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Michael M Grant

Zoho Creator - 0 views

    Zoho Creator's intuitive drag-and-drop enables you to create database applications in minutes without writing any code. You can build web form easily and embed in your website or blog
Michael M Grant

Easy front-end framework - 0 views

    Easy front-end framework is all in one front-end solution. It includes CSS, HTML and JavaScript predefined code that you can easily use and reuse on your projects.
Michael M Grant

CSS Code Snippets : 15 Wicked Tricks - 0 views

    For all it's many advantages, sometimes it's the little things that CSS layout makes difficult that really get to you. A logical and structured layout
Michael M Grant

Produle - 0 views

    Produle is a web service for creating interactive flash based applications without coding.
Michael M Grant

HTML5 Unleashed: Tips, Tricks and Techniques | W3Avenue - 0 views

    The whole purpose of this article is to help you get started with some basic guidelines and easy to follow code templates. If you are familiar with the basics and want to take things to the next level, you will also find several useful resources providing more tips, tricks and techniques.
liza cainz

Fast, Reliable and Accurate Microsoft Support XP Tech Service - 1 views

I was amazed that after reformatting my hard drive to switch from Vista to XP, Help Gurus allowed me to use the same code I had already purchased on my new operating system! I held my breath as I t...

support service Desktop computer technical services PC tech

started by liza cainz on 04 Jan 11 no follow-up yet
Michael M Grant

TwitterCamp at Daniel Dura - 0 views

    "TwitterCamp is a desktop application that allows you to monitor tweets from your friends using the popular Twitter service. The application is especially suited for running on large displays such as plasmas, LCDs, and projectors at conferences. It is simple to customize the interface so that you can use the application for your conference."
Michael M Grant

PHP: What You Need To Know To Play With The Web - Smashing Magazine - 0 views

    In this article, I'll introduce you to the fundamentals of PHP. We'll focus on using PHP to access Web services and on turning static HTML pages into dynamic ones by...
Michael M Grant

The Ultimate Toolbox for iPhone Development - 0 views

    iPhone development can be intimidating, especially to someone who's unfamiliar with Macs, or the way iPhone apps work. But with currently more than 100,000
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