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Home/ UWW310 Technology & Health/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by jenlovely

Contents contributed and discussions participated by jenlovely


Prevention better than cure in Cuban healthcare system - BBC News - 1 views

    Great article on how the Cuban population prevents illness so that they don't have to cure it. Healthcare in Cuba is free and even written in their constitution. Each citizen is given an annual health check up and ones who are not as healthy are seen more frequently. They teach their citizens how to be healthy so they don't get health-related diseases. Smart system and I think it should be integrated in other countries as well.

Florida kicks 9,000 chronically ill, disabled kids out of healthcare system - 0 views

    Florida Gov. Rick Scott has cut funding for disabled and poor children's healthcare. There was over $600 million surplus in the budget and Scott cut the funding anyway, leaving over 9,000 children and their families to fend for themselves.

The Medical Technologies That Are Changing Health Care - 0 views

    New technology in health care is making it easier for health care professionals to diagnose and treat their patients in real time and more effectively. From new advancement in 3D printing, to ingestible or wearable sensors, keeping track of one's health is becoming easier and giving doctors and scientists more time to find cures.

Top 10 Healthcare Predictions For 2016 - 1 views

    Forbes reveals health trends for 2016 including many hospitals and medical centers revamping and acquiring new tools to stay in competition, banking created solely to fund healthcare in low-income countries, free diagnostic and preventive screenings in the U.S., a huge spike in wearable health technology and even new legislation in favor of affordable healthcare.

Misfit Flash review: The affordable little waterproof fitness tracker - 0 views

    The Misfit Flash is making it more affordable for everyone to use wearable health technology. With a rise in wearable technology, more people are wanting to count their steps and track their sleep, but it can come at a high cost. MisFit offers an affordable alternative that is waterproof and has a longer battery life which would seemingly make it more accurate as well. Seems like a no-brainer when choosing wearable health technology.
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