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7 Web 2.0 Animation Tools | Mark Brumley - 0 views
Practical Ed Tech Tip of the Week - Six Styles of Video Projects and Tools for Creating... - 5 views
Free Technology for Teachers: 5 Video Projects for Students - 3 views
ECM Motor Distributor Canada - 0 views
Hey guys, Mitch here at Snowdon. I want to talk to you about US Motor's version of the ECM. They call this the rescue select, which basically, it's really cool, because you could take your X-13 ECM motors, whichever brand you have, whether it's a Carrier, Lennox, Trane, any brand out there. Get back to us with the part number. EMC Motor Distributor canada Then, what we do is we go through a website. We use this rescue select programming tool. We plug it in to the motor, and then basically what we can do is we program the motor so it's exactly the same as your original motor. The specs are identical and it will roll at the speeds that you need so you get your energy savings.
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US Motor Distributor Canada - 0 views
Hello. This is Mitch over at Snowden. I'd like to talk about the US Motors brand of electric motors that we carry. They're a complete line. They've got unit bearing motors now. Here's just a couple of the motors I want to show you. You know, 575 volt condensing fan motors with jack plugs, the ECM motors that are programmable through our programing tool, carrier condenser fans. We've got the complete line from direct drive blowers, belt drive blowers, conveyor motors.
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