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Mathieu Plourde

ARIS - Mobile Learning Experiences - Creating educational games on the iPhone - 0 views

    "ARIS is a user-friendly, open-source platform for creating and playing mobile games, tours and interactive stories. Using GPS and QR Codes, ARIS players experience a hybrid world of virtual interactive characters, items, and media placed in physical space."
Mathieu Plourde

America's Problem: How the World is "Beating Us" in a Battle We Don't Necessarily Want ... - 0 views

    "We force our youth into taking virtually all the same classes, subject them to the same standardized tests, and judge their future worth and potential off an average. In doing so, we bring smart students down to an average level, ignore average students, make under-achieving students feel absolutely hopeless, and leave brilliant students unchallenged and completely unmotivated. By destroying this natural variation we suppress the best parts of our human condition; the unique strengths and individualistic tendencies that lie within all of us."
Mathieu Plourde

Best Places to Find Free Images Online - - 0 views

    "If you are frequently sharing images online it's essential to have a virtual rolodex of go-to websites where you can quickly and effectively find free images. Not only that- but it's important that you have websites in which the legal restrictions are clear and concise. Below you will find my go-to list of the best sources for finding free photos for sharing online. I've also included some of my favorite paid resources as well just in case."
Mathieu Plourde

Why do academics blog? It's not for public outreach, research shows - 0 views

    "After conducting this small study we have come to think about academic blogging in two ways. Firstly, many bloggers are talking together in a kind of giant, global virtual common room. Over at one table there is a lively, even angry, conversation about working conditions in academia in different parts of the world. In a different corner another group are discussing their latest research projects and finding common themes. Another table houses a group of senior and early career academics discussing how to land a book contract and write a good CV. There is also a meeting going on about public policy, and this involves a number of public and third sector people, as well as academics, who work in the area."
Mathieu Plourde

Three Social Trends That Will Influence Education in 2014 - 0 views

    "There is strong, if not overwhelming evidence that behaviour patterns of students, educators, employees and professionals are moving towards the use of social tools for learning, working and teaching. Collaborating seamlessly face-to-face and at a distance, bringing the human element to virtual interactions, and personalized learning will prevail in 2014; each facilitated by technology. But it's not going to be about the technology, it will be about making connections by voice and/or visual, contributing to new knowledge, and learning with and from others-all mediated through social media. It will be the behaviours of students, lifelong learners and educators-their use of technology, specifically social media applications that will influence education in the upcoming year."
Mathieu Plourde

Hapkit - 0 views

    "Hapkit is an open-hardware haptic device designed to be very low-cost and easy to assemble. Hapkit allows users to input motions and feel programmed forces in one degree of freedom. This enables interactive simulation of virtual environments that represent realistic physics (such as springs and dampers) and creative new touch sensations (like textures and buttons). The Hapkit can be assembled using household tools, costs less than $50 for all components, including the microcontroller board, and is easily set up and programmed by novices."
Mathieu Plourde

Google Connected Classrooms - 0 views

    "If you're a teacher, join the Connected Classrooms Community to learn more about virtual field trips for your students."
Mathieu Plourde

Carts Before Horses: Growth in Online Learning for Students, but Who Will Teach Their I... - 0 views

    "We contend that the real issue - and the one that largely goes unaddressed - is that the majority of people who teach online are given virtually no assistance in learning how to teach online. Professional development for these instructors is limited to lunch 'n' learns, basic learning platform support, and other technology-related resources, but generally fails to expose instructors to the best techniques for online instruction."
Mathieu Plourde

Your Life In 2020 - 0 views

    "But if technology and the ability to be connected disappear further into the background, what will occupy our foreground? A bit of the humanity we've always valued in the "real world." Legislators who are currently fixated on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education as the key to innovation will realize that STEM needs some STEAM-some art in the equation. We'll witness a return to the integrity of craft, the humanity of authorship, and the rebalancing of our virtual and physical spaces. We'll see a 21st-century renaissance in arts- and design-centered approaches to making things, where you-the individual-will take center stage in culture and commerce."
Mathieu Plourde

Robots connect with students on autism spectrum - 0 views

    Robots are opening new channels of communication for students on the autism spectrum or those with other disabilities. Educators at New York City's special education District 75 say the NAO robot-a bright-eyed, two-foot-tall humanoid developed by Aldebaran Robotics-is now considered a virtual classmate by some students.
Mathieu Plourde

Arizona State Working with Community Colleges in Interactive OER Pilot - 0 views

    "What Anbar has in mind is something he calls "active OER." That's taking the standard digital textbook and expanding it with the addition of digital resources, including simulations that are both interactive and adaptive. "The learner doesn't just move something around in the simulation but actually gets prompting feedback that guides them to success," he explained. That's where Smart Sparrow comes in: The company produces aero, a learning platform that allows the instructor to pull together lessons from a set of templates that can include text, tests, assessments, virtual labs and field trips, and other digital components. For the purposes of the consortium, those elements would be pulled from OER materials."
Mathieu Plourde

Learning analytics in higher education - 0 views

    "Every time a student interacts with their university - be that going to the library, logging into their virtual learning environment or submitting assessments online - they leave behind a digital footprint. Learning analytics is the process of using this data to improve learning and teaching. Learning analytics refers to the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of data about the progress of learners and the contexts in which learning takes place. Using the increased availability of big datasets around learner activity and digital footprints left by student activity in learning environments, learning analytics take us further than data currently available can."
Mathieu Plourde

Working together when we're not together - 0 views

    "We were happy to find no difference in the effectiveness, performance ratings,  or promotions for individuals and teams whose work requires collaboration with colleagues around the world versus Googlers who spend most of their day to day working with colleagues in the same office. Well-being standards were uniform across the board as well; Googlers or teams who work virtually find ways to prioritize a steady work-life balance by prioritizing important rituals like a healthy night's sleep and exercise just as non-distributed team members do. At the same time, we did hear from Googlers that working with colleagues across the globe can make it more difficult to establish connections-in many senses of the word. Coordinating schedules across time zones and booking a conference room for a video chat takes more logistical brain power than dropping by a coworkers desk for a meeting over coffee. The technology itself can also be limiting- glitchy video or faulty sound makes impromptu conversations that help teammates get to know, and trust each other, seem like more trouble than they're worth."
Mathieu Plourde

Florida OER Summit - Sept 7-8, 2017 - 0 views

    "Florida Virtual Campus is pleased to announce Florida's first Open Educational Resources Summit. Hear from Cable Green, director of Open Education and other national and campus leaders involved in defining and driving OER strategy and initiatives."
Mathieu Plourde

Cass Sunstein's '#Republic' explores dangers of social media curation - Harvard Gazette - 0 views

    "an unfortunate and largely unintended consequence of the rise of social media is that instead of being better informed and exposed to ever-broadening viewpoints, research shows that Americans today are more polarized and draw from shrinking pools of news. Many people now operate in virtual gated communities as a result of their culled Facebook and Twitter feeds and the opaque corporate algorithms that organize people into invisible groups."
Mathieu Plourde

Blockchain Micro-Learning Platform to Help Students Earn as They Learn - 0 views

    "According to Code of Talent, micro-learning is the solution that instructors, learners and employers deserve. This technique involves daily learning sessions which are 10 minutes in length, in a virtual environment where there is a maximum of 40 participants per educator (also known as a "content provider.")"
Mathieu Plourde

F8 2017 Keynote - 0 views

    "Mark Zuckerberg and other Facebook leaders talk about the future of artificial intelligence and virtual reality."
Mathieu Plourde

How Online Can Save Small, Private Colleges from Going Under - 0 views

    "One strategy for these colleges to avoid extinction is to diversify-to avoid a precarious reliance on residential students. And one way to do that is by adding online programs to the mix. The challenge for many small colleges is that they see online courses as at odds with their very identity. After all, these institutions embrace intimacy as central to their mission, with close, mentoring relationships between faculty and students, and deep, comradely connections among students-essential ingredients of highly engaged learning. For many, online fails to meet these crucial education ambitions. Instead, they reject virtual instruction as alienated learning, with isolated faculty and students coldly facing inert computer screens-not one another."
Mathieu Plourde

DRAFT: Promoting Grit, Tenacity, and Perseverance-Critical Factors for Success in the 2... - 1 views

    "Big data is everywhere-even in education. Researchers and developers of online learning, intelligent tutoring systems, virtual labs, simulations, and learning management systems are exploring ways to better understand and use learning analytics to improve teaching and learning."
    We face a critical need to prepare children and adolescents to thrive in the 21st century-an era of rapidly evolving technology, demanding and collaborative STEM knowledge work, changing workforce needs, economic volatility, and unacceptable achievement gaps. This report takes a close look at a core set of noncognitive factors-grit, tenacity, and perseverance-that are essential to an individual's capacity to strive for and succeed at important goals, and to persist in the face of an array of challenges encountered throughout schooling and life.
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