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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jose Banda


Could the College Campus Go the Way of the Bookstore? - 35 views

started by Abel De La Garza on 20 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
  • Jose Banda
    Abel--during our last Doctoral class we study MOOCs and we come to an understanding that most MOOCs are a great resource for students and for learning specific items. We had a great discussion on how does a professor account for the online presences or personalization of over 10 of thousands of students in some cases. Students need to have a personal engagement inorder for a student to learn that applies to online courses or a face 2 face course. Althought it is inexpensive for students and higher ed, I believe we still have ways to go.

the digital divide - 5 views

started by Jose Banda on 21 Apr 14 no follow-up yet

Google Glass - 6 views

started by Jose Banda on 08 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
  • Jose Banda
    Do you think that Google-Glass has a function in education?

Rise of the Super-Digital Native | Marcus T. Wright - 12 views

    It is always fun to show my college students some of the technology they used a few years ago and now have become something of the past--ex: floppy disk. The constant change of technology makes it a necessity for educators to continue to grow in the field of Educational technology. Although it is difficult to keep up it is a necessity.
    It is not the students that have issues with technology, it the teachers that struggle the most with learning new applications. Technology is constant and therefore the learning process for both students and teacher should also be constant.

What do you think about Introducing Tables with Google Play for Education? | Diigo Groups - 2 views

    Tablets are a great tool when used effectively in classrooms. Most of the my experiences have been that teachers are having a greater difficulty knowing what to do with the technology. This tool allows for instant research of questions--Millions of questions are asked of google every day--the video "Shift happens" says who were these questions asked to before google.

untitled - 0 views

    Martin- I always explain to my daughters that if I only would have known back in college what I know now things would be different. I strongly believe that college changes a person-- the more education or the more knowledge you acquire the person adds value. What a person makes out of that education is what is the most valuable, the educational experience. Is a college education important? It opens doors and provides opportunities, it provides structure, work ethics--Remember we finished our degrees-however the percentage of student that start do not complete is high. I would argue that college is a good investment--what I do not like is that college is an expensive investment.
    Technology are excellent learning tools, however too much of something can interfere with child development. My oldest daughter was punished for staying up late and reading with a flashlight during school nights. My youngest daughter gets in trouble for using too much her tablet or phone. When is the appropriate age for technology? My granddaughter uses her ipad and she is two--is this early? The digital students will always use technology, our responsibility is to teaching them responsible use.

Students, say goodbye to snow days -- and say hello to school at home - - 15 views

    This article discusses how some schools are using technology to hold "virtual school days" and continue the learning process during periods of school cancellation because of inclement weather.

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! - 50 views

started by Jaime Villanueva on 23 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
  • Jose Banda
    Education reform has to happen since society is constantly evolving and changing. I can not teach the same way I taught 20 years ago, or even five years ago. Technology has had a great impact on the way we teach and the way students learn. The teaching profession is trying to keep up with the pace of all these changes. We used an educational system that derived from an agricultural era and a believe that everyone has to go to college. Sir Robinson-states that we have an education system that is obsessed about everyone going to college. I agree that college is not for everyone and yet me must create productive citizens, individuals that contribute to society.
    Schubert states that curriculum " is a journey of learning, growing and becoming".

Web 2.0 Tools Resource Center - 55 views

started by Maricela Gonzalez on 19 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
  • Jose Banda
    My teachers are always looking for Web. 2.0 resources and enjoy teaching them the tools, the issue has always been how do the incorporate the technology into their lessons.I have notice that once they feel comfortable with the web tools the they start using or incorporating it into the lesson-self efficacy. During our discussion with technology I explain that the tools is not as important as the "impact" that the technology has on learning. Try Aurasma for augmented reality, Remind 101 for messaging, TodaysMeet for engagement, Educreations for podcasting, Pic Collage for storyboards and Scorative for assessment. QR codes are also excellent for ELA. Each tool requires time to learn then the hard part is to incorporated into the lesson.

Technology in the Classroom - Mobile Learning - 16 views

    Technology is moving fast and at times difficult to keep up with the trends. App night is a great way to keep the students and parents up with the resources that are available in the classrooms. The Thursday morning training for new apps also allows teacher to come up with ideas for lessons and way to engage students--this can become part of their PLCs- professional learning communities

Integrating Web 2.0 Tools into the Classroom: Changing the Culture of Learning | CCT - 25 views

    Every conference and every technology article you find new Web 2.0 tools that are new, just to keep us is an experience. Great article
    My new teacher have a good grasp on some of the new technology tools that are used as part of 21st century learning.What they are struggling in is on merging technology and pedagogical concepts into the classroom. The art of teaching and mastering technology.

NEA - Social Media Made Simple - 18 views

shared by Chris Aldrete on 30 Jan 14 - No Cached
Rene Zuniga liked it
    • Jose Banda
      Children are using social media as method of communicating, most kids do not talk on the phone they text or use social media.
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