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Home/ US History/ Essential Questions about slavery: A list collaboratively generated by B Block October 7, 2010
Kay Bradley

Essential Questions about slavery: A list collaboratively generated by B Block October 7, 2010 - 18 views

US History slavery

started by Kay Bradley on 07 Oct 10
  • Kay Bradley
    Essential Questions about slavery
    A list collaboratively generated by B Block 7 october, 2010

    Early Slavery: 1640s-1776
    1. Why wasn't there a major slave uprising?
    2. How were the slaves dehumanized by their owners?
    3. How did the slave owners speak with slaves if they didn't know English? How long did it take them to learn English?
    4. Did Europe use Africans for slavery like the Americans did?
    5. What were some of the initial reasons that slavery started?
    6. What country or who invented the first slave codes?
    7. How did Africa respond to the colonies taking slaves from their countries?
    8. How did warfare and existing slavery in Africa contribute to the rise of American slavery?
    9. What was the history of slavery in Africa?
    10. Why the shift from indentured servitude to African slavery?
    11. Was North American slavery qualitatively different from conditions of servitude, bondage, and human mistreatment of other humans that had existed in Europe for centuries? Why or why not?

    Slavery Develops: 1776-1808 and Slavery At Its Height: 1808-1865
    12. Were planters the only slave owners, or did people who didn't really need extra labor help also have slaves as personal servants?
    13. Did some slaves go back to Africa?
    14. How prevalent were slaves North of the Mason Dixon line?
    15. What's the history of the Mason Dixon line?
    16. On average, how many slaves died during the middle passage?
    17. What was the population of free blacks over time?
    18. Were children forced to do the same labor as adults?
    19. Were there gender division in labor?
    20. What did slaves do when they weren't working?
    21. On average how many slaves did the big plantation owners own during the height of slavery?
    22. What percentage of the population had slaves in the mid 1800s (=height of slavery)?
    23. How many Africans had been enslaved in total by the end of slavery in the US?
    24. Were there ever white slaves in the US?
    25. Were any of the slaves ever promoted to a higher position of authority over the others?

    After Slavery: 1865-current day
    26. What happened to former slaves after the slave system was abolished?
    27. After the abolition of slavery, did some slaves go back to Africa?

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