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Home/ Visual Literacy/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jean Marrapodi

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jean Marrapodi

Jean Marrapodi

Colors of Life | Inspiration - 1 views

    Fabulous examples of the use of color. Contrasting pictures of black and white then color versions of the same image. Wonderful design too!
Jean Marrapodi

Art Zone - 2 views

    From the National Gallery of Art, allows kids to play with art. Interactive, can play over art do do similar tricks like Photoshop on pictures
Jean Marrapodi

Artist's Toolkit - 2 views

    Great tool for demonstrating line, shape, balance, contrast, color
Jean Marrapodi

A Tour through the Visualization Zoo - ACM Queue - 4 views

    Great list of Visual Diagram options. Lots of concepts. Great collections.
Jean Marrapodi

Mashpedia: Multimedia, Social and Real-Time Encyclopedia - 0 views

    Search engine that pulls up social media info as well as general web: Flickr, YouTube, Twitter sorted by type. Lots of info all at once.
Jean Marrapodi

Chris Harrison - Visualizing the Bible - 2 views

    Beautiful graphic representation of complex data. This is a rainbow-like image of the cross references in the Bible. A cross reference is when one concept connects a phrase or idea with another place in the Bible.
Jean Marrapodi

Legends & Folktales Map - 5 views

    Splendid collection of folktales from around the world. Excellent visual design too.
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