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Mathieu Plourde

Digital Graphic Facilitation at BC Campus - 0 views

    I was excited and honoured to be invited by BC Campus to be a graphic facilitator at their Open Educational Resources Forum (#OERforum) last week. When they first asked for me to be a graphic facilitator, of course I immediately said yes but I also felt a bit of trepidation as I have never done graphic facilitation before.
Mathieu Plourde

Graphic Display of Student Learning Objectives - 3 views

    A graphical display of this information might be helpful. Below is a graphic that depicts the student learning outcomes for a course I taught last year, a course for preservice teachers and the teaching of writing in K-12 schools.
    This is right on target for what I am trying to pull together for my major project for my program. Mat, when you designed your Fall 13 course - did Canvas have advantages over SAKAI when it came to the mechanics of assessing your students' work?
Mathieu Plourde

How To Cite Social Media In Scholarly Writing - 0 views

    "So when we saw the very useful teachbytes graphic above making some noise on pinterest on several different popular #edtech websites, it reminded us of the constant demands changing technologies place on existing ways we do business. When and in what contexts it makes sense to cite social media content is probably a more relevant post than sharing a graphic that simply shows the format, but they're both nice to have, yes?"
Mathieu Plourde

The Ultimate Social Media Sizing Cheat Sheet - 0 views

    "not only have the team at LunaMetrics revamped the look of their graphic, they've also updated the content so that it now includes all the latest social media sizing information for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn and Pinterest. See the infographic below for all that essential sizing goodness."
Mathieu Plourde

12 Ways to Design Better Infographics for eLearning - 0 views

    "Any visual communication can be improved with an understanding of design principles that help ensure viewers correctly perceive and interpret the elements of a graphic. To be effective, an infographic should accurately communicate its message, attract attention with its aesthetic appeal, and be visually efficient so it is easy to scan and perceive. Let's look at some ways to accomplish this in infographic design."
Mathieu Plourde

Britain vs. America in Minimalist Vintage Infographics - 0 views

    "ISOTYPE, the vintage visual language pioneered by Austrian sociologist, philosopher and curator Otto Neurath and his wife Marie in the 1930s, shaped modern information graphics and visual storytelling. America and Britain: Three Volumes in One, also known as Only an Ocean Between, is a wonderful 1946 out-of-print book by P. Sargant Florence and Lella Secor Florence from the golden age of ISOTYPE, kindly digitized by Michael Stoll, presenting a series of minimalist infographics that compare and contrast various aspects of life in Britain and the United States, a-la Paris vs. New York."
Mathieu Plourde

Viral Video Shows the Extent of U.S. Wealth Inequality - 0 views

    The issue of wealth inequality across the United States is well known, but this video shows you the extent of that imbalance in dramatic and graphic fashion.
Mathieu Plourde

Open-source books gain traction among University of Maryland professors - 0 views

    In 2010, Roberts was a graduate student working for the federal government while teaching introductory psychology at night. He didn't set aside a summer, a month or a few weeks to prepare his book - he created it on a week-by-week basis, often putting sections together late at night or early in the morning. Roberts, who provides his book free of charge to the university's PSYC 100: Introduction to Psychology classes, is part of a national growing open educational resources movement. These resources are published under a Creative Commons license, which allows for free use and sometimes editing, much like Wikipedia. Roberts' psychology textbook draws from free online information, videos and graphics.
Mathieu Plourde

Doceri - The Interactive Whiteboard for iPad. - 1 views

    The professional iPad interactive whiteboard and screencast recorder with sophisticated tools for hand-drawn graphics and remote desktop control. Learn more
Mathieu Plourde

Amazon launches Storyteller to turn scripts into storyboards - automagically - 0 views

    "Upload your script, choose some backgrounds, and magically created a professional-looking storyboard of your movie. Or the graphic novel version of your text-based anything. Amazon Studios released Storyteller today to allow writers and filmmakers to quickly, easily - and cheaply - storyboard their scripts. I've tried it, and while the service is still in beta, it's surprisingly good."
Mathieu Plourde

Using MOOC-like technologies in the new media classroom - 0 views

    "During the second half of the semester, student work outside the classroom is focused primarily on the completion of specialization badges. Students are encouraged to forge their own path through the course material by completing badges from the following categories: coding, industry analysis, graphic design, user experience, power user skills, and entrepreneurship. In order to earn an A grade on the badge component, students must master at least eight specialization badges. To ensure breadth, all students must complete at least one badge in each category in order to pass the course. (Note: Students were also allowed to pitch their own badges if they could make the case for the badge's connection to course themes.)"
Mathieu Plourde

Inkscape - 0 views

    "Inkscape is a professional vector graphics editor for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It's free and open source."
Mathieu Plourde

Citing Sources: A Quick and Graphic Guide - 0 views

    "Academia has lots and lots and lots of systems in place for assuring that credit is always given where credit is due. If you're writing a paper, there are particular ways to cite internet sources-- even tweets and Facebook posts. But what about on the internet? We know we're supposed to cite sources, but a standardized system hasn't developed, and in the meantime, you could face a lawsuit if you steal someone else's work, even by accident."
Mathieu Plourde

45 Simple Twitter Tips Everyone Should Know About - 0 views

    elegantly organized set of infographics detailing the step-by-step process of using Twitter and making it work for you. Here are some of the key questions answered in the set of graphics by Cheryl Lawson below. Some tips are geared towards businesses but I know that many of them will benefit the Edudemic audience too!
Mathieu Plourde

State of the Higher Education LMS Market: A Graphical View - 0 views

    "The transformation of the higher education LMS market continues, and I expect more changes over the next 2 - 3 years. However, it seems time to capture the state of the market based on changes over the past year or two."
Mathieu Plourde

Instagram Apps to Take Graphics From Good to GREAT - 0 views

    "Not Photoshop proficient? No problem! With the right apps - you can create the perfect Instagram image in a snap!"
Mathieu Plourde

Here are 24 cognitive biases that are warping your perception of reality - 0 views

    "Today's infographic comes to us from School of Thought, a non-profit dedicated to spreading critical thinking. The graphic describes 24 of the key biases that warp our sense of reality, providing useful examples along the way."
Mathieu Plourde

(RE)VITALIZE VISUALS » The Community Mural at Educon 2.5 - 0 views

    I have somewhere around 25-30 pages of visual notes, which I will share in the next few days. For now, I wanted to share our community mural and the little video we created to introduce it to the world.
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