The Day in Photos - A compilation of the best photographs of the past 24 hours. Camera Works editors select the 10 to 12 most compelling photos each day from the hundreds of images shot by The Washington Post, Camera WorksÕ worldwide network of free-lance contributors, as well as photo agencies and newswires, including Reuters, Agence France Press and the Associated Press. News Gallery Archives - An archived listing of photo galleries by news section/channel: Politics, Arts & Living, Nation, World, Metro, Business, Sports, Travel and Education. CC NOTE: Bear in mind that the Washington Post does not own the copyright to everything that appears in the newspaper. Washington Post owned material will carry the byline "Washington Post Staff." For hardcopy reprints, e-prints, plaques and posters, PARS International Corp. will clear rights on your behalf. For all other uses, please contact the section of the paper where the material appeared for the author, artist, illustrator or photographer's contact information. The Washington Post Main Number is (202) 334-6000.
"If the world were a village of 100 people, how would the composition be? This set of 20 posters is built on statistics about the spread of population around the world under various classifications. The numbers are turned into graphics to give another sense a touch - Look, this is the world we are living in."