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Simple Tools to Monitor What People Say About Your Company Online | BNET - 0 views

    Brief overview of various online monitoring tools : TweetDeck. SocialMention.TrackUr.GoogleAlert.BoardReader.
Virtual Me

Woopra | Time Web Analytics, Live Chat, and Web Statistics - 0 views

    This tool is great for real time stats. When you log-in you can actually see the visitors to your site. You can even converse with them as they view your site. The analytics portion is much easier to navigate than Google Analytics. This said, in terms of depth and data richness, Google Analytics is still better. With GA I can configure the data any which way I want. Woopra is limited in this aspect. As I understand, Woopra is still heavy in development so we can probably expect a lot more functionality in the months to come.
Virtual Me - 0 views

    Twitter advanced search, Hootsuite, Topsy, The Archivist, Wefollow, Twellow
Virtual Me

Sendible | Social Media Management System - 1 views

    This platform allows you to update all of your social media and blogs ine one place. You only pay as per your need. The bad thing is, the reporting function is terribly weak. SocialBaker is way better. But to have to pay for 2 different systems just for social media could be too much.
Rain Gamboa My Virtual Brains

Spaaze - About - 0 views

    Spaaze is an infinite virtual cork board, and you can use it to do almost everything.
Virtual Me

Pomodoro Egg Timer - 0 views

    It's easy to get glued to the computer when working on interesting projects. But as per pomodoro time management technique, you are suppose to work in 25 minute cycles ( You'll see pomodoro under Special Timers section of this page. I can't exercise religiously but i sure can do jumping jacks or stretches during the 5 minute breaks. 
Virtual Me

Campalyst - Convert Facebook Fans Into Customers - 0 views

    Cool stats. Links with google analytics. However, it still does not provide the stats on a per page basis (ie. stats out of welcome page, video page, etc). Largely focused on posts and streams stats.
Virtual Me

Wordpress Theme | StudioPress Themes - 0 views

    I've never tried this wordpress theme but MyVirtualBrains really likes, so it must be good!
Virtual Me

Buy the #1 video marketing software on the internet! - 0 views

    The easiest flash maker on earth
Virtual Me

Wordpress Theme Gallery » - 0 views

    Awesome designs. Free. 
Virtual Me

Bizmsolutions Blog » Not Enough Engagement On Your Facebook Page? Try This Ex... - 0 views

    ank score: 1.  Affinity between the viewing user and the item creator - If you have a lot of engagement with your fans (i.e. sending them messages, liking their comments, viewing their profiles and basically taking an active interest in what they're doing)  that improves the Edgerank of the item you are posting. [ Keep in mind that this means each object you post is given a score as it pertains to each individual fan.  Neither your page nor each of your posts have just one score] 2. Weight - This is determined by the level of interaction with a post. Facebook considers that a comment is worth more than a like so any item that gets a lot of comments will have a higher Edgerank score. 3.  Time - The older a post is the less important it becomes In my original post I said that using automation tools to post on Facebook will practically guarantee a very low Edgerank score.  In reality, although we believe Facebook
Virtual Me

World Time Buddy | Ridiculously easy world time and meetings across time zones! - 0 views

    I've tried so many world clocks but this one beats all in terms of simplicity and functionality. 
Virtual Me

Google URL Shortener - 0 views

    As you know some URL shorterners are being flagged as spam by gmail. Not sure if this one, by google, is safer to use.
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