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Drawing and colouring in the primary classroom - 3 views

    Here we look at different ways to use colouring and drawing and to practice English at the same time.
Marcos Lago

Biology of Plants - 7 views

    Easy topics on Botany
    It's really beautiful. I think that it's very important to design a unit with colours and pictures. The contents are great. I was remembering my childhood looking at the picture about the parts of the flower. I'm philosophy teacher and today I was explaining Aristotle. He and his disciples were great at biology. Nice website.
    It's a very interesting website.I think it is very visual and that students appreciate it. The contents are explained in a easy way.

A Christmas Lesson - 1 views

    This lesson uses the theme of Christmas to develop learners' vocabulary. It includes an introductory song, a focus on clothes words, a review of question and short answer forms using 'has got', and a labelling and colouring activity. There are suggestions for some other follow up Christmas activities.
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