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Mitch Crawford

Resource Materials & Technology Center - Fun Web 2.0 Tools - 0 views

  • Wordle - Create word clouds Zooburst - Create 3D books Glogster - Create posters Image Chef - Create posters Picnik - Edit your photos and add special effects BeFunky - Edit your photos and add special effects Storybird - Create collaborative stories Dipity - Create your own timelines Voki - Create a character, and add voice Photovisi - Quickly upload your photos and create collages BigHugeLabs - Use your photos to create puzzles, posters, magazine covers, CD covers, slideshows, etc. Toondoo - Create comic strips Zimmer Twins - Create an animated movie Blabberize - Create talking pictures JibJab - Create eCards and pictures with your photos Fun Face Cam! - Take funny photos with your webcam
  • Wordle - Create word clouds Zooburst - Create 3D books Glogster - Create posters Image Chef - Create posters Picnik - Edit your photos and add special effects BeFunky - Edit your photos and add special effects Storybird - Create collaborative stories Dipity - Create your own timelines Voki - Create a character, and add voice Photovisi - Quickly upload your photos and create collages BigHugeLabs - Use your photos to create puzzles, posters, magazine covers, CD covers, slideshows, etc. Toondoo - Create comic strips Zimmer Twins - Create an animated movie Blabberize - Create talking pictures JibJab - Create eCards and pictures with your photos Fun Face Cam! - Take funny photos with your webcam
  • Wordle - Create word clouds Zooburst - Create 3D books Glogster - Create posters Image Chef - Create posters Picnik - Edit your photos and add special effects BeFunky - Edit your photos and add special effects Storybird - Create collaborative stories Dipity - Create your own timelines Voki - Create a character, and add voice Photovisi - Quickly upload your photos and create collages BigHugeLabs - Use your photos to create puzzles, posters, magazine covers, CD covers, slideshows, etc. Toondoo - Create comic strips Zimmer Twins - Create an animated movie Blabberize - Create talking pictures JibJab - Create eCards and pictures with your photos Fun Face Cam! - Take funny photos with your webcam
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Wordle - Create word clouds Zooburst - Create 3D books Glogster - Create posters Image Chef - Create posters Picnik - Edit your photos and add special effects BeFunky - Edit your photos and add special effects Storybird - Create collaborative stories Dipity - Create your own timelines Voki - Create a character, and add voice Photovisi - Quickly upload your photos and create collages BigHugeLabs - Use your photos to create puzzles, posters, magazine covers, CD covers, slideshows, etc. Toondoo - Create comic strips Zimmer Twins - Create an animated movie Blabberize - Create talking pictures JibJab - Create eCards and pictures with your photos Fun Face Cam! - Take funny photos with your webcam
    "Wordle - Create word clouds Zooburst - Create 3D books Glogster - Create posters Image Chef - Create posters Picnik - Edit your photos and add special effects BeFunky - Edit your photos and add special effects Storybird - Create collaborative stories Dipity - Create your own timelines Voki - Create a character, and add voice Photovisi - Quickly upload your photos and create collages BigHugeLabs - Use your photos to create puzzles, posters, magazine covers, CD covers, slideshows, etc. Toondoo - Create comic strips Zimmer Twins - Create an animated movie Blabberize - Create talking pictures JibJab - Create eCards and pictures with your photos Fun Face Cam! - Take funny photos with your webcam"
Katelund Shultice

Online tools and applications - Go2web20 - 2 views

shared by Katelund Shultice on 06 May 13 - Cached
    • Anna Cesario
      To access these Web 2.0 tools, click on the picture and it brings you to a description of the web 2.0 tool. Then would click on the title and it brings you to the hompage of the tool. 
  • Online tools and applications
    • Kelly Reeve
      This site is really cool because it has the logo for all of these sites. It doesn't tell me what each site does though :(
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • jakob glas
      I like this site because it has a lot of good sites that i've used before
    • Katelund Shultice
      There are a lot of sites that look like they are very helpful. 
    Amazing site with thousand of new web 2.0 applications that we probably have never heard of
Mitch Crawford

Web 2.0 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Web 2.0 websites allow users to do more than just retrieve information. By increasing what was already possible in "Web 1.0", they provide the user with more user-interface, software and storage facilities, all through their browser. This has been called "network as platform" computing.[2] Major features of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, user created web sites, self-publishing platforms, tagging, and social bookmarking. Users can provide the data that is on a Web 2.0 site and exercise some control over that data.[2][15] These sites may have an "architecture of participation" that encourages users to add value to the application as they use it.[1][2] Some scholars have put forth cloud computing as an example of Web 2.0 because cloud computing is simply an implication of computing on the Internet.[16] The concept of Web-as-participation-platform captures many of these characteristics. Bart Decrem, a founder and former CEO of Flock, calls Web 2.0 the "participatory Web"[17] and regards the Web-as-information-source as Web 1.0. Web 2.0 offers all users the same freedom to contribute. While this opens the possibility for serious debate and collaboration, it also increases the incidence of "spamming" and "trolling" by unscrupulous or misanthropic users. The impossibility of excluding group members who don’t contribute to the provision of goods from sharing profits gives rise to the possibility that serious members will prefer to withhold their contribution of effort and free ride on the contribution of others.[18] This requires what is sometimes called radical trust by the management of the website. According to Best,[19] the characteristics of Web 2.0 are: rich user experience, user participation, dynamic content, metadata, web standards and scalability. Further characteristics, such as openness, freedom[20] and collective intelligence[21] by way of user participation, can also be viewed as essential attributes of Web 2.0.
  • The client-side (web browser) technologies used in Web 2.0 development include Ajax and JavaScript frameworks such as YUI Library, Dojo Toolkit, MooTools, jQuery and Prototype JavaScript Framework. Ajax programming uses JavaScript to upload and download new data from the web server without undergoing a full page reload. To allow users to continue to interact with the page, communications such as data requests going to the server are separated from data coming back to the page (asynchronously). Otherwise, the user would have to routinely wait for the data to come back before they can do anything else on that page, just as a user has to wait for a page to complete the reload. This also increases overall performance of the site, as the sending of requests can complete quicker independent of blocking and queueing required to send data back to the client.
peter nixon

Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero: 50 Web 2.0 Sites for Schools - 0 views

  • Dropbox - A great way to share and collaborate on documents on a number of different electronic devices.
  • Glogster - Creating collaborative and interactive posters in this safe environment.  A wonderful and very popular web 2.0 tool.
  • Live Binders - Is a excellent site for creating an online binder to collect and share resources w/ others.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • PresentationTube - A nice windows app for creating presentations out of powerpoint slides.
    Web2.0 sites
jakob glas

The 35 Best Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You | Edudemic - 3 views

    • Sandeep Dhingra
      I have highlighted the ones that we have not used in this class. Also, these would be great tools to use and do research on for this project 
    • jakob glas
      I think this would be good for the brainstorming and researching part.
    • Anna Cesario
      This is an amazing list for us to use. I think it has 35 different tools, but I do recognize a good portion of them. 
  • The List
  • ...50 more annotations...
  • Glogster
  • WordPress
  • Wallwisher
  • Blabberize
  • Weebly
  • Flickr
  • Audioboo
  • Slideshare
  • Primarypad
  • Wordle
  • Spicy Nodes
    • Sandeep Dhingra
      Delicious is another social bookmarking site just like Diigo. If some of us do not like diigo, we can use Delicious instead. 
  • Delicious
  • Myebook
  • DoInk
  • Scratch
  • Kerpoof
  • SmartKiddies
  • Bitstrips
  • Popplet
    • Sandeep Dhingra
      All of the one that are highlighted here are very good and helpful tools. I have not heard of most of them so I believe we should research these
    • Ashley Velez
      This looks like it could be a really helpful website!
  • Storyjumper
  • Aviary Myna
  • TimeToast
  • GoAnimate for schools
  • PBWorks
  • Schoology
  • Google Timeline
  • Online-Convert
  • ReadWriteThink
  • Storybird
  • Word Magnets
  • Museum Box
  • Atmosphir
  • GoogleDocs
  • Empressr
  • EasyBib
  • ToonDooSpaces
  • Diigo
  • GoogleEarth
  • Crocodoc
    • Aaron Cao
      Here are some good tools from "The List"
  • Blabberize
  • Warning Sign Generator
    • Gabbie Risolvato
      this list also is linked to the sites
    • Mitch York
      i think this is a good site because there is a lot of different kinds of web 2.0 tools
  • est Web 2.0 Classroom Tools Chosen By You Added by Jeff Dunn on 2010-07-08 1K+If you’re not an avid follower of #edchat on Twitter, you may be missing out on a great opportunity to learn about some new Web 2.0 tools that are currently being used in classrooms around the world. That’s because @chickensaltash posed a simple question to the PLN and there has been a huge swell of support as hundreds of people have jumped in to answer the question about which 5 Web 2.0 tools teachers are using in classrooms. The Best of the Best You can view the live stream of #edchat here and see what people are saying at the hashtag #chickenweb2tools here. We scoured hundreds of responses and have come up with the following list. The following tools have not been verified and are simply based on the number of times each was mentioned on Twitter during this hashtag discussion. Made at Tagxedo - it's in this list! The List
  • Glogster Great way to share posters and images you’ve made with friends
    This site has a list of the 35 best web 2.0 tools!
    great list of classroom tools
Sandeep Dhingra

Tool Profiles - 50 Web 2.0 Tools Your Students Want You to Use - 0 views

    A site which lists 50 essential tools for students and educators. The tools are categorized into different headings such as Photo and Video and Games and Communication 
Riley Goodwin

101 Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers You Should Know About - 1 views

    • Mitch Crawford
      huge list of web 2.0 tools, some we have used some I am not familiar with
  • dotSUB is especially useful for foreign language teachers. Use it to watch videos with subtitles in the target language, or upload your own video and create your own subtitles.
  • exercises
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • SchoolTube is a moderated video sharing website for K-12 students and teachers. Find videos on everything from anime to zoology. The design of the website is more modern than TeacherTube, which a lot of students appreciate.
  • 85.    Convert pdf to word     This nifty website allows you to turn static PDF pages into editable Microsoft Word documents. 86.    Online Stopwatch     Online Stopwatch is a web-based stopwatch that is easy to display on an interactive whiteboard and can count up or down. Use it for timed exams, essays, and standardized tests. 87.    Hootsuite     If you use social media to communicate with your students about homework assignment due dates, projects, etc., then you should give Hootsuite a try. Use it to schedule message reminders ahead of time so that you don’t risk forgetting, too. 88.    Microsoft Worldwide Telescope Microsoft Worldwide Telescope allows your computer to act as a virtual telescope by bringing together images from the most advanced telescopes around the world. It’s great for science teachers who are doing a lesson on Astronomy, or even English and History teachers who are discussing ancient Greek and Roman gods.
  • 89.    Poll Daddy With a free account, you can create online surveys and quizzes with up to 10 questions. However, you only get 200 responses a month, so it’s not something you can use every day. Your students can respond via your website, email, Facebook, iPad and Twitter. Also, the free account comes with some basic reports so that you can quickly see how well your class understands the topic. 90.    Zoomerang Use Zoomerang to create an unlimited number of online surveys and polls that can be answered via email, Facebook, Twitter or your website. Quizzes with up to 10 questions and 100 responses are free. 91.    Disapainted Animate basic web-based paint drawings with Disapainted. It’s a cool way to give life to a simple concept and, since it’s online, it’s even easier to project onto your interactive whiteboard. 92.    Grammarly Share Grammarly with your students because it’s a user friendly way to improve a paper. Simply copy and paste text into the box and click “check text.” Within 30 seconds, it provides a detailed analysis that includes 150 different grammar rules, plagiarism, word choice and more. The only downside is that Grammarly is a premium service; however, you can sign up for a free sevenday trial. 93.    Live Binders Live Binders is a cool online storage and organization tool. You can use it to create tabs for your important documents. 94.    Cueprompter A lot of students have a hard time giving class presentations, but Cueprompter helps to relieve some of the nerves. Copy and paste your script into the box and it displays just like a real teleprompter. Plus, it’s free to use. 95.    Twiddla Twiddla is a web-conferencing service that is great for helping students out after school. You can mark up graphics and websites, use it to brainstorm and more. It even has a few other nifty features that are free, including voice chat.
  • 96.    YouSendIt YouSendIt is an online service that allows you to upload and send large files via email. Use it to send documents to colleagues. 97.    Socrative This web 2.0 tool uses cell phones and/or laptops to gather feedback from students. You can post as many questions as you’d like, which is nice if you have several classes. 98.    Memplai Create videos in collaboration with your social network. The online video editing tools are useful if you don’t already have video editing software on your computer. 99.    Wordle Create beautiful word clouds from text that you provide. Like Tagxedo, it gives prominence to words that appear most frequently. You can save, print and share your creation. 100.    Zotero Zotero is a neat tool that helps you collect, organize, cite and share research that you have done. You can add PDFs, images, audio and video files, snapshots of web pages and more. It indexes the full-text content of your library, allowing you to quickly find what you’re looking for. 101.    GoEd Online So, I’ll end the list with a shameless bit of self-promotion. Cut me some slack, I spent a lot of time on this post! There’s no other website in the world where teachers can rent streaming educational videos or download eBooks, PowerPoint presentations and interactive games all in one place. Do me a favor and check it out.
    • Aaron Cao
      Here's another site for tools!
  • 1.    Poll Everywhere    
  • 2.    Animoto    
  • 4.    Edublogs 
    • jakob glas
      I like this one because it gives a good description of each tool. 
  • Many teachers create a class Twitter account and use it as a way for students to contact them with questions about homework, due dates, and exams. It’s a quick alternative to writing out an entire email and most students have Twitter apps on their phones.
  • Edmodo is a social network that you set up for your class. It looks like, feels like and smells like Facebook; however, it employs many safety precautions that keep students on task. Students cannot have private chats with each other, invite anyone to the class group or make private posts. It’s great because you can use it as a resource to answer questions and stay connected with your students outside
  • I chose to include each site based on several factors: a) Functionality (i.e. did it work?) b) Ease of use c) Applications in education (could a teacher actually use it for something?) d) Compatibility with popular educational technology and digital teaching materials
    • brenda saldana
      i've heard of this one before and i've heard great about it
  • VoiceThread’s group conversations are stored and shared in one place, from anywhere in the world. It allows you to create multimedia slideshows with images, videos and documents. Others can view the slides and then leave text, audio or video comments.
    • Anna Cesario
      This is a great website. It gives a short description and a direct link to the site. I am unfamiliar with a good portion on here.  
  • Screencast is another media storage website
  • You keep the rights to everything you upload and you can determine the privacy settings for each file
  • Screencast makes it easy to share and embed your media. Screencast also works seamlessly with TechSmith’s screen recording Camtasia software.
  • Create, share and collaboratively edit documents using a Google accoun
  • Google Calendar is great for planning lessons, exams and keeping track of assignment due dates
  • also has the ability to sync with some smart phones
  • easily upload any kind of video you create—
    i've heard of this one before and i've heard great about it
Aquilah Johnson

How teens use social network sites | Pew Internet & American Life Project - 1 views

    • Aquilah Johnson
      This site give percentages on what teens mostly do on social networks and goes out in full details
    • Kaylee Stevens
      thats a lot of video games!
    teens and social Networks
Emily Kacer

Outsourcing Services | Offshore Outsource India | Outsourcing Company India - 1 views

    A site where you can hire employees from India. And outsourcing site. Talks about how it works and what they do.
    This looks like a great site! It really lays out the idea of outsourcing and will probably be something I use!
    Layout Plan
Katelund Shultice

50 Web 2.0 Tools Your Students Want You to Use - 0 views

    • Katelund Shultice
      This site can help students use different tools that are out there. They range from design tools to virtual world tools.
marliz vega

How to Integrate Web 2.0 Tools into the Classroom | Ask a Tech Teacher - 0 views

    • marliz vega
      web 2.0 give great tools to students interact on the site, creative minds of what we can do in the internet.  students, adults and teachers who use worldwide wealth of information and tools are referred to as "digital citizens"
  • lassroom internet start page.
  • a classroom blog
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • eb 2.0—Web-based education basics–includes blogs, wikis, class internet homepages, class internet start pages, twitter, social bookmarks, podcasting, photo sharing, online docs, online calendars, even Second Life—all tools that require thoughtful interaction between the student and the site.
  • ommunicate school news,
  • wiki—
  • Twitter i
  • research topic,
  • esearch, sports, music, and share them with others.
  • nline calendars
  • ve links to webpage
  • ocial bookmarking
  • Photo sharing
  • Podcasting i
  • instructions, and information.
  • sharing lectures,
  • online docs
  • o-use document
  • sharing at schools and can be limited to the school community of registered users
    Very useful website.
Zach Witt

SharePoint 2013: Improved Social Networking and Workflows - 0 views

    • Zach Witt
      SharePoint allows for people in a business to communicate and send each other information online. This is perfect for my project on Workflow Software.
    This is about SharePoint, which is a site for people in a business to talk and get informantion out to each other.
    Wow that really helps explain to me how social networking and workflows are impacting businesses around the globe.
Donivon Jasse

Digital Citizenship - 3 views

    • Emily Kacer
      I can agree with that many kids my age talk bad on the internet.
    • EmilyR _VHS
      So True I don't think any one thinks before posting.
    • Mackenzie Jones
      I agree with both of you guys! I see that everyday!
    • Jeff Olson
      Especially on YouTube, almost every video has some kind of argument using bad language and being flat out rude to eachother.
    • Kaylee Stevens
      This was an easy topic we did in class.
    • Ben Grotnes
      This is a good site if you are looking for info on digital citizenship
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • Adem S
      I agree with you guys, people need to learn how to behave.
    • Donivon Jasse
      1 i learned that we all should be nice to everyone around the internet. 2i have learned that we all have opion so respect others.3lastly i have learned to respect the internet and it uses.
    Digital Citizenship--Using Technology Appropiately
  • ...3 more comments...
    Digital citizenship
    Good over all discription for digital citizenship
    What digital citizenship is like today!
    A site all about digitalcitizenship
    What digital citizenship means
Ben Grotnes

What is uploading? - Definition from - 1 views

    • Ben Grotnes
      use this for a couple good facts about uploading
    This is a site that has some good things for the changing shape of information
anonymous - 0 views

    • anonymous
      This site looks like a lot of fun and it is also  avaible for your phone so that would be helpful if you needed to use it for a project

Creative Commons - 0 views

shared by anonymous on 28 May 13 - Cached
    • anonymous
      I used a site similar to this during the video project and it was very useful, others might find it helpful as well
marliz vega

SIRS: For Girls on Instagram, Beauty Is Screen Deep - 1 views

  • young girls--many appearing no older than 12 or 13--submit photographs of themselves for others to judge.
  • 30 million users can vote on the appearance of the girls in a comments section of the post.
  • negative remarks,
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • photo-sharing site has become something really pernicious for young girls,"
  • beauty contests often did not take care to keep their identities and locations private.
  • Most parents are just throwing their arms up in the air because the new platforms are coming and going so fast, it's hard to get your head around it."
    • marliz vega
      girls use Instagram to public photos and exposing themselves to the public to judge .  for parents is difficult to be around their kids and protect them because is easy to have access to this tools anytime. 
    girls change their appearance, trying to be someone they are not, not confidence in themselves. children are moving so quickly
Sarah Bird

Get up to speed on the Boston Marathon case - - 0 views

    • Sarah Bird
      This would be a good site that lists 20 different tools.
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