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Katie Day

Simple Machines: MIKIDS for YOUR KIDS! - 0 views

    "Simple machines make work easier for us by allowing us to push or pull over increased distances. There are SIX simple machines: "
Zina S

Did you know? | Animal fast facts - 0 views

  • Mammals are the only animals with flaps around the ears.
  • Fish and insects do not have eyelids - their eyes are protected by a hardened lens.
  • The pig is rated the fourth most intelligent animal
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 75% of wild birds die before they are 6 months old.
    Mammals are the only animals with flaps around the ears.
Katie Day

Simple Machines - a ThinkQuest - 0 views

  • The Rats of NIMH were so intelligent that they learned how to use simple machines. They used them to build and move things, including Mrs. Frisby's house. Types of simple machines are the inclined plane, wheel and axle, screw, lever, pulley, and wedge. How many of these did you read about in the book? Look around your house and neighborhood. How many simple machines can you find?
Morgan V

Dragon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Dragons are legendary creatures, typically with serpentine or otherwise reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of worldwide cultures. The two most familiar interpretations of dragons are European dragons, derived from various European folk traditions, and the unrelated Oriental dragons, such as the Chinese dragon (lóng 龍 or 龙). The English word "dragon" derives from Greek δράκων (drákōn), "dragon, serpent of huge size, water-snake", which probably comes from the verb δρακεῖν (drakeîn) "to see clearly".
  • European dragons exist in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe. Despite having wings, the dragon is generally depicted as having an underground lair or cave, making it an ancient creature of the earth element.
  • European dragons exist in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe. Despite having wings, the dragon is generally depicted as having an underground lair or cave, making it an ancient creature of the earth element.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • European dragons exist in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe. Despite having wings, the dragon is generally depicted as having an underground lair or cave, making it an ancient creature of the earth element.
  • European Main articles: European dragon and Saint George and the Dragon European dragons exist in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe. Despite having wings, the dragon is generally depicted as having an underground lair or cave, making it an ancient creature of the earth element. Chinese Main article: Chinese dragon Chinese dragons (simplified Chinese: 龙; traditional Chinese: 龍; pinyin: lóng), and Oriental dragons generally, can take on human form and are usually seen as benevolent, whereas European dragons are usually malevolent though there are exceptions (one exception being Y Ddraig Goch, the Red Dragon of Wales). Malevolent dragons also occur in the mythology of Persia (see Azhi Dahaka) and Russia, among other places. Dragons are particularly popular in China and the five-clawed dragon was a symbol of the Chinese emperors, with the phoenix or fenghuang the symbol of the Chinese empress. Dragon costumes manipulated by several people are a common sight at Chinese festivals. Japanese Main article: Japanese dragon Japanese dragon myths amalgamate native legends with imported stories about dragons from China, Korea and India. Like these other Asian dragons, most Japanese ones are water deities associated with rainfall and bodies of water, and are typically depicted as large, wingless, serpentine creatures with clawed feet. Gould writes (1896:248)[6], the Japanese dragon is "invariably figured as possessing three claws".
  • European Main articles: European dragon and Saint George and the Dragon European dragons exist in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe. Despite having wings, the dragon is generally depicted as having an underground lair or cave, making it an ancient creature of the earth element. Chinese Main article: Chinese dragon Chinese dragons (simplified Chinese: 龙; traditional Chinese: 龍; pinyin: lóng), and Oriental dragons generally, can take on human form and are usually seen as benevolent, whereas European dragons are usually malevolent though there are exceptions (one exception being Y Ddraig Goch, the Red Dragon of Wales). Malevolent dragons also occur in the mythology of Persia (see Azhi Dahaka) and Russia, among other places. Dragons are particularly popular in China and the five-clawed dragon was a symbol of the Chinese emperors, with the phoenix or fenghuang the symbol of the Chinese empress. Dragon costumes manipulated by several people are a common sight at Chinese festivals. Japanese Main article: Japanese dragon Japanese dragon myths amalgamate native legends with imported stories about dragons from China, Korea and India. Like these other Asian dragons, most Japanese ones are water deities associated with rainfall and bodies of water, and are typically depicted as large, wingless, serpentine creatures with clawed feet. Gould writes (1896:248)[6], the Japanese dragon is "invariably figured as possessing three claws".
  • European Main articles: European dragon and Saint George and the Dragon European dragons exist in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe. Despite having wings, the dragon is generally depicted as having an underground lair or cave, making it an ancient creature of the earth element.
  • European Main articles: European dragon and Saint George and the Dragon European dragons exist in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe. Despite having wings, the dragon is generally depicted as having an underground lair or cave, making it an ancient creature of the earth element.
  • European dragons exist in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe. Despite having wings, the dragon is generally depicted as having an underground lair or cave, making it an ancient creature of the earth element
  • Dragons are usually shown in modern times with a body like a huge lizard, or a snake with two pairs of lizard-type legs, and able to emit fire from their mouths. The European dragon has bat-type wings growing from its back. A dragon-like creature with no front legs is known as a wyvern. Following discovery of how pterosaurs walked on the ground, some dragons have been portrayed without front legs and using the wings as front legs pterosaur-fashion when on the ground, as in the movie Reign of Fire
  • Although dragons occur in many legends around the world, different cultures have varying stories about monsters that have been grouped together under the dragon label. Some dragons are said to breathe fire or to be poisonous. They are commonly portrayed as serpentine or reptilian, hatching from eggs and possessing typically scaly or feathered bodies. They are sometimes portrayed as having especially large eyes or watching treasure very diligently, a feature that is the origin of the word dragon (Greek drakeîn meaning "to see clearly").[3] Some myths portray them with a row of dorsal spines. European dragons are more often winged, while Oriental versions of the dragon resemble large snakes. Dragons can have a variable number of legs: none, two, four, or more when it comes to early European literature. Also, some dragons in Greek literature were known to have millions of legs at a time.[citation needed] Modern depictions of dragons tend to be larger than their original representations, which were often smaller than humans, but grew in the myths and tales of man over the years.[citation needed] Dragons are often held to have major spiritual significance in various religions and cultures around the world. In many Asian cultures dragons were, and in some cultures still are, revered as representative of the primal forces of nature, religion and the universe. They are associated with wisdom—often said to be wiser than humans—and longevity. They are commonly said to possess some form of magic or other supernatural power, and are often associated with wells, rain, and rivers. In some cultures, they are also said to be capable of human speech. The term dragoon, for infantry that moved around on horseback yet still fought as foot soldiers, is derived from their early firearm, the "dragon", a wide-bore musket that spat flame when it fired, and was thus named for the mythical creature.
  • Dragons are legendary creatures, typically with serpentine or otherwise reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of worldwide cultures.
    European Main articles: European dragon and Saint George and the Dragon European dragons exist in folklore and mythology among the overlapping cultures of Europe. Despite having wings, the dragon is generally depicted as having an underground lair or cave, making it an ancient creature of the earth element. Chinese Main article: Chinese dragon Chinese dragons (simplified Chinese: 龙; traditional Chinese: 龍; pinyin: lóng), and Oriental dragons generally, can take on human form and are usually seen as benevolent, whereas European dragons are usually malevolent though there are exceptions (one exception being Y Ddraig Goch, the Red Dragon of Wales). Malevolent dragons also occur in the mythology of Persia (see Azhi Dahaka) and Russia, among other places. Dragons are particularly popular in China and the five-clawed dragon was a symbol of the Chinese emperors, with the phoenix or fenghuang the symbol of the Chinese empress. Dragon costumes manipulated by several people are a common sight at Chinese festivals. Japanese Main article: Japanese dragon Japanese dragon myths amalgamate native legends with imported stories about dragons from China, Korea and India. Like these other Asian dragons, most Japanese ones are water deities associated with rainfall and bodies of water, and are typically depicted as large, wingless, serpentine creatures with clawed feet. Gould writes (1896:248)[6], the Japanese dragon is "invariably figured as possessing three claws".
Kengo M

Sahara Desert Plants - 0 views

  • Sahara Desert Plants The Sahara Desert is often described as a bleak and barren plain. In truth, it is very beautiful and full of different Sahara Desert plants. Sahara Desert Plants Among desert areas throughout the Earth, there are two types. The cold type of desert, which is often found in Arctic regions, is an area that gets very little precipitation. The cold desert can be covered in snow, however, and the temperatures here are chilly and unsuitable for sustaining many life forms. The other type of desert is known as the hot desert, and this is what people usually think of when they picture a desert area. This type of desert is extremely warm and dry, with temperatures reaching unbearable levels, and little to no rain to sustain those who live here. The biggest of the hot deserts is the Sahara Desert, located in Africa. Although this desert is not the most hospitable place for organisms to take up residence, the Sahara Desert plants defy the odds and thrive here.
    • Kengo M
      Can use this info for intro of power point
Kengo M

Plants in Desert - 0 views

  • Desert plants have developed various ways to get as much water as possible and to reduce water loss.Some plants have long roots to get water deep in the soil, or branched roots to get water over a wide area. With thick waxy layer on the stems and leaves, water can be retained and the tissues are protected from strong sunshine. Some plants have pin-like leaves to reduce water loss.        Barrel Cactus             Many desert plants are succulents and they store water in their swollen stems or leaves.  
    • Kengo M
      plants in the deserts How they survive. Can use for power point.
    Plants in the deserts use in power point
Katie Day

Infographic: Seeking Refuge -- Dec 2009 - Wall Street Journal - 0 views

    Shows the largest groups of global refugees, according to the UN
Thomas C

Goblins - 0 views

  • They grow up to 30 cm and are covered with a thick coat of black/grey hair. The Goblin is usually found wearing very dark colored cloths and a tall cap similar to that of the Gnome. They can appear as animals.
    Here is all monstrous!
Shaian R

Dwarf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • A Dwarf is a creature from Germanic mythologies, fairy tales, fantasy fiction, and role-playing games. It usually has magical talents, often involving metallurgy. The original concept of Dwarves is very difficult to determine. Sources have gradually given Dwarves more comical and superstitious roles[1]. Dwarves were certainly humanoid, but sources differ over their lifestyles, and their similarity to Elves. They may have had a strong associations with death[2][3]: paled skin; dark hair; connections with the earth; their role in mythology. They followed animistic traditions, showing similarities to such concepts of the dead. They were similar to others from the 'Vættir' family, such as Elves.[2]
    • Shaian R
      I never knew dwarves can be so intresting
    • Elizabeth B
      yeah i agree
    • Shaian R
      this looks like a painting
  • Rackham. Grouping Mythological creature Fairy Country Northern Europe
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Traditionally, the plural of dwarf was "dwarfs", especially when referring to actual humans with dwarfism, but ever since J. R. R. Tolkien used Dwarves in his fantasy novel The Hobbit, the subsequent The Lord of the Rings (often published in three volumes), and the posthumously published The Silmarillion, the plural forms "dwarfs" has been replaced by "Dwarves". Tolkien, who was fond of low philological jests, also suggested two other plural forms, Dwarrows and Dwerrows; but he never used them in his writings, apart from the name 'Dwarrowdelf', the Western name for Khazad-dûm or Moria, which was, inside his fiction, a calque of the Westron name Phurunargian. His Dwarves' name for themselves was Khazâd, singular probably Khuzd. 'Dwarrows' is the Middle English plural of 'Dwerg' or 'Dwerf' ('Dwarf'), and derives from the Old English 'Dweorgas', plural of 'Dweorh' or 'Dweorg'.
  • Dwarves in Tolkien are long-lived, living nearly four times the age of man (about 250 years), but are not prolific breeders, having children rarely and spaced far apart, and having few women among them. Dwarvish children are cherished by their parents, and are defended at all costs from their traditional enemies, such as Orcs. A longstanding enmity between normal Dwarves and Elves is also a staple of the racial conception.
  • A long standing source of interest (and humour) comes from the allusion of Tolkien to female Dwarves having beards, which was borrowed by other writers. Essentially, Tolkien developed a rational explanation for why female Dwarves are never encountered in the story, by elaborating that female Dwarves never travel abroad, and look so much like Dwarf men that visitors to Dwarf cities cannot immediately spot them. In addition to being rare creatures they are perhaps not often featured in many fantasy milieu for this reason. Tolkien writes his Dwarf-women are "in voice and appearance, and in garb if they must go on a journey, so like to dwarf-men that the eyes and ears of the other peoples cannot tell them apart." This, he writes, leads to the belief that Dwarves grow out of stone[15]. In The Chronicles of Narnia, in fact, C. S. Lewis, who was a friend of Tolkien, describes his Dwarfs as doing just this, and it is possible that Tolkien was ribbing Lewis in making this point. Interestingly, though, Lewis' all-male Dwarfs are capable of mixing with humans to make half-Dwarfs, such as Doctor Cornelius, the tutor of Prince Caspian (In the 2008 adaption of Prince Caspian, female Dwarfs are shown as archers along with the males, though these female Dwarfs are shown to be beardless). In later writings, Tolkien directly states that his female Dwarves have beards "from the beginning of their lives", as do the males[16].
Katie Day

Teacher notes to GAME: Wake Up The Box - 0 views

  • Yes, it seems that narcoleptic Mr. Box has gotten himself in a bit of a conundrum. Or rather, twenty conundrums. Your goal is to wake him up ‒ push him, pull him, tip him over... whatever gets the job done. Problem is, all you have to work with are these blocks of wood, and what's worse, you can't even place them where you want! They may only be attached to existing wood structures, and once you stick them on, they stay stuck. Thus, Eugene Karataev's (Splitter) latest game Wake Up The Box provides a unique challenge among physics puzzlers, with balance and centers of gravity taking center stage. Unlike most games, you can't simply increase the momentum in the system by dropping blocks from a higher height, so you'll need to find creative ways to get things moving by utilizing leverage and upsetting the balance of objects in the level.
    Walkthrough Guide, Review, Discussion, Hints and Tips at Jay is Games
Katie Day

InventorsToolbox: The Elements of Machines - 0 views

    from the Museum of Science
Woo Hyun C

Dwarf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The typical fantasy Dwarf is, like the original Dwarves, short in stature, long-bearded and skilled at mining and metallurgy. They are often depicted as having a low affinity for most magical abilities and/or a resistance to magic.
  • The typical fantasy Dwarf is, like the original Dwarves, short in stature, long-bearded and skilled at mining and metallurgy. They are often depicted as having a low affinity for most magical abilities and/or a resistance to magic
  • The typical fantasy Dwarf is, like the original Dwarves, short in stature, long-bearded and skilled at mining and metallurgy. They are often depicted as having a low affinity for most magical abilities and/or a resistance to magic.
    • Woo Hyun C
      The decription of a dwarf
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • Tolkien's dwarves
  • J. R. R. Tolkien used Dwarves in his fantasy novel The Hobbit, the subsequent The Lord of the Rings
  • "dwarfs" has been replaced by "Dwarves"
  • Dwarves in Tolkien are long-lived, living nearly four times the age of man (about 250 years), but are not prolific breeders, having children rarely and spaced far apart, and having few women among them. Dwarvish children are cherished by their parents, and are defended at all costs from their traditional enemies, such as Orcs. A longstanding enmity between normal Dwarves and Elves is also a staple of the racial conception.
  • A long standing source of interest (and humour) comes from the allusion of Tolkien to female Dwarves having beards, which was borrowed by other writers
    • Woo Hyun C
      female dwarfs has beards for Tolkien's story.
  • The typical fantasy Dwarf is, like the original Dwarves, short in stature, long-bearded and skilled at mining and metallurgy. They are often depicted as having a low affinity for most magical abilities and/or a resistance to magic.
  • Tolkien's dwarves
    The typical fantasy Dwarf is, like the original Dwarves, short in stature, long-bearded and skilled at mining and metallurgy. They are often depicted as having a low affinity for most magical abilities and/or a resistance to magic.
Thomas C

Goblin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Thomas C on 16 Dec 09 - Cached
  • A goblin is a legendary evil or mischievous creature described as a grotesquely disfigured or gnome-like phantom that may range in height from that of a dwarf to that of a human.
    • Thomas C
      Mischevious! Remember that
    Calling all dwarf hunters! come here for information
Avinash X

Trolls - 0 views

  • Trolls are green skinned, musculare creatures that live in underground tunnels. They came to this world together with the elves ancestors' the High Ones. So far they've shown to be unpredictable, cruel creatures. Perhaps there are better trolls somewhere, but the survivors of the Tall Tree Holt severly doubt that.
Elizabeth B

Dragon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The word dragon derives from Greek δρακω, via Latin draco. It is attested in Middle English from the 13th century, in the context of medieval bestiaries and legends.
Katie Day

Animated Engines - 0 views

  • Here you'll find animated illustrations that explain the inner workings of a variety of steam, Stirling, and internal combustion engines.
Thomas C

Goblin - Monstropedia - the largest encyclopedia about monsters - 0 views

  • Goblin is a general term that can apply either to the ugliest members of the fae, or to certain sub-races. Those fae numbered among the goblin subraces, include the Scottish Trows, English Spriggans, Welsh Knockers, Cornish Knockers, German Kobolds and Wichtlein, the Irish Phooka and even Shakespeare's infamous Puck .
Morgan V

Chinese dragon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • The dragon is sometimes used in the West as a national emblem of China. However, this usage within both the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China on Taiwan as the symbol of nation is not common. Instead, it is generally used as the symbol of culture.The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck. Historically, the dragon was the symbol of the Emperor of China. In the Zhou Dynasty, the 5-clawed dragon was assigned to the Son of Heaven, the 4-clawed dragon to the Zhuhou (seigneur), and the 3-clawed dragon to the Daifu. In the Qing Dynasty, the 5-clawed dragon was assigned to represent the Emperor while the 4-clawed and 3-clawed dragons were assigned to the commoners. The dragon in the Qing Dynasty appeared on national flags.[1]
Rogan M

REACT - 0 views

  • Created in 2003, REACT is a non-profit organization that mobilizes resources, both human and material, in the struggle to aid and sustain young people in claiming their rights and fulfilling their most basic needs - food, shelter, educatioin, self-eteem, and love.
    • Kavya D
      This caption gives good information on what REACT does.
    The home page of REACT
  • ...3 more comments...
    This website is really useful and you can find out more about Randolph's organisaton
    REACT organization Helping young people & Their Communities
    Created in 2003, REACT is a non-profit organization that mobilizes resources, both human and material, in the struggle to aid and sustain young people in claiming their rights and fulfilling their most basic needs - food, shelter, educatioin, self-eteem, and love.
    This is a good site with lots of helpful information.
    Interesting that you thought of REACT. What category would that go under?
Gurupranav G

REACT - 0 views

    homepage of REACT.
    Created in 2003, REACT is a non-profit organization that mobilizes resources, both human and material, in the struggle to aid and sustain young people in claiming their rights and fulfilling their most basic needs - food, shelter, educatioin, self-eteem, and love.
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