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Roland Gesthuizen

Course: Posters - 0 views

    Series of posters covering some of the most famous faces in technology from the last century, famous quotes or interesting computer facts.
Roland Gesthuizen

Mac App Store - Mindcad Tiler - 0 views

    "Print a single PDF page using multiple sheets of paper to create large banners and posters. Drag and drop PDF files onto the workspace, and then use toolbar buttons to add and subtract rows and columns. PDF pages are autocentered and autoscaled as rows and columns are added and removed."
Roland Gesthuizen

en:welcome [Sozi] - 2 views

    "Sozi is a small program that can play animated presentations. Unlike in most presentation applications, a Sozi document is not organized as a slideshow, but rather as a poster where the content of your presentation can be freely laid out. Playing such a presentation consists in a series of translations, zooms and rotations that allow to focus on the elements you want to show. "
    Powerful addon that can be plugged into Inkscape, good for creating interesting looking presentations.
John Pearce

15 Apps for Recording Skype Conversations | VoIP Sol - 0 views

    "There are lots of ways to record your Skype calls easily, allowing you to save them locally for posterity (ie. covering your back). But mostly you'll want to record a call and drop it into a podcast or make it publically available for all. I've collated the best apps for recording Skype in this list. While some of the applications are free, most of them require you to shell out a few bucks. The list is split into separate sections for Windows and Mac."
Roland Gesthuizen

Ultranet, OnDemand Testing... - Time To Get Mobile? - ABCreative - 0 views

    "The iPad holds so many creative opportunities for the classroom, but is there a place for utilising this tool for online systems such as the Ultranet or On-Demand Testing in Victorian schools?"
    Interesting thought in this blog, iPads for online assessment. This has merit and we have the technology to do this now.
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