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Home/ UWW310 Technology & Sustainability/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by markhutchins

Contents contributed and discussions participated by markhutchins


Keep Monsanto out of your Garden - 0 views

    Bad Monsanto, BAD! Keep Monsanto out of your home garden by following the steps in this article.

Listing of Non-GMO Seed Companies - 0 views

    The glorious bounty of the world wide web never fails. Check out these nurseries for a wide variety of common and rare non-GMO seeds for your home garden. Enjoy!

Happy Planting: Grow a Non-GMO Garden! - 0 views

    Some great tips on planting a non-GMO garden...

Problems of Overusing Fertilizers - 0 views

    Here is an article that addresses some of the environmental concerns around the use and abuse of plant fertilizer.

What is Trench Composting? - 2 views

  • Trench composting is very simple. You dig a trench (we're using the word “trench” loosely here; it doesn't matter what shape your hole is) approximately twelve inches deep, add roughly four to six inches of compostable materials, such as kitchen scraps, spent garden plants, prunings, thinnings, and weeds, and bury it with the soil you dug out of the trench.
    Here is an article on trench composting I thought the group might enjoy. My wife and I have reduced our waste to about one small kitchen bag a week by composting our kitchen scraps.
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