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amy pacanowski

Nieman Reports | Digitization and the News - 0 views

    In much the way refrigeration changed food production and consumption, digitization potentially changes everything about the manner in which we produce and consume news. All presumptions about its freshness and perishability vanish. For most of the 20th century, the public had to follow unfolding news, catching it as it presented itself or losing it forever.
    This one is old too! but still very interesting I think.
amy pacanowski

Zotero | Home - 1 views

shared by amy pacanowski on 31 Mar 12 - Cached
    This is primarily an academic research tool (recommended by Dave MacCourt at the UMass Library.) Since it works with multiple sources outside acedemia (including wikkis) it would be a great way to organize sources for news/magazine articles.
    A personal research assistant. Zotero is the only research tool that automatically senses content, allowing you to add it to your personal library with a single click. Whether you're searching for a preprint on, a journal article from JSTOR, a news story from the new York Times, or a book from your university library catalog, Zotero has you covered with support for thousands of sites.
Ryan Morin " Top 10 posts for 2011 - 0 views

    This is an interesting blog on all topics related to journalism, specifically the changing face of it amidst the influx of new technologies. This "best of" type of list is a good place to start, reviewing his most prominent blogs from last year.
Jason Gilow

Converage of the election, new media vs old. - 2 views

Interesting to see how media coverage of something like elections has changed recently. We can easily compare elections, seeing as how they have been a part of our culture for over two centuries, ...

election media

Jason Gilow

A sign of the times - 1 views

After reflecting on this article, I wonder what it would have been like if two legendary stations of my youth had merged. How would that have changed the lsitenership and the market itself??? Weird!

radio New York major market economics

Jason Gilow

A cure for the radio industry??? - 2 views

And entertaining! I never would have realized that talking about such a new product could be so hilarious! Totally on the mark!

radio cure dying industry

Ryan Morin

British vs. American Journalism - 1 views

    Interesting! I would have thought that British journalism was more stuffy!
amy pacanowski

Nieman Reports | Technology Is Changing Journalism - 0 views

    Photo courtesy of The Library of Congress. One of the clearest memories of my youth is a conversation I had with my father in the summer of 1970. My dad had left his work in politics and the media to concentrate on the new phenomena of cable TV.
Tiffany Joyce

Writers Write -- Writer's Blog and Writing and Publishing Resource - 0 views

    Writers Write(R) is a professional resource for editors, journalists and writers which provides information, markets, job listings, writing news, events and discussion. A little ad-heavy but there's some good information here.
Fiona Ferguson

The New Yorker - 0 views

shared by Fiona Ferguson on 18 Mar 12 - Cached
    This isn't really a cool web link or tool but for people unfamiliar with it, it is a great "writer's" publication which includes many different writing styles to enjoy!
Tamara Sturm

Media College - Video, Audio and Multimedia Resources - 0 views

shared by Tamara Sturm on 25 Mar 12 - Cached
    This website is more for the media/communications person. I found it to be interesting and could be very helpful in many areas. Enjoy! is a free educational website for all forms of electronic media. We have hundreds of exclusive tutorials covering video & television production, audio work, photography, graphics, web design and more. You'll also find utilities, reference material (e.g. user manuals), industry news and a helpful forum.
Tamara Sturm


    Journalism helps to explain the events that impact our lives and is developed in a number of forms and styles. Each journalistic form and style uses different techniques and writes for different purposes and audiences. There are five principal types of journalism: investigative, news, reviews, columns and feature writing.
Doug Pratt

Online News Association - 0 views

shared by Doug Pratt on 11 Mar 12 - Cached
    Advice from and for online journalsts.
amy pacanowski

The Journal of Electronic Publishing: Welcome - 0 views

    It is commonplace that pornography is the avant-garde of all media. When new technologies arise, the pornographers are there first, too. Every time there has been a significant shift in marketplace rules, even if the technology is broadly unchanged, the pornographers are the first to figure it out.
    Outdated (2000), but interesting to see how technology is changing journalism and to see where we were just 10 years ago.
Ian Burton

Media Resources - I Want Media - 0 views

    A portal site for media (magazines, newspapers, Internet, books, television, radio, entertainment), offering news, information and resources.
Ian Burton

Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) | Understanding News in the Information Age - 0 views

shared by Ian Burton on 03 Mar 12 - Cached
    The Project for Excellence in Journalism is one of seven projects that make up the Pew Research Center.
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