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George Bradford

Connect your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac using Continuity - Apple Support - 0 views

    "Connect your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac using Continuity Continuity lets you seamlessly move between your iPhone, iPad, and Mac, or use them together. Continuity features include Handoff, Phone Calling, Instant Hotspot, and SMS. You can start an email or document on iPhone, for example, and then pick up where you left off on your iPad. You can use your iPad or Mac to make and receive phone calls through your iPhone."
George Bradford

Have iPhone, will travel-without a data plan | Ars Technica - 0 views

    "Have iPhone, will travel-without a data plan You can still use maps, navigate, and consume content without cellular data."
George Bradford

How can set the number of rings on my iPhone before voicemail picks up? | The iPhone FAQ - 0 views

    Change the time until voice mail for iPhone
George Bradford

MotionX® | MotionX-GPS Drive Tutorials - 0 views

    "MotionX-GPS Drive Tutorials"
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