7 Things You Should Know About Social Bookmarking - 0 views
Bryson Rahier on 29 Oct 10This article breaks down social bookmarking into various sections. It explains what it is, who is doing it, how it works and more. In addition, this article lists some of the downsides of social bookmarketing as well.
sarahg9992000 on 29 Oct 10-Bookmarking is saving a web address to your computer so that you can revisit it in the future. -Social bookmarking is still new and anyone can participate in it. - It's a new way to organize information that you find online
katie dugan on 29 Oct 10From this website I learned that people can use social bookmarking to connect to other people with the same interests because tags show who they were posted by. I also learned one of the downfalls of social networking which is because all the tagging is done by "amateurs" one may find unrelated information and good information could be lost. The article also summarizes what social bookmarking is, who is doing it, how it works, why its significant, where it is going, what the implications of teaching and learning are, and what its downsides are. Overall, I found this article to be very informative.