embedded right into your Google Drive. Makes creating and sharing videos with teams a snap.
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

Spreadsheets in K-12 Classrooms - 0 views

    Google Spreadsheets in the K-12 Classroom including using EXISTING DATA and INTERACTIVE data. Includes some examples and templates
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

HELP for Kaizena - Embed your VOICE inside Google Docs - 0 views

    This presentation gives an overview of how to use KAIZENA (add-on in Chrome and Firefox)
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners - 0 views

    Tips and Tricks for such places as Thinglink, ScreenCast, Google
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

ISTE: Transforming your Instructional Approach within a 1:1 Chromebook Environment - Go... - 0 views

    This slide show includes a wide variety of CHROME add-ons and extensions. A few ideas for classroom management when bringing in 1:1 (chromebooks or any other 1:1 initiative)
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

Categorized Chrome Apps and Extensions Master - Google Sheets - 0 views

    SUPERB master list of Chrome AddOns and Extensions in a very organized spreadsheet. Includes a separate page for Elem, MS/HS, Music, Art, PE, STEM, SPEd, Teacher Productivity. Includes ideas and ISTE standards. "
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

Using the 20% Model - Tech Coaching that works - 0 views

    The TECH coaches who shared their PD model got their inspiration from DANIEL PINK's book DRIVE and the creative work at 3M and Google. Find out how they turned PD into a creative opportunity for teachers. INTRINSIC motivation is tapped to encourage already effective teachers to improve their practice even more.
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

Librarians Online - 0 views

    Librarians are key to 21st Century skill development. This librarian shares a wide variety of resources (articles, templates, tips) for other librarians.
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

Digital Science Fairs Grades 3-5 - 0 views

    Digital Science Fairs -
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

ISTE.pdf - 0 views

    A wide variety of resources for FLIPPING a classroom. This specific list of resources are shared by foreign language teachers and hence give some solid ideas for the language classroom.
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

OneTab extension for Google Chrome and Firefox - save up to 95% memory and reduce tab c... - 0 views

    WOW! This extension for Chrome and Firefox allows you to save all your open tabs to ONE webpage. You can save for later, get a QR code for the page, share the page, convert to a web page etc...
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

Extreme PD Makeover - Ways to Anchor Technology in Your Classroom Tomorrow - 0 views

    Taken from entertaining games we have all played and converted into creative ways to provide PD around integrating technology.
Diane Berthoin-Hernandez

How to be a Tech Coach - 0 views

    These two tech coaches provide ways to provide tech integration PD by modeling best practices.
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