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Kengo M

Deserts, Characteristics of Deserts | - 0 views

  • These ecosystems are either barren or with scanty vegetation consisting of mainly thorny bushes. Deserts are classified as warm (hot) and cold (temperate) deserts. The hot deserts are the Sahara in Northern Africa, Kalahari in Southern Africa, Thar in India, Atacama in South America, deserts of Mexico and Australia.The deserts of Iran and Turkey, Gobi desert of Mongolia, some deserts of Argentina are recognised as temperate or cold deserts. Characteristics of Desertsi) Most deserts receive some rain every year but not uniform. ii) Light green covering of annuals is seen just after rains.iii) Have scanty vegetation, clear skies, hot days and extremely cold nights. iv) Soil is rocky and encrusted with sand or salt.v) Long periods without precipitation and extreme temperature (50 - 60oC) conditions (arid lands) impose considerable restraints on the flora and fauna which inhabit there. vi) Sandy storms are very frequent.vii) Occur generally in rain shadow areas. Flora1) Includes succulents such as Cacti and Euphorbias, which can store water in their tissues. 2) Trees with long spreading roots such as Acacia, Prosopis, Phoenix (dates) are found.3) Ephemerals (short lived) such as Boerhaavia repens are seen only during rainy season. FaunaMost desert animals are nocturnal and avoid the heat of the day by burrowing into the cooler soil. Animals include ants, locusts, lizards, Gila monster, coral snake, rattle snake, burrowing owls, Gambel's quail, kangaroo rats, rabbits, camel, skunk, badger foxes, jackals and desert cats. In general, the organisms having specialised structural and physiological and behavioural adaptations to withstand the extreme temperatures only can survive in a desert.
    • Kengo M
      Characteristics of desert flora fauna
    This is some getting started information
Chloe W

Animals of the rainforest - 7 views

Did you know a four-square mile patch of rainforest contains as many as 1500 species?... and how many square miles are there? I don't think I want to count. Most of these species, we haven't even d...

rainforest animals

started by Chloe W on 24 Sep 09 no follow-up yet
Shaian R

Rainforest Deforestation - 0 views

  • What Can I Do? As an individual, many people feel that there is little they can do to stop a problem as big as tropical deforestation. This type of pessimist thinking needs to be stopped, replace pessimism with optimism and many solutions will arise! Recycling paper can slow rates of annual deforestation. The largest component of solid waste by weight in the US is paper and paperboard (EPA, 1998). Roughly 40% of municipal solid waste is paper; each year about 71.8 million tons are generated (EPA, 1998). From an environmental or economic standpoint, it makes sense to recycle; not only can money be saved, but also trees. Valuable landfill space is prolonged; for every ton of recycled paper, three cubic yards of landfill are saved (EPA, 1998). Purchase items that carry the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) image (Figure 11). The FSC, founded in 1993, is an international, non-profit association, that issues certificates for well managed forests; economic, social, indigenous, and environmental interests are all taken into account. To be classified as a well managed forest, the forest's ecosystem can not damaged, only low volumes of trees are expelled, and impacts on plant and animal life are limited (Greenpeace, 2001B).
  • Over 2000 tropical plants have been identified as having anti-cancer properties (RIC, 2000B). One of these plants may lead to a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. Over 25% of the world's modern drug originally came from rainforests (RIC, 2000B). Many contraceptives, stimulants, and tranquilizers commonly used today originated in tropical rainforests. In 1987, a tree compound that was 100% effective against the HIV-1 virus was found in a Malaysian gum tree (Rainforest Alliance, 1999). When research biologists were sent back to get more samples from the tree, it had already been cut down. Unfortunately, no tree found since has produced the same compound (Rainforest Alliance, 1999). If deforestation continues at current rate humankind may lose the cure to two of the world's most fatal diseases.
Zoe P

BBC - Children of World War 2 - 0 views

  • BBC HomepageBBC History BBC Schools Children of WW2 Contact UsLike this page?Send it to a friend!  ../images/warhome/detail/and
    Home A wartime home BBC Homepage BBC History BBC Schools Children of WW2 A wartime home Rationing challenge Evacuees' letters Research room Teachers and Parents Contact Us Like this page? Send it to a friend! Move your mouse over the picture and click on the highlighted objects. Picture of Vera Anderson shelter Plants Curved panels The entrance Benches/bunks Suitcase/box Curved panels: These curved steel panels are joined in the middle to make the roof and the side walls of the shelter. The steel panels have ridges and grooves (they are 'corrugated'), which makes the metal stronger.
Antara V

Deforestation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Deforestation is the clearance of naturally occurring forests by the processes of logging and/or burning of trees in a forested area. There are several reasons deforestation occurs: trees or derived charcoal can be sold as a commodity and used by humans, while cleared land is used as pasture, plantations of commodities and human settlement. The removal of trees without sufficient reforestation has resulted in damage to habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity. Deforested regions typically incur signicifant adverse soil erosion and frequently degrade into wasteland. Disregard or ignorance of intrinsic value, lack of ascribed value, lax forest management and deficient environmental law are some of the factors that allow deforestation to occur on a large scale. In many countries, deforestation is an ongoing issue that is causing extinction, changes to climatic conditions, desertification, and displacement of indigenous people. However, among countries with a per capita GDP of at least $4,600, net deforestation rates have ceased to increase
Yen Yu C

Biome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Yen Yu C on 02 Sep 09 - Cached
  • A fundamental classification of biomes is into: Terrestrial (land) biomes Freshwater biomes Marine biomes
    • Yen Yu C
      type of biomes
  • Biomes are climatically and geographically defined areas of ecologically similar climatic conditions such as communities of plants, animals, and soil organisms,[1] and are often referred to as ecosystems. Biomes are defined by factors such as plant structures (such as trees, shrubs, and grasses), leaf types (such as broadleaf and needleleaf), plant spacing (forest, woodland, savanna), and climate. Unlike ecozones, biomes are not defined by genetic, taxonomic, or historical similarities. Biomes are often identified with particular patterns of ecological succession and climax vegetation (quasi-equilibrium state of the local ecosystem). An ecosystem has many biotopes and a biome is a major habitat type. A major habitat type, however, is a compromise, as it has an intrinsic inhomogeneity. The biodiversity characteristic of each biome, especially the diversity of fauna and subdominant plant forms, is a function of abiotic factors and the biomass productivity of the dominant vegetation. In terrestrial biomes, species diversity tends to correlate positively with net primary productivity, moisture availability, and temperature.[2]
    • Yen Yu C
      what biomes means and what they are. -biodiversity -climate change -temperature
Thomas C

Fighting to save Borneo's vital last rain forests - Health & Science - International He... - 0 views

  • A government agreement on the oil palm plan was signed during a visit to Beijing by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia in July of last year. But an Indonesian Forestry Ministry spokesman said last month that the government now proposed to steer Chinese oil palm investment toward 400,000 hectares of agricultural land instead.The government had never intended to destroy more rain forest, the spokesman said in a telephone interview from Jakarta, adding that no official agreement had yet been signed with Chinese business interests."The Indonesian Government seems to be supportive of the Heart of Borneo project and generally more concerned about facing up to its environmental challenges," said Douglas Sheil, a scientist at the Center for International Forestry Research in Bogor, Indonesia
    • Thomas C
  • WWF-Malaysia has said that the forests are one of two places in the world where endangered orangutans, Bornean pygmy elephants and the critically endangered Sumatran rhinoceros still coexist. In June, a motion- triggered camera there photographed for the first time a wild rhino, believed to be one of only 13 whose existence was confirmed by a field survey last year.
    • Thomas C
      All the more reason to stop logging in Borneo!!!!!!!!
Kyra N

The Tropical Rainforest: Why we should care | El Bosque Nuevo - 1 views

  • The rainforest provides habitat for various species of animals. The canopy, trunk, root system, and even the fallen leaves provide a place for these creatures to live and thrive. What happens when rainforests are destroyed? First, all of the trees, underbrush and the animals not able to escape are killed. Many animals that escape migrate to an area already populated. Since the land will only support a limited number of any species, only a few will survive. At the best we will only have lost those individuals without a habitat. It is possibly, however, that the entire population will uses up all available resources and spirals into extinction
    • Hannah J
      Wow so interesting
    • Kyra N
      Thanks for the website Hannah(Hannah Jones) It really helped me!!!
  • The rainforest provides habitat for various species of animals. The canopy, trunk, root system, and even the fallen leaves provide a place for these creatures to live and thrive. What happens when rainforests are destroyed? First, all of the trees, underbrush and the animals not able to escape are killed. Many animals that escape migrate to an area already populated. Since the land will only support a limited number of any species, only a few will survive. At the best we will only have lost those individuals without a habitat. It is possibly, however, that the entire population will uses up all available resources and spirals into extinction.
    There are many environmental issues confronting mankind as we proceed through the new millennia, not the least of which is the ever-growing problem of the destruction of our tropical rainforests. Why should we care about the loss of rainforests? You may
Zina S

Rainforest Canopy-Animals - 0 views

  • The incredible diversity of food sources and unique niches of the canopy trees support a wide variety of animal species. Animals often congregate around a flowering tree, which makes trees in this stage some of the best sites for viewing wildlife. In places like these, where food is abundant, animals set up territories, but since canopy leaf cover affects visual territorial displays, most animals rely on sound signals. Thus some of the loudest animals of the world are canopy dwellers. Many primates emit howls and screams, while birds use song to let other animals know that they are intruding on their space.
    • Thomas C
      Good pharograph. Could be useful.
  • From birth, the orangutan undergoes variations in facial structure during the course of its lifetime: at birth its face is bare, juveniles are bearded, and adult males have skin pouches on their cheeks. Orangutans build sleeping nests, 16-80 feet (5-25 m) off the ground, each night and never return to an earlier nest.
  • From birth, the orangutan undergoes variations in facial structure during the course of its lifetime: at birth its face is bare, juveniles are bearded, and adult males have skin pouches on their cheeks. Orangutans build sleeping nests, 16-80 feet (5-25 m) off the ground, each night and never return to an earlier nest.
    • Satvik S
      this is about animals specially orangutans
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Two-toed sloths or "unau" inhabit forest areas from Nicaragua to Bolivia and northern Brazil. Both species are
    • Satvik S
      this is good information about sloths
  • Three-toed sloths range from Honduras to Argentina and are known locally by natives as "Ai" for their shrill call
    • Satvik S
      this is good information about sloths habitats
  • The sloth's fur is an entire ecosystem of its own: one study found more than 950 beetles on a single sloth, living off the algae growing in its fur.
  • Orangutans occupy the mid-strata of the forest canopy where they feed on leaves, fruits, and young shoots, and occasionally may take a bird egg or two. Orangutans are not social animals, but solitary creatures that do not form lasting pairs.
  • Three-toed sloths feed almost exclusively on cecropia leaves,
    Three-toed sloths range from Honduras to Argentina and are known locally by natives as "Ai" for their shrill call. Two-toed sloths or "unau" inhabit forest areas from Nicaragua to Bolivia and northern Brazil. Both species are
Ritsuki Y

9 Strange Animal Self-Defense Mechanisms | WebEcoist | Green Living - 0 views

  • The bombardier beetle may look innocent enough, but it is famous for being able to spray boiling hot and chemically toxic bodily fluids in the direction of any would-be predator. The bombardier beetle doesn’t exactly melt in your mouth (but it will melt you).
    • Ritsuki Y
      this insect is weird
  • The horned lizard is a seemingly normal looking lizard found in the southwest region of the United States. It doesn’t use its horns to defend itself, as you might expect. Rather, when attacked, it pressures its own sinus cavities until the blood vessels in its eyes burst, and it sprays its attacker with blood from its eyes.
  • The skunk, or polecat, is actually an attractive little mammal and some people keep them as pets (sans glands, of course). Skunks are omnivores but will turn to trash and carrion when no fresh insects or honeybees, their favorite food, are available. Though their amazing musk can be smelled miles away, their vision is exceptionally weak, and most skunks can only see about 10 feet in front of them. As a result, many are run over – half of all skunk deaths, in fact, are due to humans. All Mustelidae family members (like weasels and ferrets) can spray musk, but skunks are famously the most potent. The skunk’s anal musk is so powerful that if sprayed directly, the victim will experience temporary blindness.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The cute little opossum has a number of tricks up its defensive sleeve. It can play dead. It can foam at the mouth in an attempt to convince its predators that it is toxic, sick or perhaps just bat sh*t insane. It can also emit a green anal fluid that smells nearly as bad as a skunk’s offensive spray (though mercifully it can easily be washed off). Opossums playing dead actually slip into a semi-comatose state, thus removing any excitement of the kill for a predator
    weird ways of defending its self
Billie C

jagua fruit - 0 views

  • If It's Been Around So Long, Why Have I never Heard Of It Before Now? I guess there are still a lot of secrets in the South American Rainforests. The recent explosion in the popularity of Jagua body art just goes to show that there are many possibilities still out there that the outside world has not even noticed. More importantly it goes to show that local traditional knowledge is incredibly important to the whole world, not just the local people of the Rainforest. So every effort should be made to help preserve it.
  • If It's Been Around So Long, Why Have I never Heard Of It Before Now? I guess there are still a lot of secrets in the South American Rainforests. The recent explosion in the popularity of Jagua body art just goes to show that there are many possibilities still out there that the outside world has not even noticed. More importantly it goes to show that local traditional knowledge is incredibly important to the whole world, not just the local people of the Rainforest. So every effort should be made to help preserve it.
  • Where Can I Get Hold Of Some Jagua Then? Well you could take a trip out to the rainforests and search it out yourself. But if your going to paint from an unripe fruit, you only have a short time to do it, before the stain stops working. But recently Jagua Body Art products like Jagua Paint and Jagua Gel have been made readily available to you so you can create your own jagua tattoos whenever you like.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Jagua is a tropical fruit that is used for traditional body art. The unripe jagua fruit juice is painted on the skin making elaborate and striking jagua body art. It's a really great type of body paint because it can last for a few weeks, just like henna body art. So technically jagua is actually a stain and not a paint.
    they use this to do art in the tropical rain forest.
  • ...1 more comment...
    really cool facts
    What is a jagua furit?
Woo Hyun C

Endangered Rainforest Animals - 1 views

  • The harpy eagle is endangered mainly because of habitat loss and hunting.
    • Shashank A
      Protect the harpy eagle
  • there is a probability that about 30 percent of the Manatees will be extinct in the next three generations (90 years).
  • The majors threats to its population are loss of habitat and capture for commercial pet markets.
    • Woo Hyun C
      the toucan is endangered because of the pet markets
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Though, it is a fact that the rainforest is home to 40-75 percent of the total organisms worldwide, many animal species are listed in the IUCN Red List.
  • Golden Lion Tamarind Monkey: Golden Lion Tamarind Monkey (scientific name Leontopithecus rosalia) is found in the lowland coastal region of the state of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). It is included in the endangered species list as the extent of its occurrence is less than 5,000 km². The reason for its population decline is humans hunting for its magnificent fur.
    • Woo Hyun C
      this is one of the endangered species
Ameya R

Yanomamo Indians In The Modern World - Term Papers - Soufiane - 0 views

shared by Ameya R on 10 Sep 09 - Cached
  • The Yanomamo (Yah-no-mah-muh) also called Yanomamo, Yanomami and Sanuma (which means ‘Human Being') are deep jungle indigenous Indians living in the Amazon basin in both Venezuela and Brazil. The Yanomamo are believed to be the most primitive, culturally intact people in existence in the world. In spite of that, they exist within the modern period by use of technology which is well-adapted to their environment.
  • They number approximately 12,000 people and are distributed in some 125 widely scattered villages in the upper Amazon basin of Brazil and in the South of Venezuela (South America). They live in small villages that are separated by many miles of unoccupied land. The villages can be as small as 40 to 50 people or as large as 300 people grouped by families in one large communal dwelling called a Shabono; this disc shaped structure with an open-air central plaza is an earthly version of their god's Abode. The villages are autonomous but constantly will interact with each other. The quote following read in the book Yanomamo Warfare is intended to give more details about number of Yanomamo "The Yanomamo are by far the most numerous and best described of the four major divisions of Yanomamo. Population estimates put their numbers at 6,00
    • Ameya R
      i never knew some stuff this is a good site too bad we cant see the full thing
  • 0 around 1970 (Migliazza 1972:34), at...
Victoria B

Kivu/Virunga - Pygmy Kleinood(what are their cultures) - 0 views

  • During the formation of National Parks such as Virunga Park and Kahuzi Biega (where the mountain gorillas live), the Pygmies were removed from their ancestor’s land by force. The protection of gorillas is important and something that has to be done
    • Victoria B
      great info must use!
  • Environmental organisations all over the world are starting to carefully take initiatives to integrate the Batwa Pygmies in nature conservation programmes. After all, the Pygmies have a thorough knowledge of their own natural habitat...... Kleinood is now assisting the Gorilla Park management with complementary knowledge of the Pygmy way of live in order to avoid project failures. The Batwa Pygmies are now trying to survive in the savannah areas, without benefice of the forest products: a much marginalized existence. The cruel civil war in Congo has extremely traumatised the Pygmies and a lot of them are displaced and have become refugees. We find seriously ill Pygmies on a daily basis. They cannot afford any medical care. Kleinood takes them to local dispensaries and pays for their treatment. Agriculture Together with Stichting Vluchteling, Kleinood is developing agricultural and urgent food projects to fight starvation. At the same time we are encouraging the Pygmies to create their own food production. The Pygmy refugee camps are situated on porous, infertile lava land areas. To solve this problem we supplied 50 tons (!) of fertile and humus soil to create fields (shambas).
    Why they are not living in the rainforest
    Good website
    need to use this for one of my questions to send to(what are their cultures?)
Katie Day

Virtual trenches immerse students in First World War poetry : JISC - 0 views

  • The First World War Poetry Digital Archive and the Learning Technologies Group at Oxford University have collaborated on an exciting new project in the 3D virtual world Second Life to simulate areas of the Western Front 1914-18. The team believes this is the first time anything of its type has been done on Second Life. This project, which is funded by JISC, has arranged a range of digitised archival materials like poetry manuscripts, letters and diaries from the major poets of the First World War including Wilfred Owen, Isaac Rosenberg and Vera Brittain, along with contextual primary source materials. These materials have been supplemented with new interpretative content and a spectrum of interactive tools and tutorials, streaming video and audio effects.
    The First World War Poetry Digital Archive and the Learning Technologies Group at Oxford University have collaborated on an exciting new project in the 3D virtual world Second Life to simulate areas of the Western Front 1914-18. The team believes this is the first time anything of its type has been done on Second Life.
Gurupranav G

Pottery of ancient Greece - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Thanks to its relative durability, pottery is a large part of the lovely archaeological record of Ancient Greece, and because there is so much of it (some 100,000 vases are recorded in the Corpus vasorum antiquorum) it has exerted a disproportionately large influence on our understanding of Greek society. Little survives, for example, of ancient Greek painting except for what is found on the earthenware in everyday use, so we must trace the development of Greek art through its vestiges on a derivative art form. Nevertheless the shards of pots discarded or buried in the first millennium BC are still the best guide we have to the customary life and mind of the ancient Greeks. The pottery also has wonderful designs, such as the key symbol. Some were beautifully handcrafted, while others were unique and their patterns could not be described.
    • Gurupranav G
      Awesome ifo on pottery
Marius S

List of ongoing conflicts- Wikipedia - 2 views

  • Before 1000 Â· 1000–1499 Â· 1500–1799 Â· 1800–1899 Â· 1900–1944 Â· 1945–1989 Â· 1990–2002 Â· 2003–Current
Kengo M

Ecosystems of Our World - 0 views

  • What is a Biome?     A biome is a large area with similar flora, fauna, and microorganisms.  Most of us are familiar with the tropical rainforests, tundra in the arctic regions, and the evergreen trees in the coniferous forests. Each of these large communities contain species that are adapted to its varying conditions of water, heat, and soil.  For instance, polar bears thrive in the arctic while cactus plants have a thick skin to help preserve water in the hot desert.  To learn more about each of the major biomes, click on the appropriate heading to the right.  What is an Ecosystem?     Most of us are confused when it comes to the words ecosystem and biome.  What's the difference?  There is a slight difference between the two words.  An ecosystem is much smaller than a biome.  Conversely, a biome can be thought of many similar ecosystems throughout the world grouped together.  An ecosystem can be as large as the Sahara Desert, or as small as a puddle or vernal pool.     Ecosystems are dynamic interactions between plants, animals, and microorganisms and their environment working together as a functional unit.  Ecosystems will fail if they do not remain in balance.  No community can carry more organisms than its food, water, and shelter can accomodate.  Food and territory are often balanced by natural phenomena such as fire, disease, and the number of predators.  Each organism has its own niche, or role, to play.
    • Kengo M
      Learn what biomes and ecosystems are.
    What is a Biome? What is an Ecosystem?
Marius S

Facts of the Rainforest - 0 views

  • It is believed that over 50% of the world's species of plants and animals are found in the rainforest
    • Zina S
      Thats a lot!
    • Marius S
  •  Amazingly, only cover 6 - 7% of the total land surface on Earth is covered by rainforest.  On average, there are between 20 to 80 different species of trees per acre.  There is also a wide variety of animal life found in the rainforest.
    • Marius S
      Great website. Talks about the rainforest layers and more!
  • ...1 more annotation...
    It is believed that over 50% of the world's species of plants and animals are found in the rainforest.
Luke Whitehouse

Rainforest Facts :: Environmental Facts :: Young People's Trust for the Environment - 0 views

  • There are about 1,000 indigenous tribes in the rainforests of the world.
  • Those nearest the equator, where the climate is very hot and wet all through the year, are evergreen because the trees can grow all the time and so are always in leaf
  • Cloud forests are yet another type of rainforest, so-called because they can be found high up mountains, where they are nearly always in cloud. The climate here is very cool but extremely wet.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • (One hectare is equivalent to the area covered by two football pitches). More than a hectare of rainforest is lost every two seconds,
  • there will be no rainforest at all in just 40 years.
  • Logging only began in Indonesia ten years ago. It is estimated that in just ten more years, the timber stock will have been totally destroyed. In Thailand, 80% of the country's original forest has been cut down in the last 40 years.
  • Since the end of the Second World War about half the world's rainforest has been felled.
  • Forests are destroyed for a number of reasons:-Population GrowthTropical HardwoodCattle Grazing
  • A shortage of money prevents these countries from carrying out suitable conservation programmes.
  • It is estimated that every minute, 80 football pitches of rainforest are destroyed!
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