This resource from WISELearn Resources is a collection of primary sources exploring the poetry of Maya Angelou, giving students an experience in understanding the difference between primary and secondary sources and the opportunity to think critically about synthesizing information found across many sources. I plan to share this with my 8th grade ELA / SS teachers.
One of my goals this coming year is to expand the resources I know about for my math / science folks, since that isn't my natural interest or background. This Encyclopedia of Life source is amazing in its information and layout, but it also has a wealth of lesson plans for a variety of ages that tie directly to what our staff is teaching. The lessons are a blend of technology and other activities. A great resource to share with science teachers!
This resource is one I would like to share with my teachers because it gives 12 easy to follow ways to build real-world STEAM applications in their classrooms. It supports the design-thinking model that we are trying to grow as a process for reflection in our building, and supports the work we are doing to grow use of our maker program. Great Resource!